
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Pathfinding...

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#1]
So im basically looking for help with a 3d pathfinding system and help with how i would go about storing nodes and their properties eg, parent, h, g, f values

Kryzon(Posted 2012) [#2]
About the storage of nodes: user-types are here for that reason.
Type pathNODE
	Field pivot%
	Field h%,g%,f%

	Field parent.pathNODE
	Field children.pathNODE[100]
End Type
You can learn more about Types by:
- Looking in the Blitz3D documentation for the keyword "Type";
- Searching these forums;
- At the Blitz3D tutorials section;
- Reading online articles about the subject (blitzCoder and jNoodle).

You should use Types to encapsulate and organize almost everything, all kinds of data your game may have - "if you can store it inside a Type, then you should".

EDIT: General Blitz Basic tutorials that may be useful for you -

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#3]
wow, sometimes the most simple things pass under radar lol. i know a fair amount about types but i have a few specific questions that you may be able to answer so i do not have to delve into far more reading than i need to. first, simple question im sure i actually know the answer (its been awhile) why the "%" after the pivot and the values. and then what the effect of the period is in between the lower fields.

thank you much!

PowerPC603(Posted 2012) [#4]
The % indicates that these fields are integer values. Some people put them there to make it clear what type of variable it is, but for integers, it can be ignored as integer is the default type if it's not specified.
So "pivot%" is the same as "pivot", they both hold integer values.

The period in between indicate these fields hold a reference to another type-instance (in this case, the "pathnode" type).
So one pathnode instance holds a reference to another pathnode instance, where the reference is stored in the field "parent".
Also, the lowest is an array which holds up to 100 references to 100 instances of "pathnode".

Last edited 2012

Kryzon(Posted 2012) [#5]
Those suffixes are how you declare a variable's data-type.
In Blitz3D you use symbols to declare a variable's data-type: "%" for Int, "$" for String and "#" for Float.
If you don't use any suffix, Blitz3D will consider by default the variable to be of Integer type, but for readibility's sake you should always declare Int variables the same way as the others - use the "%" symbol.

When dealing with Types, you need to use the "dot + TypeName" suffix for declaring variables that will hold user-types.
If I create a variable like this: "Local myPlayer.playerType", this variable will only be able to hold instances of the "playerType" value.

Those last two fields relate to node hierarchy. They'll hold 'pathNODE' values and as such are declared that way.

EDIT: Ninja'd by PowerPC603! x)

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#6]
so first off, in your example you have made it assume 100 nodes have been created?
and would i not need to define parent and children in the fields? eg

Type pathNODE
Field pivot%
Field h%,g%,f%

Field parent
Field children

Field parent.pathNODE
Field children.pathNODE[100]
End Type

also thank you for holding in here i know i can be a bother badgering people for help lol

Kryzon(Posted 2012) [#7]
It's kinda complicated. Standard Blitz3D arrays are created with the Dim command.

"Dim myArray(499) ;Array with 500 slots."

(The number inside parenthesis is the index of the last slot, rather than the total amount of slots, so going from 0 to 499 you have 500 total.)

But if you want to have arrays inside an user-type you can only use Blitz-Array arrays, which are different. They're declared with brackets:

Type myType
Field myArray#[100] ;Blitz-Array of 101 slots.
End Type

BlitzArrays can't be resized, so you always need to specify the total amount of slots at first. They can also be used outside types - Read more here.

I chose 101 because it's a safe number: thinking of a random navigational map, it'd be hard for a single node to have more than 101 children. It's speculatory of course.
As you build your game, get your worst case scenario (the one node with most children, in all of the levels), and use that as your max, fixed value, so you know you're safe for all other nodes.
Even if other nodes have like, one or even zero children, the redundant memory cost is negligible.

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#8]
would my max amount of children not be 8 though? (assuming we are using grid based nodes i guess)
regardless i shall study up on arrays and things of the sort.

OH wait the 100 is the max amount of nodes (IDs) that i would allow in said map pathing

Last edited 2012

RemiD(Posted 2012) [#9]
I didn't know about this site "blitzcoder".

