Problem with LoadMaskedAnimTexture() ?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Problem with LoadMaskedAnimTexture() ?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hi all. I was wondering why this isn't removing all masked pixels no matter how big the quad / texture size is.

Here is the link to the media along with the source and a compiled version of the above source code in order to show the problem I'm having.!jgthBQQZ!Dwu7HzVlLg1K5tyDYXW5Whps_FBgWl39nTWNfkd1m24

Thank You to all that help!


RGR(Posted 2014) [#2]
Textures are loaded 32x32 32x64 64x64 64x128 etc. Power of 2

Your 4x32x48 Sprite gets obviously loaded as 4x32x64
After loading a texture you must check the actual size with TextureWidth and TextureHeight if you want to paint on it ...

	texture = LoadAnimTexture (f$, flags, width, height, startframe, frames)
	If texture
		tempwidth = TextureWidth(texture)
		tempheight = TextureHeight(texture)
		tBuffer = GraphicsBuffer ()									; Store current graphics buffer
		For loop = 0 To frames - 1									; Do each frame in turn
			SetBuffer TextureBuffer (texture, loop)					; Use texture frame's buffer

			LockBuffer GraphicsBuffer ()							; Lock it for 'fast' pixel access
			; Read each pixel of texture frame...			
			For x = 0 To tempwidth - 1

				For y = 0 To tempheight - 1
					rgb = ReadPixelFast (x, y) And $00FFFFFF		; Read pixel, strip alpha value			
					If rgb = trgb ;((r Shl 16) + (g Shl 8) + b)			; If pixel = rgb mask...
						WritePixelFast x, y, $00000000				; ... make transparent, else...
					Else											; Not rgb mask pixel, so...
						WritePixelFast x, y, rgb Or $FF000000		; ... make 'solid'

			UnlockBuffer GraphicsBuffer ()							; Unlock texture buffer
		SetBuffer tBuffer											; Restore graphics buffer
		Return texture												; Hand back the AnimTexture...