Death plane help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Death plane help

Robey(Posted 2010) [#1]
Hi, I'm trying to make a 'Death plane' for a FPS, where when the player makes contact with this plane (for example falls down a cliff) it's game over.

I've positioned it under the stage and programmed it to kill the player upon contact, however for some reason as soon as the player moves (on the stage above the plane, not touching) I get an instant game over, and no matter how far below the player the death plane is, it still causes a game over.

What could be causing this?

Nate the Great(Posted 2010) [#2]
maybe your player is too big or maybe you deathplane collision type is the same as your geometry?

GfK(Posted 2010) [#3]
Doh. I thought it was going to be about that movie "Alive", or "Lost", or something.

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2010) [#4]

Robey(Posted 2010) [#5]
Eh, well I'm not entirely sure where the error is occurring... So here's the whole code. I apologize for how messy it is..

 Include "DPS\System\"

Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 1					;3D graphics at a resolution of 800x600
SetBuffer BackBuffer()						;do all drawing to the back drawing buffer

Const PLAYER_COL= 1                         ;Set collisions
Const LEVEL_COL = 2
Const ENEMY_COL = 3
Const ITEM_COL=6
Const ITEM2_COL=7

Type bullettype				;set up the bullet type
  Field entityhandle		;create a field to contain the handle of the bullets mesh
End Type

Type badguytype				;set up the badguy type
  Field entityhandle		;will contain the handle of the badguys mesh
  Field state				;will contain the state that the badguy is currently in
  Field return_waypoint
  Field speed#
End Type

Type weapontype             ;Set up weapon type
 Field entityhandle
End Type

Type blood				;Set up particle type
	Field mesh		
	Field alpha#
	Field speed_x#
	Field speed_y#
	Field speed_z#
	Field fade_speed#
End Type

Global spark = LoadSprite("Particle-038.png") ;Blood effect
	ScaleEntity spark, .25,.25,.25
	HideEntity spark

Global player_hp = 10			;give the player 10 hit points
Global player_alive = 1			;player is indeed alive
Global waypoint = CreateSphere()
	ScaleEntity waypoint, .0005,.0005,.0005 ; too small to see
	EntityColor waypoint, 0,200,0
	HideEntity waypoint
clouds = CreatePlane()
ScaleTexture cloud_tex,20,20
EntityTexture clouds,cloud_tex
RotateEntity clouds,0,0,180                   ;rotate 180 degrees to be visible from the ground
PositionEntity clouds,0,20,0                  ;place it in the sky
EntityAlpha clouds,.9

Deathplane = CreatePlane()
EntityType deathplane,DEATH_COL
PositionEntity deathplane,0,-70,0
EntityAlpha deathplane,1

tex=LoadTexture("ground.bmp") ;Various textures for temporary backgrounds :p
ScaleTexture tex,.05,.05
light = CreateLight()						;Create a light to see
RotateEntity light, 30, 30, 0				;angle the light
Global player = CreatePivot()				;A simple pivot is all we need to represent the player
Global camera = CreateCamera(player)		;create the camera and attach it to the player

CameraRange camera, .01, 250				;set the camera range to something reasonable
CameraClsColor camera,0,0,0


template = CreateTemplate()
SetTemplateEmitterBlend(template, 1)
SetTemplateInterval(template, 5)
SetTemplateEmitterLifeTime(template, -1)
SetTemplateParticleLifeTime(template, 30, 45)
SetTemplateTexture(template, "DPS\particle collection\normal\particle-016.png", 2, 1)
SetTemplateOffset(template, -.3, .3, -.3, .3, -.3, .3)
SetTemplateVelocity(template, -.04, .04, .1, .2, -.04, .04)
SetTemplateAlphaVel(template, True)
SetTemplateSize(template, 3, 3, .5, 1.5)
SetTemplateSizeVel(template, .01, 1.01)

emitter = CreatePivot() ;The emitter can also be a mesh(don't have to be a pivot!)
EntityType emitter,ITEM2_COL
SetEmitter(emitter, template) ;Sets the template which was created to this emitter pivot
PositionEntity emitter,0,1,20