I post a link here to access the articles :

RemiD(Posted 2012) [#10]

Here is an example of how i store the infos about the nodes, the links, the paths (for a grid system or for a nodes around obstacles system)

In my code each node is child of a room so that i can calculate a path in a room with only some nodes of the level/area
const RoomsMaxCount% = 100 ; this is the number of Rooms per level/area
const NodesPerRoomMaxCount% = 400 ; you may want to change this value depending on the number of cells or of nodes per obstacle
Dim NodesCount%(RoomsMaxCount) ; number of nodes in this room
Dim NodeOrigine(RoomsMaxCount,NodesPerRoomMaxCount) ; pivot representing the node, (of course you can replace this by X,Z coordinates)
Dim NodeLinkToNode%(RoomsMaxCount,NodesPerRoomMaxCount,20) ; 20 links max per node, these links are precalculated, (if you use a grid system, there will be only 4 or 8 links per node)
Dim NodeFDistance#(RoomsMaxCount,NodesPerRoomMaxCount) ; This is used to store the FDistance (= Distance from Character to this node + Distance from this node to Target)
Dim NodeState%(RoomsMaxCount,NodesPerRoomMaxCount) ; this is to store the state of the node, to know if this node as already been processed in the pathcalculation routine)

Then for each character, i store the last calculated path :
PathsMaxCount% = CharactersMaxCount ; each path is associated to a character who has the same id
PathNodesList%(PathsMaxCount,100) ; 100 nodes max in a path
PathState%(PathsMaxCount) ; this is to store the state of the path, if it has been completed or not.
PathNodeS%(PathsMaxCount) ; this is to store the id of the NodeStart (the nearest node from the character)
PathNodeE%(PathsMaxCount) ; this is to store the id of the NodeEnd (the nearest node from the target)
PathNodeT%(PathsMaxCount) ; this is to store the id of the NodeTarget (the node where the character has to turn and to move towards)

I haven't finished to code all my routines but i think it will be functional. Maybe it can give you some ideas.

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#11]
well, iv'e obviously got some studying to do here, thanks for all your help.
if anybody is interested in guiding me on how to make a semi-good pathfinding system then please let me know or if you find anything related to pathfinding with blitz then post a link, thanks! :)

also if anyone has the zip file used in the A* tut on the link from earlier i would appreciate a look at it as the download on the website is no more :)

Last edited 2012

Amanda Dearheart(Posted 2012) [#12]

How are ou able to create an array inside a type without a dim statement

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#13]
How are ou able to create an array inside a type without a dim statement

There are two different and unrelated kinds of array in B3D, as Kryzon touches on in post #7 but doesn't explain fully.

"Dim", or BASIC-style, arrays are always global and unique, cannot be treated as value objects in their own right, can be resized at any time, can have as many dimensions as you like, are declared with the special "Dim" keyword, and their values are accessed with parentheses:

Dim myArray(10, 2)    ;Declaration

myArray(1, 1) = 123    ;Element set
Local foo = myArray(1, 1)    ;Element get

For foo = 1 to 5
    Dim myArray(10, foo)    ;Dynamic resize

Function f()
    Print myArray(3, 0)    ;Global access, OK
    Dim myArray2(10)    ;Error, myArray2 was never declared in a global context (scoped Dim statements can only be a resize)
End Function

The other kind, "Blitz arrays", or C-style, have a different set of advantages and disadvantages:

They are declared the same way as variables, but with a size instead of an initial value (and locals have to be declared explicitly); they can have any of the three variable scopes (local, global or field); they can be passed as parameters, meaning you can use them as value objects (although not put in other variables or returned); they can only have one dimension; they can not be resized (and the size is considered part of the array type); and their values are accessed with square brackets:

Global myArray1[10]    ;Declaration
Local myArray2[10]
Type Foo
    Field myMemberArray[10]
End Type

myArray1[5] = 15    ;Element set
Local n = myArray1[5]    ;Element get

Function arrScopeTest()
    Print myArray1[5]    ;Accessing a global, OK
    Print myArray2[5]    ;Error: no local by that name exists in this scope
End Function

Function arrFunc(arr[10])    ;Array parameter
    Print arr[3]    ;Localised access through parameter
End Function

arrFunc(myArray1)    ;Pass in an array

Local f.Foo = New Foo
arrFunc(f\myMemberArray)    ;Pass an array field like any other field value

Local myArray3[15]
arrFunc(myArray3)    ;Error, myArray3 is of type %[15] and we can only pass type %[10]

Both kinds of array can hold values of any type: int, float, string, and objects.

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#14]
ok, i have created a grid (im using a grid if you didn't know) that you can size, actually its kinda hard to explain... i didn't want to do this cause my messy coding is embarrassing but im in dire need of help.

