Embedding HTML into Blitz3d - different ideas

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Embedding HTML into Blitz3d - different ideas

tyoud(Posted 2011) [#1]
My goal is to put a gui window system into a game so that things like in-game help could come from a web page. Or an "in game" forum is actually outside of the game, on a web page. Then in game help could be the external website, along with maps, and more.

It would be cool if an embedded web page also be a .hta - an HTML Application - and actually run code sometimes if the user would let it.

So I wanted to see if I could have Blitz3d show an HTML page. Even if what I had to do was ftp/http the file to a local cached directory and then just interpret and display html..


Some strategies I could follow:

1) embed components of Internet Explorer
2) get a menu system and just read and interpret and display simple HTML with my own library all in Blitz3d (or XML / XHTML)
3) switch languages from Blitz3d to BlitzMax
4) buy or use a 3rd party library that works with Blitz3d that offers this HTML display ability
5) ?


I've tried out some of the other code archives -

This one didn't seem to work for me,

But this one did, somewhat, let me embed a full IE window into a Blitz3d window, but it was pretty trivial for it to pop out of the inner window so it wouldn't quite work..

(obviously to get them working I had to sometimes call functions with the names "api_" to match the user32.decls I had from another post ....)

Does anyone think that I should just dive in and reverse-engineer mshtml.dll and any other dll's I have to in order to get Internet Explorer's Trident HTML rendering engine to do all the hard work for me?

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Yasha(Posted 2011) [#2]
Unless you want the player to be able to access arbitrary web pages, wouldn't it make more sense to serve a dedicated file format that works with your game GUI and game scripting engine?

You could set your server up to do the bulk of the work in creating pages in your custom language (which could be as simple as a subset of HTML or XML), but as long as you only intend the game to access things from your server, why bother making it able to read standardised stuff?

It depends what you want to do, though - if you want the user to run arbitrary stuff, then yes you should find out how to link to a browser's display engine rather than reinvent this wheel yourself.

tyoud(Posted 2011) [#3]
Thanks Yasha, what you've written makes a ton of sense...

So if I wanted to include pieces of a complete web browser, that can read arbitrary web pages (and those not written by me or under my control) then it might be easier to embed somehow a web browser...

Seems like my choices might be:

Internet Explorer / Trident / mshtml.dll
uBrowser (embedded Mozilla) http://www.ubrowser.com/
Awesomeium (embedded Chrome) http://awesomium.com/
Gecko https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_Embedding_Basics
Navi (precursor in a way to Awesomeium) http://navi.agelessanime.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

(A lot of choices, I'm not sure which one would be easiest. Hrm.)

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tyoud(Posted 2011) [#4]
Code that "works" and code that doesn't....

First, some code that "works" (but you have to disable debug)
-- This isn't my code, this is from another thread --

The code snippets depend on:

and blitzclose.dll

(following this listing are web links and .decls files for those, if you need them)

; you have to disable debug for this code to work(!)
; yikes ;(

MyAppTile$ = "Web Browser"
;MyWebPage$ = "E:\Projects\TLA_site_new\index.html" ; Can be local, or web address.
MyWebPage$ = "http:\\www.google.com"

Graphics 800,600,0,2
AppTitle MyAppTile$

;Global hWnd = api_GetActiveWindow()
Global hWnd = SystemProperty("apphwnd")
brow = EmbedBrowserObject(hWnd) ; brow is just a success/failure value.
DisplayHTMLPage hWnd, MyWebPage$

; First parameter is the scancode to fake, the second is the window name
InstallCloseHandler(72, MyAppTile$)

exfg = 0
While (Not KeyHit(1)) ; this doesn't work unless you alt-tab twice.
	If KeyHit(72) Then exfg = 1 ; this does work, for clicking on [X]
	; Any other code here.
	If exfg = 1 Then Exit

UnEmbedBrowserObject hWnd

Next, the code that is buggy.

I think this is the closest code to working.

It gets a "Memory access violation" though when it tries to call the user32.dll function --- api_CreateWindowEx()

My goal is to make it so that you have a fullscreen 3d window, say, with a spinning cube in it, and then overlaid over that, a child window that is calling out to a web page (or website).

I think a way of pondering this that might be helpful is to imagine "what is a memory access violation" (is that the same as a "segmentation fault"?)

Is there a way for me to tell which parameter(s) I'm passing to that function is "bad"? Or if, in the future I get "memory access violations" when passing parameters to functions, how to tell if I can simplify the situation and winnow down the cause of the problem?


(is there a way to post a .zip with all of the files, that might make it easier to answer my question?)


So after looking at some of the above, for me what was easiest to understand were some of the more Blitz3d / cwebdll examples.

; code based on http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=39515
; you have to disable debug for this code to work(!)
; yikes ;(
; requires cwebpage.dll and appropriate cwebpage.decls
; and user32.decls (which here, begin with "api_" )
; and blitzclose.dll and appropriate blitzclose.decls

Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW     = $40
Const GWL_STYLE			 = -16
Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN    = $2000000

Const WS_CHILD           = $40000000
Const WS_VISIBLE         = $10000000
Const WS_DISABLED        = $8000000

MyAppTile$ = "Web Browser"
;MyWebPage$ = "E:\Projects\TLA_site_new\index.html" ; Can be local, or web address.
MyWebPage$ = "http:\\www.google.com"

AppTitle MyAppTile$

;Graphics 800,600,0,2
Graphics3D 800,600,0,2

; make some 3d objects
PositionEntity cam , 1,2,-3
PointEntity cam,cube
PositionEntity light, -300,200,-500
PointEntity light,cube

;Global hWnd = api_GetActiveWindow()
Global hWnd = SystemProperty("apphwnd")

; make it so the main window
; will clip any child windows that get created under it
style=api_GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
style= style Xor WS_CLIPCHILDREN
api_SetWindowLong hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style

; make a child window
; BUG HERE - "Memory access violation"
child = api_CreateWindowEx(0,"Static","",cstyle,10,10,400,400,hWnd,0,0,0)

; embed a browser object into the child window
brow = EmbedBrowserObject(child) 