template2 = CreateTemplate()
SetTemplateEmitterBlend(template2, 3)
SetTemplateInterval(template2, 1)
SetTemplateParticlesPerInterval(template2, 10)
SetTemplateEmitterLifeTime(template2, -1)
SetTemplateParticleLifeTime(template2, 20, 20)
SetTemplateTexture(template2, "DPS\particle collection\normal\particle-025.png", 3)
SetTemplateOffset(template2, -10, 10, 4.5, 5.5, -5, 5)
SetTemplateVelocity(template2, .1, .1, -.03, -.03, 0, 0)
SetTemplateGravity(template2, .1)
SetTemplateSize(template2, -.03, -.3)
SetTemplateFixAngles(template2, 0, -1)

emitter2 = CreatePivot(camera) ;The emitter can also be a mesh(don't have to be a pivot!)

SetEmitter(emitter2, template2) ;Sets the template which was created to this emitter pivot
PositionEntity emitter2,0,10,10

template3 = CreateTemplate()
SetTemplateEmitterBlend(template3, 1)
SetTemplateInterval(template3, 1)
SetTemplateParticlesPerInterval(template3, 1)
SetTemplateEmitterLifeTime(template3, -1)
SetTemplateParticleLifeTime(template3, 20, 30)
SetTemplateTexture(template3, "WaterHit.png", 3, 3)
SetTemplateOffset(template3, -2.5, 2.5, 1, 1, -2.5, 2.5)
SetTemplateAlphaVel(template3, True)
SetTemplateSize(template3, .002, .002, .8, 1.3)
SetTemplateSizeVel(template3, .03, 1)
SetTemplateFixAngles(template3, 90, -1)

emitter3 = CreateCube()
HideEntity emitter3
setemitter(emitter3, template3)
PositionEntity emitter3,0,-1,6

;STAGE MESHES /\/\/\/\
level = LoadMesh("stage.b3d"):ScaleEntity level,0.5,0.5,0.5:MoveEntity level,0,34,0			;load in the level mesh

EntityTexture level,tex


microphone=CreateListener(camera)                ;Creates listener and attaches it to the camera
sound=Load3DSound("real hit.wav")                ;SFX for firing the gun
sound2=Load3DSound("Gun_Reload.wav")             ;SFX for reloading
Soundtrack=Load3DSound("Tallon Overworld.mp3")     ;Backgound music
Global deathsfx=Load3DSound("death.mp3")

Snd_Water = LoadSound("Fountain.wav")
SoundVolume snd_water,.3
LoopSound Snd_Water
EmitSound Snd_Water,camera

                     ;play background music
SoundVolume soundtrack,2
LoopSound soundtrack
EmitSound(soundtrack, camera)

CameraFogRange camera,1,70                        ;Set camera fog mode (what's this doing here? XD)
CameraFogMode camera,1
CameraFogColor camera,0,0,0

;Aditional meshes, animmeshes and sprites

weapon1 = LoadAnimMesh("pistolhand.b3d", camera)			;load in the weapon mesh and attach it to the camera
RotateMesh weapon1, -10, -75, 0:ScaleEntity weapon1, .005, .005, .005:TranslateEntity weapon1,-.04,.04,.10

bulletmesh = LoadMesh("bullet.b3d")				;load in a bullet mesh (this will be a template mesh)

c = LoadSprite("crosshair.png", 2, camera)      ;crosshair sprite
PositionEntity c, 0, 0, 15
EntityOrder c, -1

 b = LoadSprite("backpack2.png")
EntityType b, ITEM_COL     
EntityRadius b, 1.5, .95                ;Backpack sprite for item
PositionEntity b, 0, 1, 0
EntityOrder b , -1

bicon = LoadSprite("backpack2.png",2,camera)    ;Backpack sprite for HUD
PositionEntity bicon, -19.3, 8, 20
EntityOrder bicon , -1
HideEntity bicon

Global Pistolmesh = LoadMesh("pistol.b3d")             ;Collectable gun mesh
EntityType pistolmesh, WEAPON_COL
EntityRadius pistolmesh, 1.5, .95
ScaleEntity pistolmesh, .05, .05, .05

