Memory usage (freeimage) 2

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Memory usage (freeimage) 2

ILonion(Posted 2012) [#1]
Some time ago i created topic ( about "strange" freeimage working.
But today, i see something strange again :) and i'm confused.

Yasha wrote in previous topic:
<<<A slightly better test is to see what happens to the Task Manager figure when you reload the images. Does usage jump up to 140MB? Or does it reuse that space, indicating that the system was just being conservative? >>>

Well, memory usage increase and not stop.
(i used Process Explorer, and default windows Task Manager)

1. load image data
2. decode data
3. load image
4. free image.

if you run a cycle (0...n) of these points, then memory usage will continue to increase...

Process Explorer (start program):
Private Bytes: 34556K
Working Set: 19244K

(after 1500 loop repeat):
Private Bytes: 61576K
Working Set: 46600K

+loop again: more... more... more... memory usage, up to 100+ MB RAM and more again...

I hope this is my last topic about it :) but i want to clarify just in case: is it OK for windows too or...? :)
P.S. Sorry for my English.

image data:

Global nsl_form_menu
Graphics 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
While Not KeyHit(1)

If KeyHit(57) ;space
;For k = 0 To 3000
If order = 0
order = 1
FreeImage nsl_form_menu
order = 0
End If
;Text 10,10,k
End If

;If order = 1
; DrawImage nsl_form_menu,30,30
; Text 5,5,"image loaded"
; Text 5,5,"no image"
;End If
Function load_graphic()

im_order = 1
For k = 1 To 1

Select True
Case im_order = 1
im_handler$ = "menu.dat"
nsl_form_menu = LoadImage("image.bin")
DeleteFile ("image.bin")

;Case im_order = ...

End Select
im_order = im_order + 1

End Function
Function decrypt_graphic(im_handler$)

;put image to temp bank:
file = OpenFile(im_handler$)
size = FileSize(im_handler$)
bank = CreateBank(size)
ReadBytes bank,file,0,size
CloseFile file

;decrypt file:
For k = 0 To size - 4 Step 4
value = (255 - PeekByte(bank,k))
PokeByte bank,k,value

;put image to temp file:
file = WriteFile("image.bin")
WriteBytes bank,file,0,size
CloseFile file
FreeBank bank

End Function

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#2]
This example actually runs with constant memory use on my system, according to Task Manager.

Perhaps the problem is in some of the code you cut...?

ILonion(Posted 2012) [#3]
Yasha, i'm sorry! This is my fault. this is not "bug". In this time everything is ok.
My brain is exploded....)