Another 3d asteroids question

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Another 3d asteroids question

Aussie(Posted 2010) [#1]
Gday All

I have searched the forums & found plenty of info on the subject however i haven't found anyone with the same problem i have.

The problem is on some angels (around the 22.5 & 292.5 angels) when the ship is accelerating the ship tends to pull to one side, even if the ship has come to a complete stop (EDIT: & then starts to accelerate again.) & the problems is visually amplified when firing.

Could someone take a look at it & offer any suggestion as to why this would be happening.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers. :)

No media is needed.

left & right arrows to turn, up to accelerate & space to fire.

Stevie G(Posted 2010) [#2]
I think the problem is that you are limiting the top speed on each axis. See the MagV code for a better solution. Is this any better?

Graphics3D 800,600,32,2

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

x# = 0
y# = 0

Speed# = 0.025
angel# = 0
rot# = 0

Global PX# = 0
Global PY# = 0

Global pvx# = 0
Global pvy# = 0

AmbientLight 50,50,50

light = CreateLight(2)
	PositionEntity light,0,50,0
LightRange light,200

camera = CreateCamera()
	PositionEntity camera,0,100,0
	RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
	CameraProjMode camera,2
	CameraZoom camera,.02
	CameraRange camera,1,1500

Global cube = CreateCube()
	EntityColor cube,255,0,0
	PositionEntity cube,x#,0,0
	EntityFX cube,1
Global mesh = CreateCone()
	ScaleEntity mesh,2,1,3
	RotateMesh mesh,90,0,0
	PX# = 10
	PY# = 10
	PositionEntity mesh,PX#,0,PY#
		piv = CreatePivot(mesh)
		PositionEntity piv,0,0,-1

sphere = CreateSphere(20)
	PositionEntity sphere,-20,-1200,20
	ScaleEntity sphere,10,10,10
	RotateEntity sphere,75,0,-10
			PositionEntity light2,-100,-1150,50
			LightColor light2,0,0,255
			LightRange light2,500

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;main loop;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;	

While Not KeyDown (1)

;angel# = EntityYaw(mesh)+90

		TurnEntity mesh, 0, rot#, 0 ;RotateEntity mesh,0,rot#,0

		rot# = ( KeyDown(203) - KeyDown(205 ) ) * 4.0
;		If KeyDown(203) Then
;			rot# = 4;rot + 4
;		Else If KeyDown(205) Then
;			rot# = -4;rot - 4
;		End If

		If KeyDown(200) Then
			TFormVector 0,0, speed, mesh, 0
			pvx# = pvx# + TFormedX() ;Cos(angel#)*speed
			pvy# = pvy# + TFormedZ() ;Sin(angel#)*speed
		End If
		MagV# = Sqr( pvx * pvx + pvy * pvy )
		If MagV > .5 Then
			pvx = pvx * ( .5 / MagV )
			pvy = pvy * ( .5 / MagV )
	;	If pvx > .5 Then
	;		pvx = .5
	;	Else If pvx < -.5
	;		pvx = -.5
	;	End If
;		If pvy > .5 Then
;			pvy = .5
;			Else If pvy < -.5 Then
;			pvy = -.5
;		End If
PX# = PX# + pvx# 
PY# = PY# + pvy# 

pvx = pvx *.99
pvy = pvy *.99

;;;;;keep player in bounds;;;;;;
	PositionEntity mesh,PX#,0,PY#
		If PX# < -51 Then
			PX# = 50
		Else If PX# > 51 Then
			PX# = -50
		Else If PY# < -41 Then
			PY# = 40
		Else If PY# > 41 Then
			PY# = -40
		End If

		If KeyDown(57) Then
		End If

;;;;;;;;;fire cube;;;;;;;;;;;;;;	

X# = X# - .2
Y# = Y# - .2
		PositionEntity cube,x#,0,y#
		If x# < -51 Then
			x# = 50
		Else If x# > 51 Then
			x# = - 50
		Else If y# < -41 Then
			y# = 40
		Else If y# > 41 Then
			y# = -40
		End If
		TurnEntity cube,Rnd(1,2),Rnd(1,2),Rnd(1,2)

	TurnEntity sphere,0,.1,0
Delay 1



;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;end loop;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;types & functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Type flame
	Field life%
	Field scale#
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field obj
	Field scalered#
	Field alpha#
	Field R#,G#,B#
End Type

Function create_flame(entity,x#,y#,z#,life#)
	f.flame = New flame
		f\obj = CreateSphere(10,entity)
		f\R# = 255
		f\G# = 255
		f\B# = 0
		EntityColor f\obj,f\R,f\G,f\B
		EntityFX f\obj,1
		EntityBlend f\obj,3
		f\scale# = Rand(1,1.2)
		f\alpha# = 1
		f\life = life#
		f\scalered = f\scale / f\life
	PositionEntity f\obj,x,y,z
	EntityParent f\obj,0
End Function

Function update_flame()
	For f.flame = Each flame
		f\G = f\G - Rand(0,10)
		EntityColor f\obj,f\R,f\G,f\B
		f\scale = f\scale - f\scalered
		f\alpha = f\alpha - f\scalered
		ScaleEntity f\obj,f\scale,f\scale,f\scale
		EntityAlpha f\obj,f\alpha
		f\life = f\life - 1
		If f\life < 0 Then
			FreeEntity f\obj
			Delete f
		End If
End Function

Type bullet
	Field obj
	Field life#
End Type

Function create_bullet()
	b.bullet = New bullet
		b\obj = CreateSphere(10,mesh)
			ScaleEntity b\obj,.25,.25,.25
			PositionEntity b\obj,0,0,1
			EntityFX b\obj,1
		b\life = 50
	EntityParent b\obj,0
End Function

Function update_bullet()
	For b.bullet = Each bullet
		MoveEntity b\obj,0,0,2
		b\life = b\life - 1
		If b\life < 0 Then
			FreeEntity b\obj
			Delete b
End Function	

Aussie(Posted 2010) [#3]
Cheers Stevie G.

This is heaps better. I will have to go over the MagV part in more detail to see what it is all doing.

I do like the way the ship is more responcive in turns with acceleration.

Is there a way to get the slide kind of effect with the turns under acceleration with this code? (EDIT: Just figured it out, i changed the speed value to a smaller number.)

Dont know which way i will go yet.
