Modifiers to Random numbers to help AI learn..

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Modifiers to Random numbers to help AI learn..

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#1]
Ok so I am coding a program for a proof of concept kinda, beside the point.

In this program I need my "player" to randomly choose a function to "run" for example he could randomly use MOVE and he would randomly move BUT say I wanted move to be picked more often, then how would I do that?

Yasha(Posted 2013) [#2]
Since you're selecting integers from a short range, there is a very simple way to do this that doesn't involve complex weighting algorithms:

1. Normalise your weights so that they are all whole numbers (or better, only work with integer weights, and keep them as small as possible)

2. Sum the weights for each option (so if A has weight 1, B has weight 2 and C has weight 4, the total we need is 7)

3. Use this number N to allocate a bank or array of this many slots

4. Place each option into as many array slots as match its weighting (A goes in the first slot, B is put in both the second and third slots, C goes in the remaining four slots)

5. Generate a random integer X between 0 and N-1

6. Return the option at array[X] as your weighted-rand result!

As you can see, this will rapidly become inefficient if you have a very large number of options, a very large difference in weighting requiring massive duplication, or need to generate floating-point results along a smooth curve. But it's a start and sounds like it should be sufficient for your purposes.

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#3]
ooooh ok I see!, clever! I think I understand fully but I will need to try and make a example for myself just to make sure, thank you for the fast response and help!

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#4]
hmmm I am having far more trouble with this than I thought... any sort of example you could give me in code? not the entire thing, I'm not here to mooch just something to help me understand a bit more..

K(Posted 2013) [#5]
Text diagram time!
SLOT_#    0-1-2-3-4-5-6

Or... (A becomes 1 etc.)
Dim S%(7)
Chosen_Action=S( Rand(0,6) )

Different AI's could load different templates from files to banks using ReadBytes(). Become comfortable with Arrays before using Banks extensively.

To integrate, use a 1-D 'Blitz Array' rather than a Dim() one...
Type Enemy
Field mesh%
Field Health%,typ%
Field Speed#
Field AI[10];Assuming you only weight 10 slots.
End Type

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#6]
but wait how could I dynamically add weights in the program while it's running?

K(Posted 2013) [#7]
Aha.. good query.
Dim S%(7)
;Assuming 5 slots.
Target=2;We want to add a 2 at the expense of 3 in this example.
If (t=0)And(S(k)=Target)
If (t=1)And(S(k)<>Target)t=2
Until t=2

This code changes slot 3 toa value of 2. To do at the expense of the value below, you need a different routine to count backwards. They could beturned into Functions accepting B_Arrays as input...
Function AddUp(Array[5],Target)
If (t=0)And(S(k)=Target)
If (t=1)And(S(k)<>Target)t=2
If k>4and t<>2 t=-1 : Exit
Until t=2
If t<>-1 S(k)=Target
End Function

Function AddDn(Array[5],Target)
If (t=0)And(S(k)=Target)
If (t=1)And(S(k)<>Target)t=2
If k<0and t<>2 t=-1 : Exit
Until t=2
If t<>-1 S(k)=Target
End Function

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#8]
wait sorry I am not good with Arrays so I might be missing something but what is the variable "t" represent...? and K I suppose :P

K(Posted 2013) [#9]
K is the slot number... call it what you want. t signals several possibilities.

-1>>Target is not in array
+0>>Not found target.
+1>>Found target area
+2>>Found end of target area; k now pointed at area+/- 1

Sorry, inadequate explaining.

Kryzon(Posted 2013) [#10]
Remember you can also use Banks to perform what Yasha said. Banks have the added benefit of simpler handles. You access banks with integer handles, so you can store these handles in types, send them to functions etc. and you don't need to have a defined size for them.

That is, you don't need to set a size limit; you can query the bank size at the moment you compute the random number.

Stevie G(Posted 2013) [#11]
You could avoid arrays completely by storing your possible states in a string, like so :

Global W$

W = WEIGHTcreate( 5,8,2 )

Print W
For l = 1 To 10
Print WEIGHTgetRandom( W )

W = WEIGHTcreate( 2,2,2 )
Print W
For l = 1 To 10
Print WEIGHTgetRandom( W )


Function WEIGHTgetRandom$( Txt$ )

Local L = Len( Txt )

Return Mid( Txt, Rand(1,L),1 )

End Function

Function WEIGHTcreate$( run, move, shoot )

Local Weight$

Weight = Weight + String( "R", run )
Weight = Weight + String( "M", move )
Weight = Weight + String( "S", shoot )

Return Weight

End Function

The string can be easily recreated whenever required.

dynaman(Posted 2013) [#12]
Have more of the numbers be for "move", if the three options are Move, Run, and stand still then.

Pick a number between 1 and 100
1-50 is move.
51 - 75 is run
76 - 100 is walk.

move is twice as likely to be choosen. Easy to understand and change on the fly if needed.

psychicbottle(Posted 2013) [#13]
Ok, I have basically just set up the needed things (I think) to allocate Data about the robot sooo here you can do anything cool with it then please share with all of us (I am verrry stuck on my next step haha)

EDIT: right now all it does is make the "random" choice to move in a random direction at a random speed, I am trying to make it decide what "Action" made it move closer to the little red box on the screen and then make that choice less "random"