How do you Delete Arrays?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/How do you Delete Arrays?

Hotshot2005(Posted 2012) [#1]
I using Dim arrays and I would like to know how delete arrays ?

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#2]
You can resize them to one, which is the minimum possible size:

Dim foo(100)    ;created


Dim foo(0)    ;resized to use less space

Since each array is permanently bound to its name - the name can't hold anything else and the array can't be assigned to a variable or passed to a function - there's no real need to delete them: there can only ever be a fixed number of the things.

(Incidentally, the other kind of arrays take care of themselves and don't need to be deleted either.)

Hotshot2005(Posted 2012) [#3]
thanks Yasha

What I am trying to is when sold a player then I remove the arrays and when come buying player then create new arrays...

do you understand what I am trying to do?

P.S. I think Type are better of using this even thought I prefer Dim arrays as they are easier to do

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#4]

But you can only change the sizes, not actually create or destroy them. In the code above, no matter what you do, there can only be one "foo" array.

The problem with this being that if you later decide you want two shops, you'll need to hardcode in a whole new array (and functions that use the global name, since you can't pass it in)... some solution involving objects or even the other kind of arrays would be much easier.

How are you storing your shop data between uses? The key to the best solution may lie there (if it's not in an array all the time, does it necessarily need to be in an array at all?).

Midimaster(Posted 2012) [#5]
this is a typical moment for a type. You can combine types and arrays. use the tpye for new players use the array for their values:

Here Create Arrays and delete it via a PlayerTyp type:

Type PlayerTyp
	Field Values%[100]
End Type

Dim Player.PlayerTyp(10)

Player(0)=New PlayerTyp

Player(1)=New PlayerTyp

Print Player(0)\Values[0]
Print Player(1)\Values[0]

Delete Player(0)

With this you have the possibility of using as many Arrays as you need without using a lot of space. When you created the player he has his 'personal' array with 100 elements. after deleting the player, also the array will also be deleted.

Hotshot2005(Posted 2012) [#6]
Hey Yasha and Midimaster


I have look at your code and thought there is quick shortcut of doing it by using for loop :)

Type PlayerTyp
	Field Values%[100]
End Type

Dim Player.PlayerTyp(10)

For i=1 To 2
    Player(i)=New PlayerTyp

For i=1 To 2
    Print Player(i)\Values[i]

Delete Player(0)

I think i could my rewrite code and do it in type instead!


What I am doing at the moment is this

Using Dim arrays in begin of the program

then I used

      Locate 0,10 :Print "TO -                    TYPE - "
      Locate 0,30 :Print "Sell/List your players   -A"
      Locate 0,50 :Print "Distlay League Table     -T"
      Locate 0,70 :Print "Board                    -B"
      Locate 0,90 :Print "Save Game                -S"
      Locate 0,110:Print "Quit the Game            -Q"
      Locate 50,140:Print "Press Space Bar to Continue"
      Locate 0,160:Key$=Input("")

      If Key$="A" Or Key$="a"

      If Key$="T" Or Key$="t"

      If Key$="B" Or Key$="b"

      If Key$="Q" Or Key$="q"

Until Quit_Game=true

I still got long way go of finishing it :)

Last edited 2012