
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/TextureFilters

_PJ_(Posted 2013) [#1]
I was a little confused by the docs for this command, so I tried a little test program, but I am still not fully convinced.

Basically, I just wish to be sure of whether or not this command ONLY REFERS TO TEXTURES LOADED AFTER it has been called.

Also, despite the docs claiming the texture flags are "added", Is this true or do they actually replace the flags that are present with the LoadTexture command - what about previous TextureFilter commands?

Sorry if I'm just not reading it correctly, but I just want to be absolutely sure of how this command works

Incidentally, What's the purpose of flag 1, since it has no effect it seems on the appearance of any textures from what I can tell!

John Blackledge(Posted 2013) [#2]
Here's my filter function which is called before I actually begin to load anything:-
Function ModelSetFilters()
;1: Color
;2: Alpha
;4: Masked
;8: Mipmapped
;16: Clamp U
;32: Clamp V
;64: Spherical reflection map
;256: Store texture in vram
;512: Force the use of high Color textures
TextureFilter "alpha",2
TextureFilter "map",1+2+8
TextureFilter "plan",1+2+8
TextureFilter "fence",1+2+8
TextureFilter "tree",1+2+8
TextureFilter "plant",1+2+8
TextureFilter "jungle",1+2+8
TextureFilter "tropical",1+2+8
End Function

I think some people found a better filter set for fences which caused less blurring as a fence disappeared into the distance (search the forums).
This is something that I intend to come back to when I finish my engine and experiment with different setups.