need help converting waypoint code from c++ to b3d

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/need help converting waypoint code from c++ to b3d

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#1]
hi all. can someone help me translate this from c++ to b3d? i tried, and failed miserably as u can see.

i need for the player to be a cube, and the camera to follow the player. what this code does basically is makes a player follow multiple waypoints. its a test for further ai in my actual game.

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2010) [#2]
You haven't failed until you have tried. There's so much c++ still in there that it's pretty obvious where it's going to fail.

I would start by learning B3D, then C++.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#3]
anyone other than john galt? that didnt help much.

i DID too try to convert it. LOOK AT THE CODE BEFORE U COMPLAIN.. -.-

Naughty Alien(Posted 2010) [#4]
Rez..try to draw some block diagram of waypoint system flow/execution you want(because there is many kind of waypoint systems out there) and from there simply build your Type structures, one by one and make it work...conversion will not help you, most probably because conceptually it seems you dont understand way should be as i mentioned, and once you do it, you will understand why it was a necessary step...

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#5]
Is that code you listed your attempt to convert into B3D, or the C++ code you're trying to convert?

If it's the former, how did you "try to convert it"? By leaving it under your pillow and hoping the C++ fairy would take it away and leave you B3D code? Even *you* know there's no 'struct' keyword in Blitz. No 'void'. No ++ unary operator. etc etc etc

Throwing a random Graphics3D() in there does not an attempt to convert make.

If not - if, in fact this is supposed to me more-or-less the exact C++ code you're trying to convert, what does
i DID too try to convert it. LOOK AT THE CODE BEFORE U COMPLAIN.. -.-

No, you've made no substantive attempt to do anything, and any attempt to 'help' you would require that 'helper' to just convert it for you holus bolus... and then debug it for you when you try to change it without knowing what it does.

Try harder.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#6]
i do not know c++. and yes i did attempt to change it. there's this little thing at the bottom of the c++ code called BLITZ code. u know that thing that im having a problem converting? -.-

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#7]
Seriously? That's "try" to you? It all becomes clearer. And here I was thinking you were just being lazy.


In the spirit of not being a total troll, I'll mention some stuff you may or may not have noticed in your 1600+ posts over the last year:
- Blitz doesn't have a 'struct' data type. Think of a C++ 'struct' as a 'type' in Blitz.
- Blitz doesn't require the end of each line to be delimited with a semicolon.
- Blitz doesn't natively have a #define function. Use a constant.
- Blitz doesn't use 'void' as a keyword.
- Blitz doesn't use the blah.blah method of accessing fields in types - think blah\blah instead
- Blitz doesn't use pointers - at least, nothing like in the way C++ does (insofar as it doesn't use ->)
- Blitz doesn't use the ++ unary operator to increment variables
- Blitz doesn't group blocks of code together with braces (

In your attempts to code in Blitz over the last 12 months, you didn't come across any of these? In your attempt to "try" to convert this code you couldn't change i++ into i=i+1 even? Apart from a randomly-placed Graphics3D() and Flip(), some ridiculously useless commenting (yes, that's how I'm choosing to interpret it) and some meaningless Type declarations situated either after or within the main loop (I honestly can't see clearly enough to tell, and I'm not going to spend any more time on looking than I have), what exactly did you do to "try" to convert this stuff?

And you wonder why people would rather sit in a corner with a pencil in their eye.

Stevie G(Posted 2010) [#8]
@ Rez, is this really as far as you got?

			Global Player_Speed# = 2.0
			Type Waypoint
				Field x#
				Field y#
				Field z#
			End Type
			Type WaypointList
				Field x#
				Field y#
				Field z#
			End Type
			Dim Vector(2)
Function addWaypoint(p.WaypointList, x#, y#, z#)

That is an extemely poor attempt and noone would be helping you by writing it for you.

I think you need to re-evalute what you would like to achieve in programming. Are you really learning anything with your countless 'what's wrong with this' posts?

Learning any language takes alot of time and effort, neither of which you seem willing to put in.

I'll leave you to it.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#9]
anyone else care to help with converting this code who's not gonna give problems? these forums are for HELP, not for u to be a jerk

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#10]
Well at least you're consistent; your attitude to "trying" hasn't changed since your very first post.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#11]
again, anyone else who's not going to be a jerk?

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#12]
No, no-one. No-one who's ever encountered you before, anyway.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#13]
ignoring that comment, anyone else?