; now show our html in the child window
DisplayHTMLPage child, MyWebPage$

; First parameter is the scancode to fake, the second is the window name
InstallCloseHandler(72, MyAppTile$)

exfg = 0
While (Not KeyHit(1)) ; this doesn't work unless you alt-tab twice.
	If KeyHit(72) Then exfg = 1 ; this does work, for clicking on [X]

	; make a cube turn
	; (Any other code here.)
	TurnEntity cube,1,2,3
	If exfg = 1 Then Exit

UnEmbedBrowserObject child

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tyoud(Posted 2011) [#5]
"cwebpage.decls" is a file that would go under your C:\Program Files\Blitz3D\userlib folder, and this is what it would contain:

.lib "cwebpage.dll"

and you can get the cwebpage.dll from:
or from (which is where I got mine from):

Last edited 2011

tyoud(Posted 2011) [#6]
For user32.decls, I used another post at http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=27586
to get a huge list of functions -

This, saved as the file named "user32.decls" would also go into your C:\Program Files\Blitz3d\userlibs folder

and I've seen people rename the "api_" part to "user32_" so long as you coordinate the changes in the code above and in your .decls file, that would work too, of course.

.lib "user32.dll"

api_ActivateKeyboardLayout% (HKL%, flags%) : "ActivateKeyboardLayout"
api_AdjustWindowRect% (lpRect*, dwStyle%, bMenu%) : "AdjustWindowRect"
api_AdjustWindowRectEx% (lpRect*, dsStyle%, bMenu%, dwEsStyle%) : "AdjustWindowRectEx"
api_AnyPopup% () : "AnyPopup"
api_AppendMenu% (hMenu%, wFlags%, wIDNewItem%, lpNewItem*) : "AppendMenuA"
api_ArrangeIconicWindows% (hwnd%) : "ArrangeIconicWindows"
api_AttachThreadInput% (idAttach%, idAttachTo%, fAttach%) : "AttachThreadInput"
api_BeginDeferWindowPos% (nNumWindows%) : "BeginDeferWindowPos"
api_BeginPaint% (hwnd%, lpPaint*) : "BeginPaint"
api_BringWindowToTop% (hwnd%) : "BringWindowToTop"
api_BroadcastSystemMessage% (dw%, pdw%, un%, wParam%, lParam%) : "BroadcastSystemMessage"
api_CallMsgFilter% (lpMsg*, ncode%) : "CallMsgFilterA"
api_CallNextHookEx% (hHook%, ncode%, wParam%, lParam*) : "CallNextHookEx"
api_CallWindowProc% (lpPrevWndFunc%, hWnd%, Msg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "CallWindowProcA"
api_CascadeWindows% (hwndParent%, wHow%, lpRect*, cKids%, lpkids%) : "CascadeWindows"
api_ChangeClipboardChain% (hwnd%, hWndNext%) : "ChangeClipboardChain"
api_ChangeMenu% (hMenu%, cmd%, lpszNewItem$, cmdInsert%, flags%) : "ChangeMenuA"
api_CharLower$ (lpsz$) : "CharLowerA"
api_CharLowerBuff% (lpsz$, cchLength%) : "CharLowerBuffA"
api_CharNext$ (lpsz$) : "CharNextA"
api_CharPrev$ (lpszStart$, lpszCurrent$) : "CharPrevA"
api_CharToOem% (lpszSrc$, lpszDst$) : "CharToOemA"
api_CharToOemBuff% (lpszSrc$, lpszDst$, cchDstLength%) : "CharToOemBuffA"
api_CharUpper$ (lpsz$) : "CharUpperA"
api_CharUpperBuff% (lpsz$, cchLength%) : "CharUpperBuffA"
api_CheckDlgButton% (hDlg%, nIDButton%, wCheck%) : "CheckDLGButtonA"
api_CheckMenuItem% (hMenu%, wIDCheckItem%, wCheck%) : "CheckMenuItem"
api_CheckMenuRadioItem% (hMenu%, un1%, un2%, un3%, un4%) : "CheckMenuRadioItem"
api_CheckRadioButton% (hDlg%, nIDFirstButton%, nIDLastButton%, nIDCheckButton%) : "CheckRadioButtonA"
api_ChildWindowFromPoint% (hWnd%, xPoint%, yPoint%) : "ChildWindowFromPoint"
api_ChildWindowFromPointEx% (hWnd%, pt*, un%) : "ChildWindowFromPointEx"
api_ClientToScreen% (hwnd%, lpPoint*) : "ClientToScreen"
api_ClipCursor% (lpRect*) : "ClipCursor"
api_CloseClipboard% () : "CloseClipboard"
api_CloseDesktop% (hDesktop%) : "CloseDesktop"
api_CloseWindow% (hwnd%) : "CloseWindow"
api_CloseWindowStation% (hWinSta%) : "CloseWindowStation"
api_CopyAcceleratorTable% (hAccelSrc%, lpAccelDst*, cAccelEntries%) : "CopyAcceleratorTableA"
api_CopyCursor% (hcur%) : "CopyCursor"
api_CopyIcon% (hIcon%) : "CopyIcon"
api_CopyImage% (handle%, un1%, n1%, n2%, un2%) : "CopyImage"
api_CopyRect% (lpDestRect*, lpSourceRect*) : "CopyRect"
api_CountClipboardFormats% () : "CountClipboardFormats"
api_CreateAcceleratorTable% (lpaccl*, cEntries%) : "CreateAcceleratorTableA"
api_CreateCaret% (hwnd%, hBitmap%, nWidth%, nHeight%) : "CreateCaret"
api_CreateCursor% (hInstance%, nXhotspot%, nYhotspot%, nWidth%, nHeight%, lpANDbitPlane*, lpXORbitPlane*) : "CreateCursor"
api_CreateDesktop% (lpszDesktop$, lpszDevice$, pDevmode*, dwFlags%, dwDesiredAccess%, lpsa*) : "CreateDesktopA"
api_CreateDialogIndirectParam% (hInstance%, lpTemplate*, hWndParent%, lpDialogFunc%, dwInitParam%) : "CreateDialogIndirectParamA"
api_CreateDialogParam% (hInstance%, lpName$, hWndParent%, lpDialogFunc%, lParamInit%) : "CreateDialogParamA"
api_CreateIcon% (hInstance%, nWidth%, nHeight%, nPlanes%, nBitsPixel%, lpANDbits%, lpXORbits%) : "CreateIcon"
