Height and width of Desktop?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Height and width of Desktop?

Yue(Posted 2013) [#1]
It is possible somehow recover from within Blitz3D the width and height of the windows desktop?, The fact is that my application recognizes (Menu) all display modes available on the graphics card, but if the end user decides to execute the screen relosución highest screen mode application, it runs the RISG to overcome the current windows on the desktop and the field of view of the application is reduced.

Then wanted to know if it is possible to recover the data (windows desktop width and height) to windows screen mode, taken as a maximum instead of pass that data.

Yasha(Posted 2013) [#2]
Yes. See here: http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=21501

(...or just copy this code:
; User32.decls
.lib "user32.dll"
User32_GetSystemMetrics% (nIndex%) : "GetSystemMetrics"

;Blitz code
Global DesktopWidth  = User32_GetSystemMetrics(0)
Global DesktopHeight = User32_GetSystemMetrics(1)


Yue(Posted 2013) [#3]
:D thanks!! i'am happy :)

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#4]
Thanks Yash,
That's an interesting Function, GetSystemMetrics(#)

; sources:
; http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=100455
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724385%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

I made this small demo showing various uses of GetSystemMetrics(#)


Next, is a simple demonstration of saving graphics modes in an array using the default B3D functions.
( These are apparently the FULL SCREEN modes. )

Type Gmode    ; Create a listing of graphics modes
         Field x,y  ; width, height 
         Field d    ; depth
End Type 

 Graphics 800,500,32,2

 Dim Gr.Gmode( countModes )
 Local  gg.gmode
 For z= 1 To countModes
          gg = New Gmode
          gg\x = GfxModeWidth(z)
          gg\y = GfxModeHeight(z)
          gg\d = GfxModeDepth(z)
          Gr(z) = gg

 Print "  There are " + countModes + "  graphics modes available as shown: "
 For z= 1 To countModes  ;; First, list all those with depth=16          
          If Gr(z)\d =16                   

                      Print"  mode ="+z+"   width ="+Gr(z)\x+ "  height="+Gr(z)\y+"  depth = 16 "
          End If 
 For z= 1 To countModes  ;; Next, list all those with depth=32
          If Gr(z)\d =32
                      Print"  mode ="+z+"   width ="+Gr(z)\x+ "  height="+Gr(z)\y+"  depth = 32 "
          End If 


My results show that my computer has 24 graphics modes, where
all the even modes have depth=32, and
all the odd modes have depth=16

Yue(Posted 2013) [#5]
My code.

; Scaneo de Modos Gráfricos.
Function ScaneoModoVideo%()
	Local X% 
	If Copia_WIND% =  0 Then 
		For X% = 1 To CountGfxModes3D()
			If GfxModeDepth(X) = 16  Then 
					BCF_AddComboBoxItem%(CMB_ModoVideo%,GfxModeWidth(X%) + " X " + GfxModeHeight(X%) + " -" + GfxModeDepth(X%) +"-",55,X%)
			End If 
		For X% = 1 To CountGfxModes3D()
			If GfxModeDepth(X) = 32  Then 
				BCF_AddComboBoxItem%(CMB_ModoVideo%,GfxModeWidth(X%) + " X " + GfxModeHeight(X%) + " -" + GfxModeDepth(X%) +"-",55,X%)
			End If 
	End If 
	If Copia_WIND% = 1
		For X% = 1 To CountGfxModes3D()
			If GfxModeDepth(X) = 32  
				If  GfxModeWidth(X)  <= EscritorioAncho%    And GfxModeHeight(X) <= EscritorioAlto%	
					BCF_AddComboBoxItem%(CMB_ModoVideo%,GfxModeWidth(X%) + " X " + GfxModeHeight(X%) + " -" + GfxModeDepth(X%) +"-",55,X%)
				End If 
			End If 
	End If 
	If InitGameFirst% = True Then 
		BCF_SelectedComboBoxValue%(CMB_ModoVideo%,"800 X 600 -32-")
		If Copia_WIND% = 1 And GfxModeDepth(Copia_ModoVideo%) = 16
			Copia_ModoVideo% = Copia_ModoVideo% +1
		End If 
	End If 
End Function 

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#6]
Isn't there a command for that already (ie DesktopWidth() and DesktopHeight()) that gets the screen resolution???

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#7]
re "Isn't there a command for that already .."

We use the ones Yasha invented:

I don't think Blitz3d has an equivalent command.

Native_Monitor_X = User32_GetSystemMetrics(0)
Native_Monitor_Y = User32_GetSystemMetrics(1)

Yasha(Posted 2013) [#8]
Hey hey don't give me credit for those, all I did was find the older forum post. Credit for those finds belongs to user "fredborg" (hasn't posted here in years but made some cool stuff back in the day).