PositionEntity pistolmesh, 10,0,0

ExtractAnimSeq weapon1,0,1           ;Extract sequences for gun movement animation
ExtractAnimSeq weapon1,2,11
ExtractAnimSeq weapon1,39,69
ExtractAnimSeq weapon1,70,80
ExtractAnimSeq weapon1,81,90

RotateMesh bulletmesh,0,-5,0:ScaleEntity bulletmesh,.1,.1,.1:EntityColor bulletmesh, 50, 50, 50
EntityType bulletmesh, BULLET_COL				;set up collision type for the bullet
EntityRadius bulletmesh, .01					;set up collision radius for the bullet
badguymesh = LoadAnimMesh("Robot.b3d")				;load in badguy mesh (this will also be a template mesh)
RotateEntity badguymesh,0,0,0

ScaleEntity badguymesh,.15,.15,.15;.6 wide, 1.9 tall, .25 thick
EntityType badguymesh, ENEMY_COL				;set up collision type for the badguy
EntityRadius badguymesh, .3, .95	 			;set up collision radius for the badguy (1.9 meters tall, .6 meters wide)
HideEntity bulletmesh						;hide the template meshes since they are not actual objects
HideEntity badguymesh						;this will also exclude them from collisions

ExtractAnimSeq badguymesh,0,39

;/\/\/\/\/\ MAKING ENEMIES!

For iter = 1 To 20						;create some badguys from the template badguy mesh
  badguy.badguytype = New badguytype				;create a new badguy
  badguy\entityhandle = CopyEntity(badguymesh)			;give him a mesh
  badguy\state = 1 :Animate badguy\entityhandle,2,.3,0,5 ;1=Guard 2=drop new way point 3=follow 4=Attack 5=return to waypoint 6=dead x.x
  badguy\speed = .15

MoveEntity camera, 0, .9, 0					;move camera up to height of players head (also moves weapon)
MoveEntity weapon1, .16, -.17,- .01				;move weapon to bottom right of camera
MoveEntity player, 20, 1, -20					;move the player to the starting position

For badguy = Each badguytype					;iterate through all of the badguys
  PositionEntity badguy\entityhandle, Rnd(100)-50, .95, Rnd(100)-50	;move the badguy to a random starting position

EntityType player, PLAYER_COL					;set up collision type for the player
EntityRadius player, .3, .95					;set up the players collision radius (1.9 meters tall, .6 meters wide)
EntityType level, LEVEL_COL					;set up collision type for the level
Collisions PLAYER_COL, LEVEL_COL, 2, 2				;player to level
Collisions PLAYER_COL, ENEMY_COL, 1, 2				;player to badguy
Collisions ENEMY_COL, LEVEL_COL, 2, 2				;badguy to level
Collisions BULLET_COL, LEVEL_COL, 2, 1				;bullet to level
Collisions BULLET_COL, ENEMY_COL, 2, 1				;bullet to badguy
Collisions PLAYER_COL, WEAPON_COL,1,2              ;weapon to player
Collisions PLAYER_COL, ITEM_COL,1,2 
Collisions PLAYER_COL, ITEM2_COL,1,2 
Collisions ENEMY_COL, ENEMY_COL, 1, 2
Collisions PLAYER_COL, DEATH_COL,2,1

ptime=1000 ;PARA TIME 19secs...ish
Pon=False   ;Switch for gravchute : off
Jon=False   ;Switch for jetpack   : off
Jtime=500  ;Fuel remaining
ammodiff=10 ;Controler for reloading, DO NOT TOUCH!

While Not KeyHit(1)  					;ESC key MAIN LOOP/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ <--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TranslateEntity clouds,0.05,0,0.05 ; make clouds roll across the sky...


