animation only while keydown...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/animation only while keydown...

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#1]
I have Been struggling with blitz3d's animation commands for a long time. My game's main character should only play an animation sequence when holding the key down. Can somebody skilled in animation on Blitz3d give me Some Advice please?

Thank you! :)

I am on mobile so dont have good typing skills with thi virtual keyboard. Sorry.

You can Download last Year preview version 0f my application at homepage.

Yasha(Posted 2013) [#2]
To start, you could try something like this:

If Keydown(N)
    If Not Animating(ent) Then Animate ent, 1, ...
    If Animating(ent) Then Animate ent, 0

This method will just start the animation again when the key is next pressed, instead of resuming it wherever it left off: to do that, you'd need to build a semi-custom animation management system using SetAnimTime. (I'm terrible with animations, my skill ends here.)

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#3]
Thanks Yasha. I have Been using this method, but I have problems switching to other animations. Sorry I didn't mention that in my first post.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#4]
Why doesn't the object animate while it is moving? It is using bone animation, I think.
     If Not Debug=1
		If KeyDown(200)
			MoveEntity cube,0,0,.25
			If Not Animating(cube) Then Animate cube, 1,.1,walk
			If Animating(cube) Then Animate cube, 1,.1,walk

JohnT(Posted 2013) [#5]
As far as I can see, you are starting the animation if it is not animating AND again if it is animating! At a guess, the effect you are seeing is a stuttering of the start of the animation while the key is held down.

You are missing the Else part from Yasha's example. Maybe putting in the Else condition will help.

_PJ_(Posted 2013) [#6]
		If KeyDown(200)
			MoveEntity cube,0,0,.25
                        Animate cube, 1,.1,walk
			Animate cube, 1,.1,idle

JohnT(Posted 2013) [#7]
@_PJ_: Ok, that too will just produce the stutter effect.

Try it this way:

    If Not Debug=1
		If KeyDown(200)
			MoveEntity cube,0,0,.25
			If Not Animating(cube) Then Animate cube, 1,.1,walk
			If Animating(cube) Then Animate cube, 0

Change Animate cube, 0 to whatever you have for stopped state.

This sort of thing is not really about knowing how to animate, it's about knowing applied logic. It's a requirement to understand logic rules as a coder no matter which language you are using :)

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#8]
Don't mind me asking but what is the difference between else and elseif having to do with my problem?
My blitz3d has gotten a little rusty as I haven't really used it since last December + my short term memory loss makes me forget a lot of things. Sorry.

Kryzon(Posted 2013) [#9]
Your Complex Character™: lots of sequences (idle, running, attack, death1, death2 etc.).

How to manage them:
1) Figure the current state the character is in.
2) Update his animation based on that state.

;Section 1 (figure the best current state):

kUp = KeyDown(200)
kDown = KeyDown(208)

If kUP=1 And kDown=0 Then currentState = STATE_MOVE_FORWARD
If kUp=0 And kDown=1 Then currentState = STATE_MOVE_BACKWARD
If (kUp+kDown)<>1 Then currentState = STATE_IDLE

;Section 2 (update movements, anims, settings based on state):

Select currentState
		MoveEntity cube,0,0,.25 ;Forward
		If AnimSeq(cube)<>ANIM_SEQ_FORWARD Then Animate cube,1,.1,ANIM_SEQ_FORWARD

		MoveEntity cube,0,0,-.25 ;Back
		If AnimSeq(cube)<>ANIM_SEQ_BACKWARD Then Animate cube,1,.1,ANIM_SEQ_BACKWARD

		If AnimSeq(cube)<>ANIM_SEQ_IDLE Then Animate cube,1,.1,ANIM_SEQ_IDLE
End Select

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2013) [#10]
But the character is now moving forward regardless of whether I am pressing the up key.?

Kryzon(Posted 2013) [#11]
It only moves when you call MoveEntity. If you read your code very carefully you'll find that you're not putting your character into an idle state where it stays still, with no mention of MoveEntity being made.

DRH(Posted 2013) [#12]
I think I have a decent suggestion.

this is more of a way to separate the movement and animation arguments from the keydown arguments to help organize it all.

I would have an integer be responsible for which animation your character is ordered to do when it is at a certain value, then have your animation and movement commands be inside a select case argument so that when you have the keydown, in another function to keep everything in its own step, then when you hold the key down the keydown argument keeps the value as it is or if the key is not down then that integer will return to a basic value for idle animation, you could build in an effect for a transition animation as the value could decrease by 1 every frame until it reaches zero, then during that transition period the animation your character goes through is both speed reduction as the animation slows down based on the integer.


if keydown()
if forward>0

;;;;I prefer an if statement.

If forward>0

;;your animation commands and somehow link that forward integer to the anim speed.

elseif forward=0

;; tell it to idle animate, or if already idle animating, then to continue.


;; once it reaches zero, if the character isn't going any other direction, have an idle animation or a couple that the character loops through.

I don't know if this helps but if you have this argument then your character should always be animated whether it is the forward moving anim or the idle anim it defaults to.