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#14]
Have you at least fixed up the stuff I listed? You could be going through that while you're waiting.

Ross C(Posted 2010) [#15]
You will need to at least address the obvious stuff here, and convert that. Only then will you get any further.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#16]
Here's the obvious stuff. I don't understand ANYMORE than that.

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#17]
PointEnt(player, wl.x+i->x, wl.y+i->y, wl.z+i->z);

- Blitz doesn't use pointers - at least, nothing like in the way C++ does (insofar as it doesn't use ->)

Forgetting even that, though, you're not making any attempt to do anything at all. No-one wants to write your code for you.

The very least you could do is write out what you're trying to do in pseudocode (forget the specifics of Blitz and C++ for now), to show people you have the faintest idea of what you're trying to do. And no, not in some airy-fairy "I want to make waypoints" sort of way. No, in a step-by-step "I actually understand what programming is, even if I can't actually do it yet" sort of way.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#18]
I am trying to make a player that follows seven waypoints in a circle ONE time.. that is ALL.

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2010) [#19]
LineOf7s has been more than helpful with his list of conversions. You didn't even bother replacing the C++ // style comments with the B3D equivalent. A 5 year old, albeit a less lazy one than you, could manage that.

HELP!=write the whole thing for you. What you last posted is just some random bit of code and nothing to do with a conversion of the C++ code.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#20]
ignoring that comment, anyone else who is nice AND HAS A BIT OF PATIENCE?!

Drak(Posted 2010) [#21]
First of all, throw that C++ garbage out. Even if you successfully convert it to .bb code, you probably wouldn't undertand it 100% because it's not written by you.

If you don't know C++ and can't understand it, you might as well be translating Japanese into Portuguese. Don't use it.


First create 7 waypoints. Make them visible for test purposes.
Test your code. If 7 waypoints are created and visible, then go to step 2.

Step 2.
Create a player or NPC.
Test your code. If you have 7 waypoints and a character that just stands there, go to step 3.

Step 3.
Get your player to POINT at, the MOVE to waypoint 1.
If you have 7 waypoints, a player, and a player that goes to waypoint 1, go to step 4.

Step 4.
Get the player upon reaching waypoint 1 to FACE waypoint 2 and MOVE towards it.
If you have 7 waypoints, a player, a player that moves to waypoint 1 and only after reaching waypoint 1 POINTS and MOVES to waypoint 2, go to step 5.

Step 5.
Get the player to continue moving to each waypoint. After adding the code for EACH ONE. TEST YOUR CODE.
You MUST test your code often to narrow down any possible problems you will have. In a program this simple there's no reason you cannot test your code after each step.

This cannot be explained any simpler. Have a go at it.

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#22]
I genuinely cannot way to see what will be here to greet me when I awake. :o) I sincerely do hope it's some attempt by Rez of having a go, as we all like to see people progress.

Fingers crossed.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#23]
ignoring that comment

Drak(Posted 2010) [#24]
Rez that wasn't a snide remark by LineOf7's.

LineOf7's said:

I sincerely do hope it's some attempt by Rez of having a go, as we all like to see people progress.

We want to see that you're learing.

PowerPC603(Posted 2010) [#25]
Here is a complete example that:
- creates 7 waypoints (all in front of the player and a bit left/right)
- the player moves towards the next waypoint
- when the player reached this waypoint, select the next waypoint
- when the player has reached the last waypoint, his target becomes the first waypoint

NOTE: The player turns instantly, there's no gradually turning in this example.

; Setup graphics
Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; Setup Waypoint type structure
Type TWayPoint
	Field X#, Y#, Z#
	Field Entity
End Type

; Create an array that can hold 7 waypoint instances
Dim AWayPoints.TWayPoint(7)

; Fill the array with 7 waypoint instances and position them
For i = 1 To 7
	AWayPoints(i) = New TWayPoint
	AWayPoints(i)\X# = Rnd(-10.0, 10.0)
	AWayPoints(i)\Y# = 0.0
	AWayPoints(i)\Z# = i * 20.0
	AWayPoints(i)\Entity = CreateSphere()
	PositionEntity AWayPoints(i)\Entity, AWayPoints(i)\X#, AWayPoints(i)\Y#, AWayPoints(i)\Z#
	EntityColor AWayPoints(i)\Entity, 0, i * 35, 0