api_CreateIconFromResource% (presbits%, dwResSize%, fIcon%, dwVer%) : "CreateIconFromResource"
api_CreateIconIndirect% (piconinfo*) : "CreateIconIndirect"
api_CreateMDIWindow% (lpClassName$, lpWindowName$, dwStyle%, x%, y%, nWidth%, nHeight%, hWndParent%, hInstance%, lParam%) : "CreateMDIWindowA"
api_CreateMenu% () : "CreateMenu"
api_CreatePopupMenu% () : "CreatePopupMenu"
api_CreateWindowEx% (dwExStyle%, lpClassName$, lpWindowName$, dwStyle%, x%, y%, nWidth%, nHeight%, hWndParent%, hMenu%, hInstance%, lpParam) : "CreateWindowExA"
api_DdeAbandonTransaction% (idInst%, hConv%, idTransaction%) : "DdeAbandonTransaction"
api_DdeAccessData% (hData%, pcbDataSize%) : "DdeAccessDataA"
api_DdeAddData% (hData%, pSrc%, cb%, cbOff%) : "DdeAddDataA"
api_DdeClientTransaction% (pData%, cbData%, hConv%, hszItem%, wFmt%, wType%, dwTimeout%, pdwResult%) : "DdeClientTransaction"
api_DdeCmpStringHandles% (hsz1%, hsz2%) : "DdeCmpStringHandles"
api_DdeConnect% (idInst%, hszService%, hszTopic%, pCC*) : "DdeConnect"
api_DdeConnectList% (idInst%, hszService%, hszTopic%, hConvList%, pCC*) : "DdeConnectList"
api_DdeCreateDataHandle% (idInst%, pSrc%, cb%, cbOff%, hszItem%, wFmt%, afCmd%) : "DdeCreateDataHandle"
api_DdeCreateStringHandle% (idInst%, psz$, iCodePage%) : "DdeCreateStringHandleA"
api_DdeDisconnect% (hConv%) : "DdeDisconnect"
api_DdeDisconnectList% (hConvList%) : "DdeDisconnectList"
api_DdeEnableCallback% (idInst%, hConv%, wCmd%) : "DdeEnableCallback"
api_DdeFreeDataHandle% (hData%) : "DdeFreeDataHandle"
api_DdeFreeStringHandle% (idInst%, hsz%) : "DdeFreeStringHandle"
api_DdeGetData% (hData%, pDst%, cbMax%, cbOff%) : "DdeGetDataA"
api_DdeGetLastError% (idInst%) : "DdeGetLastError"
api_DdeImpersonateClient% (hConv%) : "DdeImpersonateClient"
api_DdeInitialize% (pidInst%, pfnCallback%, afCmd%, ulRes%) : "DdeInitializeA"
api_DdeKeepStringHandle% (idInst%, hsz%) : "DdeKeepStringHandle"
api_DdeNameService% (idInst%, hsz1%, hsz2%, afCmd%) : "DdeNameService"
api_DdePostAdvise% (idInst%, hszTopic%, hszItem%) : "DdePostAdvise"
api_DdeQueryConvInfo% (hConv%, idTransaction%, pConvInfo*) : "DdeQueryConvInfo"
api_DdeQueryNextServer% (hConvList%, hConvPrev%) : "DdeQueryNextServer"
api_DdeQueryString% (idInst%, hsz%, psz$, cchMax%, iCodePage%) : "DdeQueryStringA"
api_DdeReconnect% (hConv%) : "DdeReconnect"
api_DdeSetQualityOfService% (hWndClient%, pqosNew*, pqosPrev*) : "DdeSetQualityOfService"
api_DdeSetUserHandle% (hConv%, id%, hUser%) : "DdeSetUserHandle"
api_DdeUnaccessData% (hData%) : "DdeUnaccessDataA"
api_DdeUninitialize% (idInst%) : "DdeUninitialize"
api_DefDlgProc% (hDlg%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "DefDlgProcA"
api_DeferWindowPos% (hWinPosInfo%, hwnd%, hWndInsertAfter%, x%, y%, cx%, cy%, wFlags%) : "DeferWindowPos"
api_DefFrameProc% (hwnd%, hWndMDIClient%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "DefFrameProcA"
api_DefMDIChildProc% (hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "DefMDIChildProcA"
api_DefWindowProc% (hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "DefWindowProcA"
api_DeleteMenu% (hMenu%, nPosition%, wFlags%) : "DeleteMenu"
api_DestroyAcceleratorTable% (haccel%) : "DestroyAcceleratorTable"
api_DestroyCaret% () : "DestroyCaret"
api_DestroyCursor% (hCursor%) : "DestroyCursor"
api_DestroyIcon% (hIcon%) : "DestroyIcon"
api_DestroyMenu% (hMenu%) : "DestroyMenu"
api_DestroyWindow% (hwnd%) : "DestroyWindow"
api_DialogBoxIndirectParam% (hInstance%, hDialogTemplate*, hWndParent%, lpDialogFunc%, dwInitParam%) : "DialogBoxIndirectParamA"
api_DispatchMessage% (lpMsg*) : "DispatchMessageA"
api_DlgDirList% (hDlg%, lpPathSpec$, nIDListBox%, nIDStaticPath%, wFileType%) : "DlgDirListA"
api_DlgDirListComboBox% (hDlg%, lpPathSpec$, nIDComboBox%, nIDStaticPath%, wFileType%) : "DlgDirListComboBoxA"
api_DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx% (hWndDlg%, lpszPath$, cbPath%, idComboBox%) : "DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA"
api_DlgDirSelectEx% (hWndDlg%, lpszPath$, cbPath%, idListBox%) : "DlgDirSelectExA"
api_DragDetect% (hWnd%, pt*) : "DragDetect"
api_DragObject% (hWnd1%, hWnd2%, un%, dw%, hCursor%) : "DragObject"
api_DrawAnimatedRects% (hwnd%, idAni%, lprcFrom*, lprcTo*) : "DrawAnimatedRects"
api_DrawCaption% (hWnd%, hDC%, pcRect*, un%) : "DrawCaption"
api_DrawEdge% (hdc%, qrc*, edge%, grfFlags%) : "DrawEdge"
api_DrawFocusRect% (hdc%, lpRect*) : "DrawFocusRect"
api_DrawFrameControl% (hDC%, lpRect*, un1%, un2%) : "DrawFrameControl"
api_DrawIcon% (hdc%, x%, y%, hIcon%) : "DrawIcon"
api_DrawIconEx% (hdc%, xLeft%, yTop%, hIcon%, cxWidth%, cyWidth%, istepIfAniCur%, hbrFlickerFreeDraw%, diFlags%) : "DrawIconEx"
api_DrawMenuBar% (hwnd%) : "DrawMenuBar"
