Crouching Help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Crouching Help

Kiyoshi(Posted 2010) [#1]
Hey everyone. I'm working on a FPS, but I've run into a problem. I want my character to crouch, and I almost have it (I think). However, the camera is shaking. Here's my what I got:
Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global type_player1=1
Global type_map=3
Global p1level#=5
Global p1grav#=0.4

Global playerbox1=CreateCube()
EntityType playerbox1,type_player1

Global camera1=CreateCamera()
CameraClsColor camera1,0,145,245
EntityParent camera1,playerbox1

Global ground=CreatePlane()
Global groundtex=LoadTexture("grass.bmp")
PositionEntity ground,0,-10,0
EntityTexture ground,groundtex
ScaleTexture groundtex,15,15
EntityType ground,type_map
EntityPickMode ground,2

Collisions type_player1,type_map,2,2

While Not KeyDown(1)

LinePick EntityX(playerbox1),EntityY(playerbox1),EntityZ(playerbox1),0,-p1level,0

If PickedEntity()=ground MoveEntity playerbox1,0,0.2,0
If PickedEntity()=0 MoveEntity playerbox1,0,-.2,0

If KeyDown(30) p1level=2 Else p1level=5



Add any texture for the ground (you can't see the problem without a texture), and my problem is obvious. Please help?

Ross C(Posted 2010) [#2]
I think your problem is your picked entity queries. Your not leaving a dead zone for your player to stop. Imagine this:

Linepick downwards.
PickedEntity() = 0, so move the player down 0.2
next loop
Linepick downwards.
PickedEntity() = Ground, so move player up 0.2
next loop
Linepick downwards.
PickedEntity() = 0, so move the player down 0.2
etc etc

This will continue forever. You need some logic in there to control, because right now it's just moving the playerbox up and down each frame.

Kiyoshi(Posted 2010) [#3]
Oops. I see now. Thanks!

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2010) [#4]
I would also suggest not to use Linepick if it's not really required, because Linepick is rather slow. Here you have already parented the camera to the playersbox. Not ure if the camera has to see the box, but a crouching box wouldn't make much sense anyway, esp. in FPS view. Instead try something like this:
If KeyDown(30) p1level=2 Else p1level=5

if eyeheight# < p1level then
 eyeheight#=eyeheight#+ 0.2
 if eyeheight# > p1level then eyeheight# = p1level
if eyeheight# > p1level then
 eyeheight#=eyeheight#- 0.2
 if eyeheight# < p1level then eyeheight# = p1level
positionentity camera,0,eyeheight#,0,0

Or to smooth the motion you may use something like this:
if eyeheight# < p1level then
 eyeheight#=eyeheight#- (eyeheight# - p1level)*0.1
 if eyeheight# > p1level then eyeheight# = p1level

Last edited 2010

Last edited 2010