Help with actions detect in RPG map

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Help with actions detect in RPG map

Dicon(Posted 2011) [#1]
I am using a 1024 by 1024 image using 16 colours colour map ( under_scene) under a 1024 by 1024 scene. Here is the heart of the system. The get Z
Function get_z()
DrawImage under_scene,0,0 ;used as a zone map
Local mx,my
mx=screen_x+352 ; used to offset under_scene and scene
my=screen_y+352 ; " " " "

GetColor mx,my

If r=128 And g=0 And b=0 Then z=1 ; dark red
If r=0 And g=128 And b=0 Then z=2 ; dark green
If r=128 And g=128 And b=0 Then z=3 ; dark yellow
If r=0 And g=0 And b=128 Then z=4 ; very dark blue
If r=128 And g=0 And b=128 Then z=5 ; purple
If r=0 And g=128 And b=128 Then z=6 ; Teal
If r=192 And g=192 And b=128 Then z=7 ; light gray
If r=128 And g=128 And b=128 Then z=8 ; dark gray
If r=255 And g=0 And b=0 Then z=9 ; bright red
If r=0 And g=255 And b=0 Then z=10 ; bright green
If r=255 And g=255 And b=0 Then z=11 ; light yellow
If r=0 And g=0 And b=255 Then z=12 ; dark blue
If r=255 And g=0 And b=255 Then z=13 ; cerise
If r=0 And g=255 And b=255 Then z=14 ; cyan
If r=255 And g=255 And b=255 Then z=15 ; white

End Function
z is returned with whatever colour is at mx,my on the under_scene
After a cls, the upper graphic is put on the screen, then the HUD and hero, which means that I can detect invisible zones, almost to a pixel. My little hero stays in the centre of the screen while the scene and under scene are scrolled in the HUD. But.. I cannot get the "active area" under the hero's feet . The maths escape me, and I have tried for quite a while to get my brain around it.
Any help appreciated.

This works well on static scenes, ( I CAN figure that one ) but I would like to scroll.

Kryzon(Posted 2011) [#2]
I didn't understand your description. Please post a screenshot with your scene structure.

I advise you to compute all these 'z' values into a 1024x1024 integer array at the beginning of the level. Then it'd be a matter of referencing this array to get the values, without needing a function and computing anything real-time.
ThisZ = SceneZ(X, Y)

Last edited 2011

Midimaster(Posted 2011) [#3]
it is never the map, that scrolls under the hero, but the virtual camera moves on the map!

this means, that also your hero should move in this pixel-system coordinates. let change his x to x-1, if he walkes to the left, changes his x to x+1, if he moves to the right,...

at the end it comes to drawing. Now is the moment for virtual camera.
Before drawing the scene, subtract the position of the player

have a look on this two fundamental codes:

Graphics 400,400

	Color 1,99,1
	For I=0 To 30
		Rect (i*30)-CamX,101,29,29
	Flip 1

move this player with the arrow-keys:
Graphics 400,400
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global Player_X#=500
Global Player_Y#=500

Const KEY_LEFT=203 , KEY_RIGHT=205 ,KEY_UP=200 ,KEY_DOWN=208 

	; control the player 
	If KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) Player_X =Player_X - 0.5
	If KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) Player_X=Player_X + 0.5
	If KeyDown(KEY_UP) Player_Y=Player_Y - 0.5
	If KeyDown(KEY_DOWN) Player_Y=Player_Y + 0.5
	; camera  For Player 
	CameraPicture (Player_X-200 , Player_Y-200, 0)
	;some painting To have the feeling of a monitor:
	Color 111,111,111	
	Rect 0,0,900,30
	Rect 0,370,900,30
	Rect 0,0,30,400
	Rect 370,0,160,400
	Flip 0
	WaitTimer fps

Function CameraPicture (CamX, CamY, OffX)
	Color 1,99,1
	; simulates a moving ground Floor
	For j=0 To 90
		For I=0 To 90
			If RealX>0 And RealX<400
				Rect OffX + (i*30)-CamX , (j*30)-CamY , 29,29
	; the player:
	Color 0,0,255
	Oval OffX + Player_X-CamX , Player_Y-CamY ,15,15

End Function

You see, that the 'virtual camera'-positon is always -200/-200 from the player. And this value has to be subtracted when painting all scene-objects

Last edited 2011