api_DrawState% (hDC%, hBrush%, lpDrawStateProc%, lParam%, wParam%, n1%, n2%, n3%, n4%, un%) : "DrawStateA"
api_DrawText% (hdc%, lpStr$, nCount%, lpRect*, wFormat%) : "DrawTextA"
api_DrawTextEx% (hDC%, lpsz$, n%, lpRect*, un%, lpDrawTextParams*) : "DrawTextExA"
api_EmptyClipboard% () : "EmptyClipboard"
api_EnableMenuItem% (hMenu%, wIDEnableItem%, wEnable%) : "EnableMenuItem"
api_EnableScrollBar% (hwnd%, wSBflags%, wArrows%) : "EnableScrollBar"
api_EnableWindow% (hwnd%, fEnable%) : "EnableWindow"
api_EndDeferWindowPos% (hWinPosInfo%) : "EndDeferWindowPos"
api_EndDialog% (hDlg%, nResult%) : "EndDialog"
api_EndPaint% (hwnd%, lpPaint*) : "EndPaint"
api_EnumChildWindows% (hWndParent%, lpEnumFunc%, lParam%) : "EnumChildWindows"
api_EnumClipboardFormats% (wFormat%) : "EnumClipboardFormats"
api_EnumDesktops% (hwinsta%, lpEnumFunc%, lParam%) : "EnumDesktopsA"
api_EnumDesktopWindows% (hDesktop%, lpfn%, lParam%) : "EnumDesktopWindows"
api_EnumProps% (hWnd%, lpEnumFunc%) : "EnumPropsA"
api_EnumPropsEx% (hWnd%, lpEnumFunc%, lParam%) : "EnumPropsExA"
api_EnumThreadWindows% (dwThreadId%, lpfn%, lParam%) : "EnumThreadWindows"
api_EnumWindowStations% (lpEnumFunc%, lParam%) : "EnumWindowStationsA"
api_EqualRect% (lpRect1*, lpRect2*) : "EqualRect"
api_ExcludeUpdateRgn% (hdc%, hwnd%) : "ExcludeUpdateRgn"
api_ExitWindows% (dwReserved%, uReturnCode%) : "ExitWindows"
api_ExitWindowsEx% (uFlags%, dwReserved%) : "ExitWindowsEx"
api_FillRect% (hdc%, lpRect*, hBrush%) : "FillRect"
api_FindWindow% (lpClassName$, lpWindowName$) : "FindWindowA"
api_FindWindowEx% (hWnd1%, hWnd2%, lpsz1$, lpsz2$) : "FindWindowExA"
api_FlashWindow% (hwnd%, bInvert%) : "FlashWindow"
api_FrameRect% (hdc%, lpRect*, hBrush%) : "FrameRect"
api_FreeDDElParam% (msg%, lParam%) : "FreeDDElParam"
api_GetActiveWindow% () : "GetActiveWindow"
api_GetAsyncKeyState% (vKey%) : "GetAsyncKeyState"
api_GetCapture% () : "GetCapture"
api_GetCaretBlinkTime% () : "GetCaretBlinkTime"
api_GetCaretPos% (lpPoint*) : "GetCaretPos"
api_GetClassInfo% (hInstance%, lpClassName$, lpWndClass*) : "GetClassInfoA"
api_GetClassLong% (hwnd%, nIndex%) : "GetClassLongA"
api_GetClassName% (hwnd%, lpClassName$, nMaxCount%) : "GetClassNameA"
api_GetClassWord% (hwnd%, nIndex%) : "GetClassWord"
api_GetClientRect% (hwnd%, lpRect*) : "GetClientRect"
api_GetClipboardData% (wFormat%) : "GetClipboardDataA"
api_GetClipboardFormatName% (wFormat%, lpString$, nMaxCount%) : "GetClipboardFormatNameA"
api_GetClipboardOwner% () : "GetClipboardOwner"
api_GetClipboardViewer% () : "GetClipboardViewer"
api_GetClipCursor% (lprc*) : "GetClipCursor"
api_GetCursor% () : "GetCursor"
api_GetCursorPos% (lpPoint*) : "GetCursorPos"
api_GetDC% (hwnd%) : "GetDC"
api_GetDCEx% (hwnd%, hrgnclip%, fdwOptions%) : "GetDCEx"
api_GetDesktopWindow% () : "GetDesktopWindow"
api_GetDialogBaseUnits% () : "GetDialogBaseUnits"
api_GetDlgCtrlID% (hwnd%) : "GetDlgCtrlID"
api_GetDlgItem% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%) : "GetDlgItem"
api_GetDlgItemInt% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%, lpTranslated%, bSigned%) : "GetDlgItemInt"
api_GetDlgItemText% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%, lpString$, nMaxCount%) : "GetDlgItemTextA"
api_GetDoubleClickTime% () : "GetDoubleClickTime"
api_GetFocus% () : "GetFocus"
api_GetForegroundWindow% () : "GetForegroundWindow"
api_GetIconInfo% (hIcon%, piconinfo*) : "GetIconInfo"
api_GetInputState% () : "GetInputState"
api_GetKBCodePage% () : "GetKBCodePage"
api_GetKeyboardLayout% (dwLayout%) : "GetKeyboardLayout"
api_GetKeyboardLayoutList% (nBuff%, lpList%) : "GetKeyboardLayoutList"
api_GetKeyboardLayoutName% (pwszKLID$) : "GetKeyboardLayoutNameA"
api_GetKeyboardState% (pbKeyState%) : "GetKeyboardState"
api_GetKeyboardType% (nTypeFlag%) : "GetKeyboardType"
api_GetKeyNameText% (lParam%, lpBuffer$, nSize%) : "GetKeyNameTextA"
api_GetKeyState% (nVirtKey%) : "GetKeyState"
api_GetLastActivePopup% (hwndOwnder%) : "GetLastActivePopup"
api_GetMenu% (hwnd%) : "GetMenu"
api_GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions% () : "GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions"
api_GetMenuContextHelpId% (hMenu%) : "GetMenuContextHelpId"
api_GetMenuDefaultItem% (hMenu%, fByPos%, gmdiFlags%) : "GetMenuDefaultItem"
api_GetMenuItemCount% (hMenu%) : "GetMenuItemCount"
api_GetMenuItemID% (hMenu%, nPos%) : "GetMenuItemID"
api_GetMenuItemInfo% (hMenu%, un%, b%, lpMenuItemInfo*) : "GetMenuItemInfoA"
api_GetMenuItemRect% (hWnd%, hMenu%, uItem%, lprcItem*) : "GetMenuItemRect"
api_GetMenuState% (hMenu%, wID%, wFlags%) : "GetMenuState"
api_GetMenuString% (hMenu%, wIDItem%, lpString$, nMaxCount%, wFlag%) : "GetMenuStringA"