If player_alive=1
  wkey = KeyDown(17)			;collect user input, this is messy...
  skey = KeyDown(31)			
  akey = KeyDown(30)			
  dkey = KeyDown(32)			
  mouse1 = MouseHit(1)			

  space = KeyHit(57)

If (player_alive =0) And (i<180) 
TurnEntity player,0,-2,-2


If (player_alive =0) And (j#<255)
j#=j# +.5
CameraFogColor camera,j#,0,0
CameraClsColor camera,j#,0,0
CameraFogRange camera,-j#,5

If player_alive=1
 ; mouse1 = MouseDown(1) ;Toggle for Rapid-fire mode

  If wkey Then MoveEntity player, 0, 0, .2			   ;Forward - w key
  If skey Then MoveEntity player, 0, 0, -.1			   ;Back    - s key
  If akey Then MoveEntity player, -.1, 0, 0			   ;Left    - a key
  If dkey Then MoveEntity player, .1, 0, 0			   ;Right   - d key
  If space Then EmitSound(sound2,camera)               ;Clickclick...
  If (space) And (clip=0) Then EmitSound(empty,camera) ;empty sound if reload fails

If (space) And (clip>0) Then ammodiff=ammodiff-ammo :ammo=ammo+ammodiff :clip=clip-ammodiff :ammodiff=10 

If clip > 100 Then clip = 100

  If KeyHit(17) Then Animate weapon1,2,-1,3,5         ;animate moving forwards
  If Not (wkey) Or (akey) Or (dkey) Or (MouseDown(1)) Then Animate weapon1,0,-1,3,10 ;stop animating if not moving or firing weapon
  If KeyHit(30) Then Animate weapon1,3,1,4,5          ;gun turns left...
  If KeyHit(32) Then Animate weapon1,3,1,5,5          ;gun turns right...

  TurnEntity player, 0, -MouseXSpeed()/5.0, 0			;rotate player Pivot according to mouse X movement
  TurnEntity camera, MouseYSpeed()/5.0, 0, 0			;rotate camera up/down according to mouse Y movement
  If EntityPitch(camera) < -45					;don't allow camera to look below -45 degrees
    RotateEntity camera, -45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)
  If EntityPitch(camera) > 45					;don't allow camera to look above 45 degrees
    RotateEntity camera, 45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)
  MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2		;reset mouse position to middle of screen

;PHYSICS/\/\/\/\ >.<
  If parachute = False Then TranslateEntity player, 0, -.4, 0				;gravity

;parachute test/\/\/\

 If (KeyHit(18)) And (Pon=True) Then parachute=True

 If parachute=True Then TranslateEntity player,0,-.05,0:ptime=ptime-1
 If ptime=<0 Then parachute=False:Pon=False
 If pon = True Then ShowEntity bicon
 If pon = False Then HideEntity bicon

;jetpack test/\/\/\

If (MouseDown(2)) And (Jon=True) Then TranslateEntity player,0,0.5,0:Jtime=Jtime-1
If (MouseHit(2)) And (Jon=True) Then EmitSound jet,camera
If Jtime=<0 Then Jon=False
If player_alive=0 Then jon=False


If ammo > 0 Then ;check if ammo is depleted

  If mouse1 Then							;check if left mouse button was pressed
Animate weapon1,3,1,2,5                ;animate firing weapon

    bullet.bullettype = New bullettype				;create a bullet
    bullet\entityhandle = CopyEntity(bulletmesh)		;create the bullet mesh
    PositionEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityX(weapon1, 1), EntityY(weapon1, 1), EntityZ(weapon1, 1)	;place the bullet at the guns position
    RotateEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityPitch(weapon1, 1), EntityYaw(weapon1, 1), EntityRoll(weapon1, 1);orientate the bullet with the gun
    ResetEntity bullet\entityhandle				;otherwise bullet could hit enemy while moving from 0,0,0 to current position

  For thisbullet.bullettype = Each bullettype			;iterate through all of the bullets
    MoveEntity thisbullet\entityhandle, 0, 0, 2			;move the bullet forward along the bullets Z axis !
    If Abs(EntityX(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000		;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
      FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle			;delete the bullet mesh
      Delete thisbullet						;delete the bullet
    ElseIf Abs(EntityY(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000	;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
      FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle			;delete the bullet mesh
      Delete thisbullet						;delete the bullet
    ElseIf Abs(EntityZ(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000	;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
      FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle			;delete the bullet mesh
      Delete thisbullet						;delete the bullet

