[Solved]Orbit camera around a rotating object

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/[Solved]Orbit camera around a rotating object

Tabb(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hi all,

I'm trying to make an orbit camera around a ship that is moving and rotating. With Right mouse down the mouse rotates the ship, and A or E key.
QSZD key (azerty) moves the ship.
With Alt key the camera moves.

My problem is that if the ship is in its initial position and orientation, the orbit cam works nicely. But, once the ship is not in initial orientation, the orbit cam is not in the same axis system. I tried many thing and read all MoveEntity, RotateEntity, etc descriptions but I can't figure out how to do.

Thank you for your help ! :)

(Many things in my code need to be optimized, its the begining of the project and I'm new to Blitz3D.)

;Freelancer by Tabb

; Camera position, angle values
Global fCam_x#,fCam_y#,fCam_z#,fCam_pitch#,fCam_yaw#,fCam_roll#,fCam_pitch2#,fCam_yaw2#,fCam_roll2#	; Current
Global fDest_cam_x#,fDest_cam_y#,fDest_cam_z#,fDest_cam_pitch#,fDest_cam_yaw#,fDest_cam_roll#		; Destination
Global mzs# = 0,mxs#,mys#
Global fAngle_cam# = 0,fHeight_cam# = 1, fZoom_distance_cam#=-4

; Graphics values
Const iWidth=1280,iHeight=720,iDepth=32	
Graphics3D iWidth,iHeight
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

sphere=LoadMesh( "geosphere.3ds" )
PositionEntity sphere,0,0,7

ScaleEntity sphere,100,100,100
ScaleTexture tex,0.2,0.2
EntityTexture sphere,tex

; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Player ...
; ---------------------------------------------------------------

Global ship = CreatePivot ()
Global shipMesh = LoadMesh ("msh/ship.x", ship)
MoveEntity shipMesh, -2.5, 0, -1
ScaleEntity shipMesh, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
EntityRadius ship, 1.6
EntityShininess shipMesh, 1

; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Attach camera to player ...
; ---------------------------------------------------------------

CameraViewport camera,0,0,iWidth,iHeight
PositionEntity camera, 0, EntityY (pivot_cam) + 1, -4
EntityParent pivot_cam, ship
EntityParent camera, pivot_cam
PositionEntity ship, 10, 50, -200

; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; Main loop ...
; ---------------------------------------------------------------

While Not KeyHit(1)
	;ship zoom
	If KeyDown(74)=True Or MouseZSpeed() < 0 Or KeyDown(78)=True Or MouseZSpeed() > 0 Then ship_zoom(camera,ship)
	If EntityDistance (camera,ship) > 20 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1
	If EntityDistance (camera,ship) > 30 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,5
	;fZoom_distance_cam = EntityDistance (camera,ship)
	; Rotate cam arround ship
	If KeyDown(56)=True	Then rotate_camera(camera,ship,pivot_cam)
	; centering view
	If KeyDown(46)=True Then
		;PositionEntity camera, EntityX(ship), EntityY(ship), EntityZ(ship)
		;PositionEntity pivot, EntityX(ship), EntityY(ship), EntityZ(ship)
		RotateEntity pivot_cam,EntityPitch(ship),EntityYaw(ship),EntityRoll(ship),False
		;PointEntity camera, ship,0
		;MoveEntity camera, 0,0,-1
	; Ship rotate
	If MouseDown(2) Or KeyDown(16) Or KeyDown(18) Then rotate_ship()
	; Ship move
	If KeyDown(17)=True Or KeyDown(31)=True Or KeyDown(57)=True Or KeyDown(45)=True Or KeyDown(32)=True Or KeyDown(30)=True Then move_ship(ship)
	; Rest mouse position to centre of screen
	MoveMouse iWidth/2,iHeight/2
	;Text 320,500,"Movement & Rotation"
	Text 50,460,"X "+EntityX(camera)
	Text 50,440,"Y "+EntityY(camera)
	Text 50,420,"Z "+EntityZ(camera)
	Text 50,400,"cam yaw "+EntityYaw(pivot_cam)
	Text 50,380,"cam pitch "+EntityPitch(pivot_cam)
	Text 50,360,"cam roll "+EntityRoll(pivot_cam)
	Text 50,340,"ship yaw "+EntityYaw(ship)
	Text 50,320,"ship pitch "+EntityPitch(ship)
	Text 50,300,"ship roll "+EntityRoll(ship)