; The number of the waypoint that the player will move to
Global CurrentWayPoint = 1

; Create the player and the camera
Global player = CreateCube()
Global camera = CreateCamera(player)
PositionEntity camera, 0.0, 10.0, -20.0
PointEntity camera, player

While Not KeyHit(1)
	; Check the distance between the player and the waypoint to which the player should move
	If EntityDistance(player, AWayPoints(CurrentWayPoint)\Entity) > 0.3 Then
		; If the player hasn't reached the waypoint yet, keep movinjg the player towards the current waypoint
		PointEntity player, AWayPoints(CurrentWayPoint)\Entity
		MoveEntity player, 0, 0, 0.1
		; If the player has reached the waypoint, select the next waypoint
		CurrentWayPoint = CurrentWayPoint + 1

	; If the player has reached the last waypoint, start again from the first waypoint
	If CurrentWayPoint = 8 Then CurrentWayPoint = 1


	; Debug-info
	Text 10, 10, "Now moving towards waypoint: " + Str$(CurrentWayPoint) + " with color: 0, " + Str$(CurrentWayPoint * 35) + ", 0"



This was created in less than half an hour (from scratch, I didn't even look at the C++ code as I don't understand C++).

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#26]
thank you, powerpc, at least u & drak are nice enough to help! UNLIKE ALL U JERKS!

PowerPC603(Posted 2010) [#27]
That's done on purpose to show how your player can follow waypoints.

To reply your comment: in the description above the code it clearly states:

"when the player has reached the last waypoint, his target becomes the first waypoint".

So there was no flaw in the logic.

I can simply adjust the code that follows the waypoints backwards.

; Setup graphics
Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; Setup Waypoint type structure
Type TWayPoint
	Field X#, Y#, Z#
	Field Entity
End Type

; Create an array that can hold 7 waypoint instances
Dim AWayPoints.TWayPoint(7)

; Fill the array with 7 waypoint instances and position them
For i = 1 To 7
	AWayPoints(i) = New TWayPoint
	AWayPoints(i)\X# = Rnd(-10.0, 10.0)
	AWayPoints(i)\Y# = 0.0
	AWayPoints(i)\Z# = i * 20.0
	AWayPoints(i)\Entity = CreateSphere()
	PositionEntity AWayPoints(i)\Entity, AWayPoints(i)\X#, AWayPoints(i)\Y#, AWayPoints(i)\Z#
	EntityColor AWayPoints(i)\Entity, 0, i * 35, 0

; The number of the waypoint that the player will move to
Global CurrentWayPoint = 1
; Direction is True when moving forward, False when moving backward
Global Direction

; Create the player and the camera
Global player = CreateCube()
Global camera = CreateCamera(player)
PositionEntity camera, 0.0, 10.0, -20.0
PointEntity camera, player

While Not KeyHit(1)
	; Check the distance between the player and the waypoint to which the player should move
	If EntityDistance(player, AWayPoints(CurrentWayPoint)\Entity) > 0.3 Then
		; If the player hasn't reached the waypoint yet, keep movinjg the player towards the current waypoint
		PointEntity player, AWayPoints(CurrentWayPoint)\Entity
		MoveEntity player, 0, 0, 0.1
		If Direction = True Then
			; If the player has reached the waypoint, select the next waypoint
			CurrentWayPoint = CurrentWayPoint + 1
			CurrentWayPoint = CurrentWayPoint - 1

	; If the player has reached the last waypoint, start again from the first waypoint
	Select CurrentWayPoint
		Case 8
			Direction = False
			CurrentWayPoint = 6
		Case 0
			Direction = True
			CurrentWayPoint = 2
	End Select


	; Debug-info
	Text 10, 10, "Now moving towards waypoint: " + Str$(CurrentWayPoint) + " with color: 0, " + Str$(CurrentWayPoint * 35) + ", 0"



Who was John Galt?(Posted 2010) [#28]
Ungrateful git. Anyone else think this guy's just a troll with WAAAAY too much time on his hands?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#29]
ur the ungreatful "git".. HA! GIT! I LAUGH at ur stupidity

Sauer(Posted 2010) [#30]
I never realized how much B3D can do; it does most of the vector math for you.

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#31]
It would appear the PowerPC603 has provided you with a solution.

And I'm sure you mean 'ungrateful'.