Global G_grid_cell_size# = 1.0

Graphics3D 600, 600, 0, 2
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Global CamPivot = CreatePivot( ) ;create camera pivot
Global camera = CreateCamera( ) ;create camera with CamPivot as parent
MoveEntity CamPivot,0,30,0 ;Move camera above terrain
RotateEntity camera ,90,0,0
EntityType CamPivot, 1
EntityRadius CamPivot, 1.5
EntityType camera, 1
EntityRadius camera, 1.5

Global G_light = CreateLight()

Global R# = 255

Global G# = 255

Global B# = 255

Global t$

Global PN = 0

Global G_cube = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh G_cube, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
PositionMesh G_cube, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 
EntityColor G_cube,80,0,255
EntityAlpha G_cube ,.4

Global G_picked_entity

Global G_grid = CreateGrid()
EntityPickMode G_grid, 2
nodeprecounter = 0
 Type node
 Field model
 Field x,z,id,u,d,r,l
 Field parent
End Type 

nodegridsize = 10

For mw = 1 To nodegridsize
For mz = 1 To nodegridsize
nodeprecounter = nodeprecounter + 1
n.node = New node ;create a new badguy
n\model = CopyEntity(g_cube)
EntityColor n\model,255,255,255
EntityAlpha n\model ,1

n\x = mz
n\z = -mw
n\id = nodeprecounter
n\u = n\id - 10
n\d = n\id + 10
n\r = n\id + 1
n\l = n\id - 1
PositionEntity n\model ,n\x,-1.01,n\z


SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Type cubetype
Field entityhandle
Field top
End Type 

HideEntity cub
HideEntity cyl

cube = cub
PositionMesh cub, 1, 1, 1
PositionMesh cyl, 1, 1, 1

EntityType cube, CUBE_COL ;set up collision type for the badguy
EntityRadius cube, .5, .95 ;set up collision radius for the badguy (1.9 meters tall, .6 meters wide)
HideEntity cube ;this will also exclude them from collisions
ScaleEntity cub,.5,.5,.5
ScaleEntity cyl,.5,.5,.5

;MAIN LOOP+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

While Not KeyHit( 1 )

MoveEntity campivot,0,-MouseZSpeed()*5,0

If KeyDown(42)
If MouseHit(1)
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2 ;move mouse pointer to center of screen

If MouseDown(1) 
MoveEntity campivot,-MouseXSpeed()/5,0,MouseYSpeed()/5


PositionEntity Camera, EntityX#( CamPivot ), EntityY#( CamPivot ), EntityZ#( CamPivot )

Text 0,20,"Picked : "+t$
Text 0,50,"node_id# : "+id# 
Text 0,100,"U : "+node_above
Text 0,150,"D : "+node_down
Text 0,200,"R : "+node_right
Text 0,250,"L : "+node_left
Delay( 1 )

G_picked_entity = CameraPick( camera, MouseX(), MouseY() )

If G_picked_entity 

x# = Floor ( PickedX() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size#
z# = Floor ( PickedZ() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size#	
y# = Floor ( PickedY() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size# 
PositionEntity G_cube, x#, -1, z#


For n.node = Each node

    If n\x = x# And n\z = z# 
      id# = n\id 
      node_above = n\u 
      node_down = n\d
      node_right = n\r
      node_left = n\l



Function CreateGrid()
; -- Create grid texture.
Local i, x, y
Local grid_2d_tex = CreateTexture ( 256, 256, 11 )
SetBuffer TextureBuffer ( grid_2d_tex )
For i = 0 To 4
Rect i, i, 256 - i - i, 256 - i - i, False
For y = 5 To 250
For x = 5 To 250
WritePixel x, y, 0
; -- Create 2D grid.
Local grid_2D = CreatePlane ()
EntityTexture grid_2D, grid_2d_tex
EntityFX grid_2D, 9
Return grid_2D
End Function

So im having trouble making a way to sense which nodes are touching other ones the method im currently using is flawed massively,,,,

Last edited 2012

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#15]
ok so i tried putting this in there to see if i could fin surrounding nodes this way... figured it wouldnt work but gave it a shot...

For n.node = Each node

If n\x = x# And n\z = z#
id# = n\id
node_above = n\u
node_down = n\d
node_right = n\r
node_left = n\l
If EntityDistance(n\model,n\model) < 1 Then EntityColor n\model,0,255,0


psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#16]
im not trying to bug... but im very lost, help? :D

RemiD(Posted 2012) [#17]

There are several ways to create links between 2 nodes on a grid.