Function rotate_ship()
	If MouseDown(2) Then
		TurnEntity ship,0,-MouseXSpeed()/10,0
		TurnEntity ship,MouseYSpeed()/10,0,0
	If KeyDown(16)	Then
		TurnEntity ship,0,0,1
	ElseIf KeyDown(18)	Then
		TurnEntity ship,0,0,-1

End Function

Function rotate_camera(camera,ship,pivot_cam)

	fHeight_cam = fHeight_cam + MouseYSpeed()*0.25	
	fAngle_cam = fAngle_cam - MouseXSpeed()*0.25
	TurnEntity pivot_cam,fHeight_cam,fAngle_cam,0
	PointEntity camera,ship,fCam_roll

End Function

Function ship_zoom(camera,ship)
	;ship zoom
	If KeyDown(74)=True Or MouseZSpeed() < 0 Then
		If EntityDistance (camera,ship) < 20 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-0.1
	If KeyDown(78)=True Or MouseZSpeed() > 0 Then
		If EntityDistance (camera,ship) > 2 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1
	If EntityDistance (camera,ship) > 20 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1
	If EntityDistance (camera,ship) > 30 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,5
	fZoom_distance_cam = EntityDistance (camera,ship)
End Function

Function move_ship(ship)
	; Ship move
	; Forward/backwards - destination camera move z values
	If KeyDown(17)=True Then fDest_cam_z=1
	If KeyDown(31)=True Then fDest_cam_z=-1

	; Up/down - destination camera move y values
	If KeyDown(57)=True Then fDest_cam_y=1
	If KeyDown(45)=True Then fDest_cam_y=-1
	; Strafe - destination camera move x values
	If KeyDown(32)=True Then fDest_cam_x=1
	If KeyDown(30)=True Then fDest_cam_x=-1
	; Current camera move x, y and z values

	; Move ship
	MoveEntity ship,fCam_x,fCam_y,fCam_z
	fDest_cam_x=0 : fDest_cam_y=0 : fDest_cam_z=0
End Function

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2014) [#2]
IIRC there's a 'PointEntity' command. Maybe that will help?

Tabb(Posted 2014) [#3]
I have already tryied this command, but if this is the solution, I wasn't able to do it right.

The camera is child of a pivot whitch is child of the ship and at the same position. So I make the pivot rotate to move the camera.

Floyd(Posted 2014) [#4]
Here's the method I've used to look around on a planet.

There are two pivots. One for moving north/south and another for east/west. And the camera can move closer/farther.

Graphics3D 1000, 700, 0, 2
WireFrame True

sph = CreateSphere()
cam = CreateCamera()

yPivot = CreatePivot()
xPivot = CreatePivot()

EntityParent yPivot, sph
EntityParent xPivot, yPivot
EntityParent cam, xPivot

PositionEntity cam, 0, 0, -10
CameraZoom cam, 4

; Arrow keys and mouse wheel move the camera.
While Not KeyDown(1)
	TurnEntity yPivot, 0, 0.1 * ( KeyDown(205) - KeyDown(203) ), 0
	TurnEntity xPivot, 0.1 * ( KeyDown(200) - KeyDown(208) ), 0, 0
	MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, 0.2 * MouseZSpeed()

Tabb(Posted 2014) [#5]
Thank you very much. Now the camera is rotating good even if the ship is rotating :)