Sauer(Posted 2010) [#32]
ur the ungreatful "git".. HA! GIT! I LAUGH at ur stupidity

The sheer irony of this statement made me laugh so hard I probably woke up the neighbors.

But this is why I visit the B3D forums in the first place.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#33]
i couldn't agree more! ROFL!

Sauer(Posted 2010) [#34]

GIB3D(Posted 2010) [#35]
Rez, do you not try to understand why the people here, who have been here longer than you, are saying what they say? They have way more experience and have tried to help other people just like you who bombard the forums with questions about basic programming skills. I never even started posting until I learned a lot about Blitz3D... mostly because I only had the demo but that was all I needed. But anyways, I've seen some of the posts other people similar to you have made. Don't bother fighting in the forums, it's pointless. If you see a comment that "looks" insulting, read it again and think about what they are saying to you and think about it from their perspective. Stop being so sensitive.

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#36]
I second that.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#37]

Sauer(Posted 2010) [#38]
Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can eat forever.

The folks here are trying to teach you how to fish because most of them are tired of giving you fish after fish after fish.

Have you ever noticed that these sort of topics don't happen anywhere but on your posts?

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#39]
Rez, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're the only one here being insulting when people are giving you sensible advice.

Because it's not simply the answer you want there is no need to resort to these style of comments.

It's not a criticism, just some advice.

Ideally, the best solution is some gentle help whereby you solve the problem yourself & you can take that experience and apply it to any other problems you may encounter in the future.

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#40]

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#41]
Right, lets start again, what in particular do you need help with?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#42]
i simply want a player to follow 7 waypoints that are placed in a circle ONE time, and if they reach the 7th waypoint, make the player turn around, and reverse that waypoint depending on if a variable is set to 1 (which makes it move forward. or 2 which makes it move backward.

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#43]
Do you have the code you are currently working from?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#44]
I have this one which Powerpc kindly gave to me, but it's modded a bit. i couldn't fix where after 7 waypoints, it sends the player back to the 1st waypoint, but DOESN'T follow the waypoint track again. so I made it stop at 7. instead of following it infinitely, it needs to have a variable to tell it to go forwards or backwards and stop.

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#45]
This appears to work...

The Entity now runs back and forth along the way points.


Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#46]
thanks alot, yeshu

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#47]
Try it and see if does what you're asking.


Sauer(Posted 2010) [#48]
Yum fish.

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#49]

Naughty Alien(Posted 2010) [#50]
here is VERY good example for waypoints system and 2 meshes are added as an example (it can be any number)..just copy/paste and compile to media required..I really hope you will get it this time..

;(WayPoint example with camera observing) 
Graphics3D 800,600,16 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 
Const UPS=60 

Global Mesh_Player,Mesh_Flag 

Type PlayerIA 
 Field Entity 
 Field Name$ 
 Field PosX#,PosY#,PosZ# 
 Field AngX#,AngY#,AngZ# 
 Field TargetX#,TargetY#,TargetZ#;Position 
 Field Target 
 Field Life 
 Field Speed# 
 Field ControlJoueur 
 Field Chemin 
 Field Flag_enCours 
 Field Chemin_Trajet 
 Field Chemin_Sens 
 Field SensRotation 
End Type 

Type Flag 
 Field Entity      ;graphical representation of waypoint 
 Field PosX#,PosY#,PosZ# ;Position 
 Field Path_Id      ; Id 
 Field Flag_Order      
End Type 

Type Chemin 
 Field Name$ 
 Field Path_ID 
 Field ColorR,colorG,colorB 
End Type 

TurnEntity camera,45,0,0 
TurnEntity light,45,45,0 

ScaleMesh Mesh_Player,.75,1,2 
PositionEntity Mesh_Player,0,1,0 
EntityShininess Mesh_Player,1 
EntityColor Mesh_Player,192,0,255 
HideEntity Mesh_Player 

ScaleEntity Mesh_flag,.5,.5,.5 
HideEntity Mesh_flag 

grid_tex=CreateTexture( 32,32,8 ) 
ScaleTexture grid_tex,10,10 
SetBuffer TextureBuffer( grid_tex ) 
Color 0,0,64:Rect 0,0,32,32 
Color 0,0,255:Rect 0,0,32,32,False 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 

EntityTexture grid_plane,grid_tex 
EntityBlend grid_plane,1 
EntityAlpha grid_plane,.6 
EntityFX grid_plane,1 