You can use a 2 dimensions array in order to set and store the parameters of the cells.

for example :
;each cell can be of one of this kind
Const Empty% = 0 ; (not walkable)
Const Ground% = 1 (walkable)
Const Wall% = 2 (not walkable)
Const Obstacle% = 3 (not walkable or crossable with a specific move)

Dim NodeKind%(99,99) ;this is a 2 dimensions array to store each cell kind depending on its X,Z coordinates, this array can store 100*100 cells, from 0X,0Z to 99X,99Z

You can use a custom level editor or the pixels of an image to define the kind of each cell.

Once you have done that,
you can either keep your 2 dimensions array and create links between some cells
you can create nodes at the center of walkable cells and then create links between nodes that are next to each other.

For the first solution, for each cell, you can check what is the kind of the cell at back (X,Z-1), at front (X,Z+1), at left (X-1,Z), at right (X+1,Z) and see if a link is possible or not between this cell and the other cell. (if the other cell is walkable or not)

For the second solution, for each node, you can check which other node is at a distance of less than 1.001 (if you use a 1 unit grid system) and see if a link is possible or not between this node and the other node. (if the other node is near enough or not)

If you don't understand these explanations, maybe you can study some examples in the code archives :
you can type this in bing or google :

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#18]
GAH! thank you so much, i think i'm on to a method for my madness ;) ill go out and smash on the keyboard for a few hours now, thank you much.

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#19]
so.. they dont have a ton of information on these x,y arrays, how would i assign them to a node and then call upon it later for use? sorry not trying to nag, just get some information

RemiD(Posted 2012) [#20]

;this is a 2 dimensions array to store each cell kind depending on its X,Z coordinates, this array can store 100*100 cells, from 0X,0Z to 99X,99Z

This means :

the infos of the cell who has the coordinates 0X,0Y,0Z can be set/retrieved by using Cell(0,0)

the infos of the cell who has the coordinates 99X,0Y,99Z can be set/retrieved by using Cell(99,99)

the infos of the cell who has the coordinates 10X,0Y,5Z can be set/retrieved by using Cell(10,5)

For the first solution, for each cell, you can check what is the kind of the cell at back (X,Z-1), at front (X,Z+1), at left (X-1,Z), at right (X+1,Z) and see if a link is possible or not between this cell and the other cell. (if the other cell is walkable or not)

This means :

For X% = 0 to 99
 For Z% = 0 to 99
  ;The current Cell is Cell(X,Z)
  ;The cell at back of this cell is Cell(X,Z-1)
  ;The cell at front of this cell is Cell(X,Z+1)
  ;The cell at left of this cell is Cell(X-1,Z)
  ;The cell at right of this cell is Cell(X+1,Z)

you can either keep your 2 dimensions array and create links between some cells
you can create nodes at the center of walkable cells and then create links between nodes that are next to each other.

This means :
You can either
create links between some cells
create nodes on some cells (and delete the array of the cells once you have your nodes)

For 3D games where you can't fly, a node can be stored by creating a pivot or by storing its X,Z coordinates. You can use arrays or types for this.

Study, study, study, study, study.

Last edited 2012

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#21]
thank you much, will do :

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#22]
we.. ive been studying and yet i am still having problems with my code, im getting head aches and no results... if anybody can help crack this one i would appreciate it cause im just not grasping this well i guess....

Global G_grid_cell_size# = 1.0

Graphics3D 600, 600, 0, 2
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Global CamPivot = CreatePivot( ) ;create camera pivot
Global camera = CreateCamera( ) ;create camera with CamPivot as parent
Global calcnodex
Global calcnodey 
MoveEntity CamPivot,0,30,0 ;Move camera above terrain
RotateEntity camera ,90,0,0
EntityType CamPivot, 1
EntityRadius CamPivot, 1.5
EntityType camera, 1
EntityRadius camera, 1.5

Global G_light = CreateLight()

Global R# = 255

Global G# = 255

Global B# = 255

Global t$

Global PN = 0

Global G_cube = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh G_cube, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
PositionMesh G_cube, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 
EntityColor G_cube,80,0,255
EntityAlpha G_cube ,.4