api_GetMessage% (lpMsg*, hwnd%, wMsgFilterMin%, wMsgFilterMax%) : "GetMessageA"
api_GetMessageExtraInfo% () : "GetMessageExtraInfo"
api_GetMessagePos% () : "GetMessagePos"
api_GetMessageTime% () : "GetMessageTime"
api_GetNextDlgGroupItem% (hDlg%, hCtl%, bPrevious%) : "GetNextDlgGroupItem"
api_GetNextDlgTabItem% (hDlg%, hCtl%, bPrevious%) : "GetNextDlgTabItem"
api_GetNextWindow% (hwnd%, wFlag%) : "GetWindow"
api_GetOpenClipboardWindow% () : "GetOpenClipboardWindow"
api_GetParent% (hwnd%) : "GetParent"
api_GetPriorityClipboardFormat% (lpPriorityList%, nCount%) : "GetPriorityClipboardFormat"
api_GetProcessWindowStation% () : "GetProcessWindowStation"
api_GetProp% (hwnd%, lpString$) : "GetPropA"
api_GetQueueStatus% (fuFlags%) : "GetQueueStatus"
api_GetScrollInfo% (hWnd%, n%, lpScrollInfo*) : "GetScrollInfo"
api_GetScrollPos% (hwnd%, nBar%) : "GetScrollPos"
api_GetScrollRange% (hwnd%, nBar%, lpMinPos%, lpMaxPos%) : "GetScrollRange"
api_GetSubMenu% (hMenu%, nPos%) : "GetSubMenu"
api_GetSysColor% (nIndex%) : "GetSysColor"
api_GetSysColorBrush% (nIndex%) : "GetSysColorBrush"
api_GetSystemMenu% (hwnd%, bRevert%) : "GetSystemMenu"
api_GetSystemMetrics% (nIndex%) : "GetSystemMetrics"
api_GetTabbedTextExtent% (hdc%, lpString$, nCount%, nTabPositions%, lpnTabStopPositions%) : "GetTabbedTextExtentA"
api_GetThreadDesktop% (dwThread%) : "GetThreadDesktop"
api_GetTopWindow% (hwnd%) : "GetTopWindow"
api_GetUpdateRect% (hwnd%, lpRect*, bErase%) : "GetUpdateRect"
api_GetUpdateRgn% (hwnd%, hRgn%, fErase%) : "GetUpdateRgn"
api_GetUserObjectInformation% (hObj%, nIndex%, pvInfo*, nLength%, lpnLengthNeeded%) : "GetUserObjectInformationA"
api_GetUserObjectSecurity% (hObj%, pSIRequested%, pSd*, nLength%, lpnLengthNeeded%) : "GetUserObjectSecurity"
api_GetWindow% (hwnd%, wCmd%) : "GetWindow"
api_GetWindowContextHelpId% (hWnd%) : "GetWindowContextHelpId"
api_GetWindowDC% (hwnd%) : "GetWindowDC"
api_GetWindowLong% (hwnd%, nIndex%) : "GetWindowLongA"
api_GetWindowPlacement% (hwnd%, lpwndpl*) : "GetWindowPlacement"
api_GetWindowRect% (hwnd%, lpRect*) : "GetWindowRect"
api_GetWindowRgn% (hWnd%, hRgn%) : "GetWindowRgn"
api_GetWindowText% (hwnd%, lpString$, cch%) : "GetWindowTextA"
api_GetWindowTextLength% (hwnd%) : "GetWindowTextLengthA"
api_GetWindowThreadProcessId% (hwnd%, lpdwProcessId%) : "GetWindowThreadProcessId"
api_GetWindowWord% (hwnd%, nIndex%) : "GetWindowWord"
api_GrayString% (hDC%, hBrush%, lpOutputFunc%, lpData%, nCount%, X%, Y%, nWidth%, nHeight%) : "GrayStringA"
api_HideCaret% (hwnd%) : "HideCaret"
api_HiliteMenuItem% (hwnd%, hMenu%, wIDHiliteItem%, wHilite%) : "HiliteMenuItem"
api_ImpersonateDdeClientWindow% (hWndClient%, hWndServer%) : "ImpersonateDdeClientWindow"
api_InflateRect% (lpRect*, x%, y%) : "InflateRect"
api_InSendMessage% () : "InSendMessage"
api_InsertMenu% (hMenu%, nPosition%, wFlags%, wIDNewItem%, lpNewItem*) : "InsertMenuA"
api_InsertMenuItem% (hMenu%, un%, bool%, lpcMenuItemInfo*) : "InsertMenuItemA"
api_IntersectRect% (lpDestRect*, lpSrc1Rect*, lpSrc2Rect*) : "IntersectRect"
api_InvalidateRect% (hwnd%, lpRect*, bErase%) : "InvalidateRect"
api_InvalidateRgn% (hwnd%, hRgn%, bErase%) : "InvalidateRgn"
api_InvertRect% (hdc%, lpRect*) : "InvertRect"
api_IsCharAlpha% (cChar%) : "IsCharAlphaA"
api_IsCharAlphaNumeric% (cChar%) : "IsCharAlphaNumericA"
api_IsCharLower% (cChar%) : "IsCharLowerA"
api_IsCharUpper% (cChar%) : "IsCharUpperA"
api_IsChild% (hWndParent%, hwnd%) : "IsChild"
api_IsClipboardFormatAvailable% (wFormat%) : "IsClipboardFormatAvailable"
api_IsDialogMessage% (hDlg%, lpMsg*) : "IsDialogMessageA"
api_IsDlgButtonChecked% (hDlg%, nIDButton%) : "IsDlgButtonChecked"
api_IsIconic% (hwnd%) : "IsIconic"
api_IsMenu% (hMenu%) : "IsMenu"
api_IsRectEmpty% (lpRect*) : "IsRectEmpty"
api_IsWindow% (hwnd%) : "IsWindow"
api_IsWindowEnabled% (hwnd%) : "IsWindowEnabled"
api_IsWindowUnicode% (hwnd%) : "IsWindowUnicode"
api_IsWindowVisible% (hwnd%) : "IsWindowVisible"
api_IsZoomed% (hwnd%) : "IsZoomed"
api_keybd_event (bVk%, bScan%, dwFlags%, dwExtraInfo%) : "keybd_event"
api_KillTimer% (hwnd%, nIDEvent%) : "KillTimer"
api_LoadAccelerators% (hInstance%, lpTableName$) : "LoadAcceleratorsA"
api_LoadBitmap% (hInstance%, lpBitmapName$) : "LoadBitmapA"
api_LoadCursor% (hInstance%, lpCursorName$) : "LoadCursorA"
api_LoadCursorFromFile% (lpFileName$) : "LoadCursorFromFileA"
api_LoadIcon% (hInstance%, lpIconName$) : "LoadIconA"
api_LoadImage% (hInst%, lpsz$, un1%, n1%, n2%, un2%) : "LoadImageA"
api_LoadKeyboardLayout% (pwszKLID$, flags%) : "LoadKeyboardLayoutA"
api_LoadMenu% (hInstance%, lpString$) : "LoadMenuA"
api_LoadMenuIndirect% (lpMenuTemplate%) : "LoadMenuIndirectA"
api_LoadString% (hInstance%, wID%, lpBuffer$, nBufferMax%) : "LoadStringA"