While Not KeyDown(1) 
 For p.playerIA=Each playerIA 
   If p\name="Totor" Then 
     PositionEntity camera,EntityX(p\entity)-5,0,EntityZ(p\entity) 
     MoveEntity camera,0,0,-cam_d 
   End If 


Function InitChemin() 

End Function 

Function CreateFlag(id,X#,Y#,Z#) 
 f.Flag=New Flag 
 For c.chemin=Each chemin 
   If c\path_Id=id Then 
     EntityColor f\entity,c\colorR,c\colorG,c\colorB 
   End If 
 PositionEntity f\Entity,f\Posx#,f\Posy#,f\Posz# 
End Function 

Function CreateChemin(Name$,Path_ID,colr=0,colg=0,colb=0) 
 c.chemin=New chemin 
 If colr+colg+colb=0 Then 
 End If 
End Function 

Function SuivreChemin(e.playerIA) 
 MoveEntity e\entity,0,0,e\speed 
 PositionEntity  e\entity,EntityX(e\entity),2,EntityZ(e\entity) 
 If calculdistance(e\entity,e\Targetx,e\targety,e\targetz)<5 Then 
   If e\chemin_sens=1 Then 
     If e\flag_encours>CheminCountFlag(e\chemin) Then 
     End If 
     If e\flag_encours<=0 Then 
     End If 
   End If 
 End If 
End Function 

Function VersFlag(e.playerIA) 
 For f.flag=Each flag 
   If f\Path_Id=e\Chemin And f\flag_Order=e\Flag_enCours Then 
   End If 
End Function 

Function CheminPath_ID(Name$) 
 For f.Chemin=Each Chemin 
   If f\name$=name$ Then Chemin_Id=f\path_Id 
 Return Chemin_Id 
End Function 

Function CheminCountFlag(Id) 
 For f.flag=Each flag 
   If f\path_id=Id Then NbFlag=NbFlag+1 
 Return NbFlag 
End Function 

Function CheminCountChemin() 

 For f.Chemin=Each Chemin 
 Return NbChemin 
End Function 

Function TurnVersPosition(e.PlayerIA,x#,y#,z#) 
 RotateEntity e\entity,0,EntityYaw(e\entity)+Abs(e\sensrotation)*where_to_turn(e\entity,x#,y#,z#),0 
End Function 

Function where_to_turn(source_pivot,x#,y#,z#) 
temp = CreatePivot() 
PositionEntity temp,EntityX(source_pivot),EntityY(source_pivot),EntityZ(source_pivot) 
s = Floor(EntityYaw(source_pivot)) 
t = Floor(EntityYaw(temp))      
FreeEntity (temp) 
If s = t Then 
 Return 0 
If s < 0 Then s = 360 + s 
If t < 0 Then t = 360 + t 
If Abs(s-t) > 180 Then 
 If s > t Then 
   Return 1 ;turn left 
   Return -1 ;turn right 
 If s > t Then 
   Return -1 ;turn right 
   Return  1 ;turn left 


End Function 

Function PointAtPosition(entity,x#,y#,z#) 
xdiff# = EntityX(entity,1)-x# 
zdiff# = EntityZ(entity,1)-z# 
RotateEntity entity,ATan2((EntityY(entity,1)-y#),dist#),ATan2(xdiff#,-zdiff#),0 
End Function 

Function CalculDistance#(entity,x,y,z) 
 Return Distance# 
End Function 

Function createPlayerIA(name$,cheminID,pX#,pY#,pZ#) 
 B.PlayerIA=New PlayerIA 
 B\Entity=CopyEntity( Mesh_Player) 
 ;EntityRadius B\Entity, 1;,.3 
 PositionEntity B\Entity,B\Posx#,B\Posy#,B\Posz# 
 RotateEntity B\entity,EntityPitch (B\entity),B\AngY#,EntityRoll (B\entity) 
End Function 

Yeshu777(Posted 2010) [#51]
Thats a pretty good example.


Guy Fawkes(Posted 2010) [#52]
i agree, thanks yeshu & naughty alien

Naughty Alien(Posted 2010) [#53]
..or this one, set for exactly 7 points (again, it can be ANY number)..this one is a bit more simple..I hope this HELPS..anyway, I can keep 'flooding' you with examples, but unless you spend some time and realize how it works actually, I hardly doubt it will be any use of, its for sake of your complaining about 'unfriendly forum'..

