Fastlibs memory leak debug mode ...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Fastlibs memory leak debug mode ...

Yue(Posted 2014) [#1]
Include "..\Includes III\"
Include "..\Includes III\"
Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
Local Camara% = CreateCamera()
Local Cubo% = CreateCube()
Local Luz% = CreateLight()
Local Textura% = LoadTexture("Data\imagenes\Yue.png")
EntityTexture Cubo%,Textura%
PositionEntity Cubo%,0,0,10
        If KeyDown(200) Then
                ;ClearWorld True,True,True
                R% = Rand(0,1)
                Select R%
                        Case 0
                                Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
                        Case 1
                                Graphics3D 1024,768,32,2
                End Select
                Camara% = CreateCamera()
                Cubo% = CreateCube()
                Luz% = CreateLight()
                PositionEntity Cubo%,0,0,10
                Textura% = LoadTexture("Data\imagenes\Yue.png")
                EntityTexture Cubo%,Textura%
        End If
        Text 0,0,FPS%()
        Text 0,10,AvailVidMem()/1024/1024
    Flip 0
Until KeyHit(1)
Global FPSCount = 0
Global FPSCountTemp = 0
Global FPSTime = 0
Function FPS()
        If (MilliSecs()-FPSTime)>=1000 Then
                FPSTime = MilliSecs()
                FPSCount = FPSCountTemp
                FPSCountTemp = 0
        FPSCountTemp = FPSCountTemp + 1
        Return FPSCount
End Function

Oster(Posted 2014) [#2]
no, no, no, you should try to work on another engine, things tend to be much easier for what you aspire to do, why not try to create Pawn with Unity, sure you would get better results. In this case I see you always run into a problem and the project dies.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2014) [#3]
Let him do what he wants. -.-

Yue(Posted 2014) [#4]
I think Oster gives me a very sensible advice, I tried many times with Blitz3D, but now the problem is not mine, if not the tools and would continue wasting time trying something that does not fit my features, I guess that's the price to pay for not being a programmer, and I give you the time and if I dare try it with Unity.
For I do not want to know anything about Pawn, and sent him to hell.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2014) [#5]
Yue,do not get discouraged. Learning to program is a game of trial and error. If you fall off the horse, dust yourself off and get back on the back of the nasty beast. We do admire what you have been showing so far, it would be a waste to go to Unity. If people want to use Unity, why are they here?