How to make a MMO?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/How to make a MMO?

SpaceMan94(Posted 2009) [#1]
How would you make a 3d MMO with B3D?

Matty(Posted 2009) [#2]
With difficulty.

Mahan(Posted 2009) [#3]
This topic has been discussed several times in the forums. I write MMORPG into the searchbox and get a several interesting results:

(Look at this one. It's almost exacly the same question as you asked!)

There is imho a paradox in this forum searchpath:

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/How to make a MMO?

MMOs are probably the most challenging games to write overall. Their execution cover very large portions of known computer science, because they have to handle such vast amounts of data.

Think about this: To write even a simple socket- or chat-server that can handle several thousand simultaneous users on one computer is not ultra trivial. An MMO realm of today consist of several servers that cooperate.

As in the first thread linked above I think it should be possible to write a MMO client in B3D, possibly with the addition of threaded network code in a custom userlib. For the server(s) I'd recommend Java Server edition or something similar that has been proven before in similar tasks.

disclaimer: I have not written any MMORPG myself.

edit: grammar

Ross C(Posted 2009) [#4]
PLUS, you have tons of media to create for it, a decent combat system (if it is indeed a combat game) AI characters, very clever network code to handle thousands of players. You need a good team of dedicated coders and artists in the answer really :o) Most folks on here struggle with just a normal 3d game. Look at madjack's Tank Universal. It took him years to do that game. Great job he made too.

GfK(Posted 2009) [#5]
If you need to ask the question, you probably shouldn't even try right now.

Do something you can logically think through first.

boomboom(Posted 2009) [#6]
If you are really dedicated and don't mind working hard, damn hard, for years before you get results, then yea its possible. There are several solo/small team MMO's in existance that are written in harder* languages than Blitz.

But they are made by the exceptional few that have the dedication and drive to do this.

Most peoples advice would be to make some smaller scale single player and multiplayer games before attempting anything RPG/MMORPGish

*harder = lower level, so more hoops to jump through

khayn(Posted 2009) [#7]
i have a multiplayer RPG in blitz 3D, a 100% functionaly .... last public test 12-18 Dec 2008, ( i dont like call it MMO, some people think only mmo if>1000, i think moo>=3 or moo>1billion)

Howto? writting millions of lines, breaking the head to make a server whitout any external dll, and break it again to put a lot of monsters, players, items and map at the same with constant FPS.

If you want make one youll write it, but.... u cannt use double textures, bump, monsters with 1k polis or more.... etc etc, blitz use DX7 not DX9.

1... pong
2... tetris
3... chat
..... when you finish the number 10 you can start the mmo.

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#8]
Step 1 - Draft out (on paper or something) the framework of the server/client setup

Step 2 - Plan out your world, layout, cities, 'quest mechanics', NPC's and the general language of the gameplay mechaniscs

Step 3 - Figure out from the above all the various mechanics and informations that would be passed between server/client

Step 4 - Consider the rules and and actions possible by characters within your game., Ie. what abilities can be used, movement, items/spells/combat mechanics etc.

Step 5 - Code and design media for the gameworld, such as terrain and databases, security details, Version seriality and cmopatibility. All the information needed by the server

Step 6 - Build the server framework and add all the details from step 5 and those from step 4 required across server.

Step 7 - Create all the media and animations necessary for the Step 4 including UI images

Step 8 - Using the info from steps 4,5 and 6, code the client routines as well as communication coding and efficiency optimisations.

Step 9 - Populate with code, data and media relating to the various items, spells, creatures, buildings etc.

Step 10 - Ensure some form of database storage, client logging, security features annd if nercessary, more optimisations.

Step 11 - Add Music, environmental effects, portalling/occlusion and other optimisations. Special effect details and all other non-essential extras

Step 12 - Alpha test.

Step 13 - Address all issues found within the Alpha testing.

Step 14 - Update and complete your world, adding all the media and objects for play

Step 15 - Beta Test

Step 16 - Address all issues found within the Beta testing and you're good to go.

josk(Posted 2009) [#9]
I would look into something like Realmcrafter.
Click here!

Gives you a good base to start from.

Stevie G(Posted 2009) [#10]
I have to agree with gfk on this!!!

SpaceMan94(Posted 2009) [#11]
Okay, I'll try something a bit simpler then.