Count Children Recursive?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Count Children Recursive?

Rob the Great(Posted 2010) [#1]
Hey all,

For some reason, this problem isn't coming to me in a simple way. I've check the forums, and I can't find anything on the subject, so hopefully I'm not bringing up something that's been discussed before.

Basically, I would like to be able to count all of the children in my mesh, but Blitz's CoundChildren stops at 4, when in reality, my model has closer to 100. I've taken some sample code I've seen earlier and tried to re-work it, but it's making no sense at all.

Here's the sample code that I saw recently, which will DebugLog all of the names of the children in the mesh. I've tried it, and it works beautifully.
;Thanks to GNS and Malice for the sample
Function DebugNameChildren(Ent)
If (n)
For i = 1 To n
End If

This is what I've come up so far:
Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity,temp = 0)

	n = CountChildren(entity)
	If (n)
		temp = temp + n
		For i = 1 To n
			temp = CountChildrenRecursive(GetChild(entity,i),temp)
End Function

I use the function like this in my program:
Text 0,0,"Count Children Recursive: " + CountChildrenRecursive(MyModel)

Obviously, my take on this modified function is way off. It always returns a big, fat Goose Egg, no matter how many times I re-work it.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


_Skully(Posted 2010) [#2]
I don't see a return value... does

Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity,temp = 0)

	n = CountChildren(entity)
	If (n)
		temp = temp + n
		For i = 1 To n
			temp = CountChildrenRecursive(GetChild(entity,i),temp)
	return temp
End Function

help? no blitz available to me tonight

Last edited 2010

Rob the Great(Posted 2010) [#3]
Holy shit, how the hell did I miss that? I guess the function works, but it would be nice to return the restult!


_PJ_(Posted 2010) [#4]
hehe Always those little obvious things cause the most problems :D

Glad it's sorted!

Beaker(Posted 2010) [#5]
Or you could do it non-recursively (and more slowly but more intuitive maybe):
alien = LoadAnimMesh("alien.b3d")

count = 0

ent = alien
While ent
	cnt = cnt + 1
	ent = NextChild(ent)

Function NextChild(ent)
	Local siblingcnt
	If CountChildren(ent)>0
		Return GetChild(ent,1)

	Local foundunused=False
	Local foundent = 0, parent,sibling
	While foundunused=False And ent<>0
		parent = GetParent(ent)
		If parent<>0
			If CountChildren(parent)>1
				If GetChild(parent,CountChildren(parent))<>ent
					For siblingcnt = 1 To CountChildren(parent)
						sibling = GetChild(parent,siblingcnt)
						If sibling=ent
							foundunused = True
							foundent = GetChild(parent,siblingcnt+1)
		ent = parent
	Return foundent
End Function

Taken from here:

_Skully(Posted 2010) [#6]
but you only go a discrete number of layers deep though, so you could miss a bunch no?

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2010) [#7]
I am not sure, probably Beakers code creates a list of children, no? (Those tabs make me blind, no idea why) I however once solved a similar issue by putting all children into a onedimensional array or bank in order to make parsing easier. You can parse the hierarchy "pseudo-recursively" with a bank: simply store all children in the bank, and remember the last index, then parse all stored children and add their children to the end of the list. Do this until none of them has any children anymore.
Or you may use types for the same purpose.

Basicly nothing's wrong with true recursion. But sometimes there may be a certain risk for eternal recursion, resulting in a stack overflow, caused by millions of return addresses from the nested function calls.

Working with return values in recursive functions is also rather confusing, sometimes. I often prefer to use global variables in recursive functions.

jhocking(Posted 2010) [#8]
Recursion is one of those things that I've always felt like maybe I don't fully understand. I've used recursion exactly once in my programming career (for the same purpose too, to traverse a tree of children, although not in Blitz) but I keep hearing other people trumpet how recursion is the most useful thing ever.

Yasha(Posted 2010) [#9]
Recursion is something you'll hear a lot of if you talk to any CS students. It's popular because it combines simplicity with power: any algorithm that can be expressed as a loop can be expressed with recursion, and it'll be simpler while it's at it.

The reason you don't hear a lot of it from anyone else is that most people in the real world don't use Lisp or Haskell, and as a result are vulnerable to stack overflows. Of course, this isn't a huge threat - default stack size on Windows is something like a megabyte which translates to about 14000 B3D function calls, which is usually enough to traverse most practical mesh structures. But it does scare people, because of the total disaster that occurs if you get it wrong and allow infinite recursion (in B3D, the program will simply quit without error or MAV, even in debug mode).

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2010) [#10]
Especially we Basic-Coders may easily forget to add an exit condition to a recursive function, so there should be a bit of respect. Even a simple Thing like
Function a()
end function

could crash Blitz or even the Machine in theory.

Rob the Great(Posted 2010) [#11]
So, taking jfk's idea, would this version of the function above be a way to avoid infinite recursion?
Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity,temp = 0)

	n = CountChildren(entity)
	If (n)
		temp = temp + n
		For i = 1 To n
			temp = CountChildrenRecursive(GetChild(entity,i),temp)
                        If temp > 10000 Then Exit

        Return temp
End Function

It's very unlikely that any model would ever have more than 10,000 children in it. I'm not even sure if I'm using exit in the right way or not. Will that break out of a For...Next loop? This is all great information to have if I decided to keep this function in my game.

_PJ_(Posted 2010) [#12]
What you really want to limit, is the number of times the funciton is repeating itself, rather than the number of children. This would require either a Gkobal counter variable, or adding a new parameter to the function to keep track:

Global RecurseCounter%=0

Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity,temp = 0)
        If (RecurseCounter <= 50)
	    n = CountChildren(entity)
	    If (n)
		    temp = temp + n
		    For i = 1 To n
			    temp = CountChildrenRecursive(GetChild(entity,i),temp)
        Return temp	
        End If 
End Function

Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity,temp = 0,RecurseCounter%)
        If (RecurseCounter <= 50)
	    n = CountChildren(entity)
	    If (n)
		    temp = temp + n
		    For i = 1 To n
			    temp = CountChildrenRecursive(GetChild(entity,i),temp,RecurseCounter)
        End If
        Return temp	
End Function

You could even use a lower value if you're sure it's unlikely to be valid, I've often heard of this limit in recursive loops as a 'sanity check'.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2010) [#13]
Counting the children as a recursion depth test may not work reliably because there can be many children on every level of recursion. Instead I'd use an independant, global depth counter. You have to use the depth limiter before you branch to the Function internally, because whatever comes after the function call will be executed the first time when the deepest recursion returned due to n=0.
Imagine it will branch recursively like a pyramid and the line after the function call will maybe never be reached, even if the function called itself a thousand times.

global depth

Function CountChildrenRecursive(entity, allkids=0)
        If depth > 10000 Then Return allkids ; or maybe better show error msg?
	n = CountChildren(entity)
        allkids = allkids + n
	If (n)
	        For i = 1 To n
        return allkids
End Function

BTW "It's very unlikely that any model would ever have more than 10,000 children in it" - the problem with recursion is more bugs in files that will lead to loops, eg. a parent that is attached to its own child. AS far as I remember Blitz3D will detect such loops and refuse to load a B3D like that, but basicly it's a risk with recursion.

Edit. Malice was faster.

Last edited 2010

Rob the Great(Posted 2010) [#14]
So, in other words, be careful with recursion...Originally, I only needed this function for debugging purposes and it won't appear in any of my executables, but it's a useful skill to have, nonetheless.