api_LockWindowUpdate% (hwndLock%) : "LockWindowUpdate"
api_LookupIconIdFromDirectory% (presbits%, fIcon%) : "LookupIconIdFromDirectory"
api_LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx% (presbits%, fIcon%, cxDesired%, cyDesired%, Flags%) : "LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx"
api_MapDialogRect% (hDlg%, lpRect*) : "MapDialogRect"
api_MapVirtualKey% (wCode%, wMapType%) : "MapVirtualKeyA"
api_MapVirtualKeyEx% (uCode%, uMapType%, dwhkl%) : "MapVirtualKeyExA"
api_MapWindowPoints% (hwndFrom%, hwndTo%, lppt*, cPoints%) : "MapWindowPoints"
api_MenuItemFromPoint% (hWnd%, hMenu%, ptScreen*) : "MenuItemFromPoint"
api_MessageBeep% (wType%) : "MessageBeep"
api_MessageBox% (hwnd%, lpText$, lpCaption$, wType%) : "MessageBoxA"
api_MessageBoxEx% (hwnd%, lpText$, lpCaption$, uType%, wLanguageId%) : "MessageBoxExA"
api_MessageBoxIndirect% (lpMsgBoxParams*) : "MessageBoxIndirectA"
api_ModifyMenu% (hMenu%, nPosition%, wFlags%, wIDNewItem%, lpString*) : "ModifyMenuA"
api_mouse_event (dwFlags%, dx%, dy%, cButtons%, dwExtraInfo%) : "mouse_event"
api_MoveWindow% (hwnd%, x%, y%, nWidth%, nHeight%, bRepaint%) : "MoveWindow"
api_MsgWaitForMultipleObjects% (nCount%, pHandles%, fWaitAll%, dwMilliseconds%, dwWakeMask%) : "MsgWaitForMultipleObjects"
api_OemKeyScan% (wOemChar%) : "OemKeyScan"
api_OemToChar% (lpszSrc$, lpszDst$) : "OemToCharA"
api_OemToCharBuff% (lpszSrc$, lpszDst$, cchDstLength%) : "OemToCharBuffA"
api_OffsetRect% (lpRect*, x%, y%) : "OffsetRect"
api_OpenClipboard% (hwnd%) : "OpenClipboard"
api_OpenDesktop% (lpszDesktop$, dwFlags%, fInherit%, dwDesiredAccess%) : "OpenDesktopA"
api_OpenIcon% (hwnd%) : "OpenIcon"
api_OpenInputDesktop% (dwFlags%, fInherit%, dwDesiredAccess%) : "OpenInputDesktop"
api_OpenWindowStation% (lpszWinSta$, fInherit%, dwDesiredAccess%) : "OpenWindowStationA"
api_PackDDElParam% (msg%, uiLo%, uiHi%) : "PackDDElParam"
api_PaintDesktop% (hdc%) : "PaintDesktop"
api_PeekMessage% (lpMsg*, hwnd%, wMsgFilterMin%, wMsgFilterMax%, wRemoveMsg%) : "PeekMessageA"
api_PostMessage% (hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "PostMessageA"
api_PostQuitMessage (nExitCode%) : "PostQuitMessage"
api_PostThreadMessage% (idThread%, msg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "PostThreadMessageA"
api_PtInRect% (lpRect*, pt*) : "PtInRect"
api_RedrawWindow% (hwnd%, lprcUpdate*, hrgnUpdate%, fuRedraw%) : "RedrawWindow"
api_RegisterClass% (Class*) : "RegisterClass"
api_RegisterClassEx% (pcWndClassEx*) : "RegisterClassExA"
api_RegisterClipboardFormat% (lpString$) : "RegisterClipboardFormatA"
api_RegisterHotKey% (hwnd%, id%, fsModifiers%, vk%) : "RegisterHotKey"
api_RegisterWindowMessage% (lpString$) : "RegisterWindowMessageA"
api_ReleaseCapture% () : "ReleaseCapture"
api_ReleaseDC% (hwnd%, hdc%) : "ReleaseDC"
api_RemoveMenu% (hMenu%, nPosition%, wFlags%) : "RemoveMenu"
api_RemoveProp% (hwnd%, lpString$) : "RemovePropA"
api_ReplyMessage% (lReply%) : "ReplyMessage"
api_ReuseDDElParam% (lParam%, msgIn%, msgOut%, uiLo%, uiHi%) : "ReuseDDElParam"
api_ScreenToClient% (hwnd%, lpPoint*) : "ScreenToClient"
api_ScrollDC% (hdc%, dx%, dy%, lprcScroll*, lprcClip*, hrgnUpdate%, lprcUpdate*) : "ScrollDC"
api_ScrollWindow% (hWnd%, XAmount%, YAmount%, lpRect*, lpClipRect*) : "ScrollWindow"
api_ScrollWindowEx% (hwnd%, dx%, dy%, lprcScroll*, lprcClip*, hrgnUpdate%, lprcUpdate*, fuScroll%) : "ScrollWindowEx"
api_SendDlgItemMessage% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "SendDlgItemMessageA"
api_SendMessage% (hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam*) : "SendMessageA"
api_SendMessageCallback% (hwnd%, msg%, wParam%, lParam%, lpResultCallBack%, dwData%) : "SendMessageCallbackA"
api_SendMessageTimeout% (hwnd%, msg%, wParam%, lParam%, fuFlags%, uTimeout%, lpdwResult%) : "SendMessageTimeoutA"
api_SendNotifyMessage% (hwnd%, msg%, wParam%, lParam%) : "SendNotifyMessageA"
api_SetActiveWindow% (hwnd%) : "SetActiveWindow"
api_SetCapture% (hwnd%) : "SetCapture"
api_SetCaretBlinkTime% (wMSeconds%) : "SetCaretBlinkTime"
api_SetCaretPos% (x%, y%) : "SetCaretPos"
api_SetClassLong% (hwnd%, nIndex%, dwNewLong%) : "SetClassLongA"
api_SetClassWord% (hwnd%, nIndex%, wNewWord%) : "SetClassWord"
api_SetClipboardData% (wFormat%, hMem%) : "SetClipboardDataA"
api_SetClipboardViewer% (hwnd%) : "SetClipboardViewer"
api_SetCursor% (hCursor%) : "SetCursor"
api_SetCursorPos% (x%, y%) : "SetCursorPos"
api_SetDebugErrorLevel (dwLevel%) : "SetDebugErrorLevel"
api_SetDlgItemInt% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%, wValue%, bSigned%) : "SetDlgItemInt"
api_SetDlgItemText% (hDlg%, nIDDlgItem%, lpString$) : "SetDlgItemTextA"
api_SetDoubleClickTime% (wCount%) : "SetDoubleClickTime"