Global G_picked_entity

Global G_grid = CreateGrid()
EntityPickMode G_grid, 2
nodeprecounter = 0
Type node
Field model
Field x,z,id,u,d,r,l
Field parent
Field nx,ny,children[3]
End Type 

 Global array[3]
nodegridsize = 10

For mw = 1 To nodegridsize
For mz = 1 To nodegridsize
nodeprecounter = nodeprecounter + 1
n.node = New node ;create a new badguy
n\model = CopyEntity(g_cube)
EntityColor n\model,255,255,255
EntityAlpha n\model ,1

n\x = mz
n\z = -mw
n\id = nodeprecounter
n\u = n\id - 10
n\d = n\id + 10
n\r = n\id + 1
n\l = n\id - 1
n\nx = mz
n\ny = mw

PositionEntity n\model ,n\x,-1.01,n\z


SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Type cubetype
Field entityhandle
Field top
End Type 

HideEntity cub
HideEntity cyl

cube = cub
PositionMesh cub, 1, 1, 1
PositionMesh cyl, 1, 1, 1

EntityType cube, CUBE_COL ;set up collision type for the badguy
EntityRadius cube, .5, .95 ;set up collision radius for the badguy (1.9 meters tall, .6 meters wide)
HideEntity cube ;this will also exclude them from collisions
ScaleEntity cub,.5,.5,.5
ScaleEntity cyl,.5,.5,.5

;MAIN LOOP+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

While Not KeyHit( 1 )

MoveEntity campivot,0,-MouseZSpeed()*5,0

If KeyDown(42)
If MouseHit(1)
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2 ;move mouse pointer to center of screen

If MouseDown(1) 
MoveEntity campivot,-MouseXSpeed()/5,0,MouseYSpeed()/5


PositionEntity Camera, EntityX#( CamPivot ), EntityY#( CamPivot ), EntityZ#( CamPivot )

Text 0,20,"Picked : "+t$
Text 0,50,"node_id# : "+id# 
Text 0,100,"U : "+node_above
Text 0,150,"D : "+node_down
Text 0,200,"R : "+node_right
Text 0,250,"L : "+node_left
Text 0,300,"n\x : "+ x#
Text 0,350,"n\y : "+ z#

G_picked_entity = CameraPick( camera, MouseX(), MouseY() )

If G_picked_entity 

x# = Floor ( PickedX() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size#
z# = Floor ( PickedZ() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size#	
y# = Floor ( PickedY() / G_grid_cell_size# ) * G_grid_cell_size# 
PositionEntity G_cube, x#, -1, z#


For n.node = Each node

If n\x = x# And n\z = z# 
id# = n\id 
node_above = n\u 
node_down = n\d
node_right = n\r
node_left = n\l
calcnodex = n\nx
calcnodey = n\ny

n\children[0] = f
n\children[1] = g
n\children[2] = h
n\children[3] = j



Delay( 1 )



Function CreateGrid()
; -- Create grid texture.
Local i, x, y
Local grid_2d_tex = CreateTexture ( 256, 256, 11 )
SetBuffer TextureBuffer ( grid_2d_tex )
For i = 0 To 4
Rect i, i, 256 - i - i, 256 - i - i, False
For y = 5 To 250
For x = 5 To 250
WritePixel x, y, 0
; -- Create 2D grid.
Local grid_2D = CreatePlane ()
EntityTexture grid_2D, grid_2d_tex
EntityFX grid_2D, 9
Return grid_2D
End Function 

Function findchildren(n.node)
For i = 0 To 3
n\children[i] = Rnd(100)
End Function

Function FindChilder()

For n.node = Each node

For i = 0 To 3

 If n\nx = calcnodex+1 And n\ny = calcnodey 
EntityColor n\model ,0,255,0
an = n\id

Else If n\nx = calcnodex-1 And n\ny = calcnodey 
EntityColor n\model ,0,255,0
bn = n\id

Else If n\nx = calcnodex And n\ny = calcnodey-1 
EntityColor n\model ,0,255,0
cn = n\id

Else If n\nx = calcnodex And n\ny = calcnodey+1 
EntityColor n\model ,0,255,0
dn = n\id

EntityColor n\model ,255,200,255
an = 0
bn = 0
cn = 0
dn = 0

Text 0,470, "child1: "+an
Text 10,460,"child1: "+bn
Text 20,450,"child1: "+cn
Text 30,440,"child1: "+dn


End Function

psychicbottle(Posted 2012) [#23]
im having trouble transferring the node ids to the parent node's child list.