;Collectable gun control? (WORKING)

If EntityCollided(player,WEAPON_COL) Then clip = clip + 50 : HideEntity pistolmesh : EmitSound empty,camera

If EntityCollided(player,ITEM_COL) Then pon = True : HideEntity b : EmitSound empty,camera 
If EntityCollided(player,ITEM2_COL) Then jon = True :  EmitSound empty,camera : Jtime = 500 
;If EntityCollided(player,DEATH_COL)Then player_alive = 0


  UpdateWorld							;figures out collisions, yada yada yada...

  For thisbullet = Each bullettype				;iterate through all of the bullets
    If CountCollisions(thisbullet\entityhandle) > 0		;check if bullet collided with something
      enemyhit = EntityCollided(thisbullet\entityhandle, 3)	;note which enemy bullet collided with (if any)
      If enemyhit > 0 Then KillBadGuy(enemyhit)			;enemyhit contains entity handle of enemy that was hit
      FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle			;delete the bullet mesh
      Delete thisbullet						;delete the bullet

  RenderWorld							;draws the 3d scene
Text 0,0,"ammo: "                       ;Text to screen rendering
Text 0,20,ammo
Text 0,30,"clip: "
Text 0,50,clip
Text 300,0,"HP: ":Text 330,0,player_hp
If parachute=True Then Text 0,70,"Gravchute on "
If parachute=True Then Text 0,85,ptime
If Jon = True Then Text 0,100,"Jetpack: " +Jtime
If player_alive = 0
		Text 350,290,"You are DEAD!"

  Flip		;displays the scene to the screen
Wend	 ;loop until the ESC key is pressed



Function run_enemies()

	For badguy.badguytype = Each badguytype	;for each enemy
		;regardless of case, the distance to the player must be known, so we'll check it here
		Local dist# = EntityDistance(badguy\entityhandle,player)
			Select badguy\state			;select it's status
				Case 1 ;ON GUARD
					;EntityColor badguy\entityhandle, 200,200,0
					If dist# <= 10		;if the distance is less than 10 or equal to it
						If player_alive = 1
							badguy\state = 2:Animate badguy\entityhandle,2,1,0,5	;switch to state 2
						End If
					End If
					Local x# = EntityX(badguy\entityhandle)	;grab the enemies' coordinates
					Local y# = EntityY(badguy\entityhandle)
					Local z# = EntityZ(badguy\entityhandle)
						;place the waypoint at the location
						badguy\return_waypoint = CopyEntity(waypoint)
						PositionEntity badguy\return_waypoint,x#,y#,z#
						badguy\state = 3	;then switch to case 3, which is pursue
					EmitSound cry,camera
					;EntityColor badguy\entityhandle, 200,0,0	;red
					If dist# < 1	;then attack!
						badguy\state = 4;change to attack
						Exit 		;exit the loop
					End If 
					If dist# < 12	;first, check to see if we're 12 units away or less....
						PointEntity badguy\entityhandle, player :TurnEntity badguy\entityhandle,0,180,0		;point enemy at the player
						MoveEntity badguy\entityhandle, 0,0,-badguy\speed	;then make the enemy move in the pointed direction
						badguy\state = 5	;set to status 5, which is return to waypoint
					End If 	
				Case 4 ;ATTACK
					player_hp = player_hp - 1	;take 1 hp from the player
					badguy\state = 5				;now return to the waypoint
					Local s_x# = EntityX(player)
					Local s_y# = EntityY(player)
					Local s_z# = EntityZ(player)
					Local num = Rand(3,8)
					;EntityColor badguy\entityhandle, 200,0,200
					Local dist_home# = EntityDistance(badguy\entityhandle,badguy\return_waypoint)	;get the distance home
						If dist_home# > .2							;If we're further than .2 away...
							PointEntity badguy\entityhandle, badguy\return_waypoint:TurnEntity badguy\entityhandle,0,180,0	;point at home waypoint
							MoveEntity badguy\entityhandle, 0,0,-badguy\speed			;move them forward
						Else If dist_home# <= .2
							FreeEntity badguy\return_waypoint			;get rid of the waypoint mesh
							badguy\state = 1:Animate badguy\entityhandle,2,.3,0,5							;and return to idle again
						End If
			End Select
End Function