api_SetFocus% (hwnd%) : "SetFocus"
api_SetForegroundWindow% (hwnd%) : "SetForegroundWindow"
api_SetKeyboardState% (lppbKeyState%) : "SetKeyboardState"
api_SetLastErrorEx (dwErrCode%, dwType%) : "SetLastErrorEx"
api_SetMenu% (hwnd%, hMenu%) : "SetMenu"
api_SetMenuContextHelpId% (hMenu%, dw%) : "SetMenuContextHelpId"
api_SetMenuDefaultItem% (hMenu%, uItem%, fByPos%) : "SetMenuDefaultItem"
api_SetMenuItemBitmaps% (hMenu%, nPosition%, wFlags%, hBitmapUnchecked%, hBitmapChecked%) : "SetMenuItemBitmaps"
api_SetMenuItemInfo% (hMenu%, un%, bool%, lpcMenuItemInfo*) : "SetMenuItemInfoA"
api_SetMessageExtraInfo% (lParam%) : "SetMessageExtraInfo"
api_SetMessageQueue% (cMessagesMax%) : "SetMessageQueue"
api_SetParent% (hWndChild%, hWndNewParent%) : "SetParent"
api_SetProcessWindowStation% (hWinSta%) : "SetProcessWindowStation"
api_SetProp% (hwnd%, lpString$, hData%) : "SetPropA"
api_SetRect% (lpRect*, X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%) : "SetRect"
api_SetRectEmpty% (lpRect*) : "SetRectEmpty"
api_SetScrollInfo% (hWnd%, n%, lpcScrollInfo*, bool%) : "SetScrollInfo"
api_SetScrollPos% (hwnd%, nBar%, nPos%, bRedraw%) : "SetScrollPos"
api_SetScrollRange% (hwnd%, nBar%, nMinPos%, nMaxPos%, bRedraw%) : "SetScrollRange"
api_SetSysColors% (nChanges%, lpSysColor%, lpColorValues%) : "SetSysColors"
api_SetSystemCursor% (hcur%, id%) : "SetSystemCursor"
api_SetThreadDesktop% (hDesktop%) : "SetThreadDesktop"
api_SetTimer% (hWnd%, nIDEvent%, uElapse%, lpTimerFunc%) : "SetTimer"
api_SetUserObjectInformation% (hObj%, nIndex%, pvInfo*, nLength%) : "SetUserObjectInformationA"
api_SetUserObjectSecurity% (hObj%, pSIRequested%, pSd*) : "SetUserObjectSecurity"
api_SetWindowContextHelpId% (hWnd%, dw%) : "SetWindowContextHelpId"
api_SetWindowLong% (hwnd%, nIndex%, dwNewLong%) : "SetWindowLongA"
api_SetWindowPlacement% (hwnd%, lpwndpl*) : "SetWindowPlacement"
api_SetWindowPos% (hwnd%, hWndInsertAfter%, x%, y%, cx%, cy%, wFlags%) : "SetWindowPos"
api_SetWindowRgn% (hWnd%, hRgn%, bRedraw%) : "SetWindowRgn"
api_SetWindowsHook% (nFilterType%, pfnFilterProc%) : "SetWindowsHookA"
api_SetWindowsHookEx% (idHook%, lpfn%, hmod%, dwThreadId%) : "SetWindowsHookExA"
api_SetWindowText% (hwnd%, lpString$) : "SetWindowTextA"
api_SetWindowWord% (hwnd%, nIndex%, wNewWord%) : "SetWindowWord"
api_ShowCaret% (hwnd%) : "ShowCaret"
api_ShowCursor% (bShow%) : "ShowCursor"
api_ShowOwnedPopups% (hwnd%, fShow%) : "ShowOwnedPopups"
api_ShowScrollBar% (hwnd%, wBar%, bShow%) : "ShowScrollBar"
api_ShowWindow% (hwnd%, nCmdShow%) : "ShowWindow"
api_ShowWindowAsync% (hWnd%, nCmdShow%) : "ShowWindowAsync"
api_SubtractRect% (lprcDst*, lprcSrc1*, lprcSrc2*) : "SubtractRect"
api_SwapMouseButton% (bSwap%) : "SwapMouseButton"
api_SwitchDesktop% (hDesktop%) : "SwitchDesktop"
api_SystemParametersInfo% (uAction%, uParam%, lpvParam*, fuWinIni%) : "SystemParametersInfoA"
api_TabbedTextOut% (hdc%, x%, y%, lpString$, nCount%, nTabPositions%, lpnTabStopPositions%, nTabOrigin%) : "TabbedTextOutA"
api_TileWindows% (hwndParent%, wHow%, lpRect*, cKids%, lpKids%) : "TileWindows"
api_ToAscii% (uVirtKey%, uScanCode%, lpbKeyState%, lpwTransKey%, fuState%) : "ToAscii"
api_ToAsciiEx% (uVirtKey%, uScanCode%, lpKeyState%, lpChar%, uFlags%, dwhkl%) : "ToAsciiEx"
api_ToUnicode% (wVirtKey%, wScanCode%, lpKeyState%, pwszBuff$, cchBuff%, wFlags%) : "ToUnicode"
api_TrackPopupMenu% (hMenu%, wFlags%, x%, y%, nReserved%, hwnd%, lprc*) : "TrackPopupMenu"
api_TrackPopupMenuEx% (hMenu%, un%, n1%, n2%, hWnd%, lpTPMParams*) : "TrackPopupMenuEx"
api_TranslateAccelerator% (hwnd%, hAccTable%, lpMsg*) : "TranslateAcceleratorA"
api_TranslateMDISysAccel% (hWndClient%, lpMsg*) : "TranslateMDISysAccel"
api_TranslateMessage% (lpMsg*) : "TranslateMessage"
api_UnhookWindowsHook% (nCode%, pfnFilterProc%) : "UnhookWindowsHook"
api_UnhookWindowsHookEx% (hHook%) : "UnhookWindowsHookEx"
api_UnionRect% (lpDestRect*, lpSrc1Rect*, lpSrc2Rect*) : "UnionRect"
api_UnloadKeyboardLayout% (HKL%) : "UnloadKeyboardLayout"
api_UnpackDDElParam% (msg%, lParam%, puiLo%, puiHi%) : "UnpackDDElParam"
api_UnregisterClass% (lpClassName$, hInstance%) : "UnregisterClassA"
api_UnregisterHotKey% (hwnd%, id%) : "UnregisterHotKey"
api_UpdateWindow% (hwnd%) : "UpdateWindow"
api_ValidateRect% (hwnd%, lpRect*) : "ValidateRect"
api_ValidateRgn% (hwnd%, hRgn%) : "ValidateRgn"
api_VkKeyScan% (cChar%) : "VkKeyScanA"
api_VkKeyScanEx% (ch%, dwhkl%) : "VkKeyScanExA"
api_WaitForInputIdle% (hProcess%, dwMilliseconds%) : "WaitForInputIdle"
api_WaitMessage% () : "WaitMessage"
api_WindowFromDC% (hdc%) : "WindowFromDC"
api_WindowFromPoint% (xPoint%, yPoint%) : "WindowFromPoint"
api_WinHelp% (hwnd%, lpHelpFile$, wCommand%, dwData%) : "WinHelpA"