Graphics3D 800,600,32,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Const MAX_POINTS = 7 ; set this to however many waypoints you want(7 points only for Rez)

; **************************************************************************************************
; **************************************************************************************************
Type waypoint
	Field entity
	Field number
End Type

Type player
	Field entity
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field nextpoint
End Type

; Create the "player" - the one who will walk the waypoints
Global p.player=New player
ScaleEntity p\entity,2,2,2
EntityColor p\entity,100,255,255
EntityShininess p\entity,1
; set the player's next waypoint at 1...or whatever number you like
p\nextpoint = 1 

; since we need to see what's going on, create a camera
Global camera = CreateCamera()
CameraZoom camera,1.6
PositionEntity camera,0,1,-200

; ...let there be light!
PositionEntity light,0,90,0
RotateEntity light,90,0,0

; Create the waypoints

; move the mouse to the center of the screen before the main program runs
; this way we can be sure that we are not going to be facing some odd direction
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2

While Not KeyHit(1)
If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1  ; up arrow
If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 ; down arrow
If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity camera,0,1,0   ; left arrow
If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-1,0  ; right arrow

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
TurnEntity camera,mys#,mxs#,0
RotateEntity camera,EntityPitch#(camera),EntityYaw#(camera),0

; walk that path

Text 0,10,"Next Point:"+p\nextpoint
Text 0,30,"Use arrows to move camera/mouse for looking around"
Delay 10 ; helps prevent laptops from overheating...lets the OS do its thing
killall() ; free up the memory used

Function createWaypoints()
; this function creates the waypoints and places them randomly
	this.waypoint = New waypoint
	this\entity = CreateSphere()
	ScaleEntity this\entity,2,2,2
	EntityColor this\entity,Rand(255),Rand(255),Rand(255)
	EntityShininess this\entity,1
	this\number = w ; we want to know which waypoint this is
	PositionEntity this\entity,Rand(-75,75),0,Rand(-75,75)
End Function

Function walkPath(p.player)
; this function moves the player from waypoint to waypoint
For this.waypoint = Each waypoint
	If this\number = p\nextpoint Then
		; we have a match
		; you can use any routine here that will point p\entity towards this\entity
		PointEntity p\entity,this\entity
		MoveEntity p\entity,0,0,.7
		If EntityDistance(p\entity,this\entity)<3 Then
			; this determines how close we let p\entity get to the waypoint
			; p\entity is close enough (3 units) to its destination waypoint.
			; time for the next waypoint
			p\nextpoint = p\nextpoint+1
			; if we ran out of waypoints, then go back to the first one
			If p\nextpoint > MAX_POINTS Then p\nextpoint = 1
		End If
	End If
End Function

Function killall()
; kill everything...overkill probably :)
FreeEntity p\entity
Delete p
For w.waypoint = Each waypoint
		FreeEntity w\entity
		Delete w
FreeEntity camera
FreeEntity light
End Function

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#54]

I can't believe I'm actually disappointed this thread (ie Rez) continued as it began. Somewhere deep inside, I think I actually thought he'd make an attempt. Oh well, so much for that Pollyanna moment.

Make sure you don't get banned now, Rez. Imagine the loss.

Ross C(Posted 2010) [#55]


Um... these forum member's are putting in their time, FOR FREE. They don't get paid, and their help shouldn't EVER be EXPECTED on here. I've spent many a few hours, knocking up code for people on here, as have many other people done the same for me. If no-one helps me out, i'm not bothered, because, they are doing me a FAVOUR.


I've never seen anyone tell you to SCREW OFF. I've seen you TELL many people to go to HELL. And for some bizarre reason, they still help you.


Forums are a place for polite, intellegent (mostly) discussion, where people can be expected to behave themselves, and hopefully, CONTRIBUTE back to the community, where they take out.

Before, i was very willing to help you out, but now, i grow more and more alienated from yourself, and only click on your posts, for a laugh. That's your reputation round here. And that'll be the way you are remembered when you leave.

Behind all the sarcasim and jokes, everyone here WANTS you to get better at coding, and try to work the simple things you get wrong. You come on here posting waypoint code, and not having the slightest idea how it works, rather asking how someone else can modify it to fit your needs. Don't you understand? That's NEVER EVER going to help you progress. Anyway, i've said my piece, on with the help...