Function check_hp() ;CONTROLS HP/\/\/\/\
If player_hp <= 0
	player_hp = 0
	If player_alive = 1
	Local s_x# = EntityX(player)
	Local s_y# = EntityY(player)
	Local s_z# = EntityZ(player)
	Local num = Rand(15)
		;effects? maybe?
	player_alive = 0
If player_alive = 0 
 MoveEntity player,0,0,0
 SoundVolume deathsfx,2

	End If

End If 
End Function

Function KillBadGuy(enemyhit) ;DIE!!
  For thisbadguy.badguytype = Each badguytype			;iterate through all of the badguys
    If enemyhit = thisbadguy\entityhandle			;check if the enemy hit = this badguy
      If thisbadguy\state <> 6					;check if badguy is alive

        thisbadguy\state = 6 :Animate thisbadguy\entityhandle,0,0,0,5	;make him dead
        EntityType thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0			;turn off collisions for this badguy
        RotateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 90, 0, 0		;make him horizontal
        TranslateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0, -.9, 0	;set him on the ground
        Exit							;exits the badguy For-Next loop (no need to check rest of badguys)
End Function

Function run_particles()          ;CONTROLS BLOOD EFFECTS\/\/\/\/\
For p.blood = Each blood
	p\alpha = p\alpha - p\fade_speed	;take fade speed from alpha
	EntityAlpha p\mesh, p\alpha			;set alpha to p\alpha
		If p\alpha <= 0					;if alpha is <= 0
			FreeEntity p\mesh			;free it
			Delete p				
			Exit						;exit the loop
			p\speed_y = p\speed_y - .01							;subtract from y speed
			MoveEntity p\mesh, p\speed_x, p\speed_y,p\speed_z	;move the particle
		End If
End Function 
Function create_particles(num,x#,y#,z#) ;CREATES BLOOD EFFECTS\/\/\/\/\/\
	For s = 1 To 15;num
		p.blood = New blood
		p\mesh = CopyEntity(spark)
		p\speed_x# = Rnd(-.2,.2)
		p\speed_y# = Rnd(.3)
		p\speed_z# = Rnd(-.2,.2)
		p\alpha = 1
		p\fade_speed# = Rnd(.1)
		PositionEntity p\mesh, x,y,z
End Function

puki(Posted 2010) [#6]
Mmm, I've never seen anyone use brackets the way you do - such as:

If (player_alive =0) And (j#<255)

Interesting - I've never tried it myself.

Robey(Posted 2010) [#7]
Really? I guess it's just the way I work things out in my head. I suppose there are probably better ways of doing it.

That particular function turns the screen red when the player's life is depleted while the value is less than 255. In this sense it prevents the value from increasing past 255.

GfK(Posted 2010) [#8]
Mmm, I've never seen anyone use brackets the way you do - such as:

If (player_alive =0) And (j#<255)
I often do that myself, although usually with longer bits of code. For me it makes the code more readable.

Vorderman(Posted 2010) [#9]
I tend to do that also, just to make it visually clearer where the scope of each element extends to and to separate the various tests being performed.

Serpent(Posted 2010) [#10]
I'm not too knowledgeable about how B3D does all of its collisions, but because a plane is a special type of entity (as far as I know) I'm not sure how B3D's collision system would handle it. Instead, assuming that your plane is 'flat' you could check to see if the player's Y position is below a certain value.
If (EntityY#(player) < 0) Then player_alive = 0

Robey(Posted 2010) [#11]
Hey! That works! I tried:

 If (EntityY#(player) < -70) Then player_alive = 0 

I'm not sure what was going on with the death plane, It appeared to detect anything it was facing... But this works much better, Thanks alot!