Last edited 2011

tyoud(Posted 2011) [#7]
Semi-fixed! :)

I got this code to work - the problem all along was that my version user32.decls had a bug in api_CreateWindowEx - the last parameter, shouldn't have a * in it. drat (fixed above)

Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW     = $40
Const GWL_STYLE      = -16
Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN    = $2000000

Const WS_CHILD           = $40000000
Const WS_VISIBLE         = $10000000
Const WS_DISABLED        = $8000000

Graphics3D 800,600,0,2

PositionEntity cam , 1,2,-3
PointEntity cam,cube
PositionEntity light, -300,200,-500
PointEntity light,cube

Global hWnd = api_GetActiveWindow()
style=api_GetWindowLong(hWnd ,GWL_STYLE)
style = style Xor WS_CLIPCHILDREN 
api_SetWindowLong hwnd,GWL_STYLE,style


;child = api_CreateWindowEx(0,"Static","",cstyle ,10,10,400,400,hwnd,0,hinstance,0)
child = api_CreateWindowEx(0,"Static","",cstyle ,10,10,400,400,hwnd,0,0,0)

brow=EmbedBrowserObject(child )

DisplayHTMLPage child , "www.blitzbasic.com"

While Not KeyHit(1)
	TurnEntity cube,1,2,3
	count =count +1

UnEmbedBrowserObject child 
