Create a room with bottom texture different?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Create a room with bottom texture different?

Braden(Posted 2008) [#1]
Hi, I'm trying to make a room out of just a cube, I use the flipMesh code to make it my room. How do I Make the walls and ceiling a stone texture, and then have the ground a wood texture.

Here is the code I use to make the room...
FitMesh room,-250,0,-250,500,500,500
FlipMesh room
ScaleTexture tex, 0.5, 0.5
EntityTexture room,tex
EntityFX room,1

In the code, I've loaded the texture for the walla but not for the ground. How would I use both Textures?

Thanks for the help!

big10p(Posted 2008) [#2]
You'll need to either:

- Build your own cube making the bottom a separate surface so that you can texture it with a separate texture.


- Combine your ground and wall textures into a single texture and then alter the UV coords so that the walls map to the wall portion of the texture, and the ground maps to the ground portion.

Braden(Posted 2008) [#3]
How would I combine the Textures then alter the UV coords?

Warner(Posted 2008) [#4]
Combine the textures in a painting program.
For an example on how to alter the UV coords, look up the "createskybox" function in the "castle" sample in Blitz. It uses that technique.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2008) [#5]
You sure can work with UV Coords and a single texture and you also will learn a lot in this area. As a simple solution you could also use more primitives for the room. Example given one additional cube as the floor.
FitMesh room,-250,0,-250,500,500,500
FlipMesh room
ScaleTexture tex, 0.5, 0.5
EntityTexture room,tex

FitMesh floor,-250,-1,-250,500,2,500
ScaleTexture tex2, 0.5, 0.5
EntityTexture floor,tex2

If you really want to use more than one texture on a single mesh, then you need more than one surface with this mesh. Triangles are assigned to surfaces. Meshes are built this way:

-Create a mesh (still empty, only a handle)
-create and assign a surface to the mesh
-assign texture (in fact: brush) to this surface
-assign Vertices and Triangles to this surface
-Create and apply more surfaces, each with it's own triangles

So adding a new texture to the floor of a flipped box means: rebuild the box, but this time use two surfaces. A bit complicated for what you want. Personally I would build this in a modeler and load it in Blitz, as an extended primitive so to say.

BTW: using too much surfaces can slow down the machine, so big10p has a good point with the single surface suggestion.

Understanding the mesh structure may however be useful.

Stevie G(Posted 2008) [#6]
This should work for you ..

Graphics3D  1024,768,32,1

Global light = CreateLight()
Global camera = CreateCamera()
Global room = CreateRoom()

;use this to test without media
;brush1 = CreateBrush( 255,0,0 ) 
;brush2 = CreateBrush( 0,0,255 )

brush1 = CreateBrush()
brush2 = CreateBrush()
tex1 = LoadTexture("floor.jpg")
tex2 = LoadTexture("wall.jpg")
ScaleTexture tex2, .5, .5
BrushTexture brush1, tex1
BrushTexture brush2, tex2 

PaintSurface GetSurface( room, 1 ) , brush1
PaintSurface GetSurface( room, 2 ) , brush2
EntityFX room,4

PositionEntity camera, 0,750,-250
PointEntity camera, room

While Not KeyHit(1)

	TurnEntity room, 0, 1, 0

	Color 255,255,255
	Text 0,0,"Surfaces: "+CountSurfaces( room )



Function CreateRoom( Width# = 500 , Height# = 500 , Depth# = 500 )

	;create temporary cube mesh
	tmp = CreateCube()
	FitMesh tmp,-Width*.5 , 0 , -Depth*.5 , Width , Height , Depth
	FlipMesh tmp
	s = GetSurface( tmp, 1 )

	;create room mesh + 2 surfaces
	mesh = CreateMesh()
	ns1 = CreateSurface( mesh )
	ns2 = CreateSurface( mesh )
	For t = 0 To CountTriangles( s )-1
		v0 = TriangleVertex( s , t , 0 )
		v1 = TriangleVertex( s , t , 1 )
		v2 = TriangleVertex( s , t , 2 )
		;if the normal is > 0 it's the floor
		If VertexNY( s , v0 ) > 0
			ns = ns1
			ns = ns2

		;add vertices		
		Nv0 = AddVertex( ns , VertexX( s , v0 ) , VertexY( s, v0 ) , VertexZ( s, v0 ) , VertexU( s , v0 ) , VertexV( s, v0 ) )
		Nv1 = AddVertex( ns , VertexX( s , v1 ) , VertexY( s, v1 ) , VertexZ( s, v1 ) , VertexU( s , v1 ) , VertexV( s, v1 ) )
		Nv2 = AddVertex( ns , VertexX( s , v2 ) , VertexY( s, v2 ) , VertexZ( s, v2 ) , VertexU( s , v2 ) , VertexV( s, v2 ) )
		;copy normals
		VertexNormal ns , Nv0 , VertexNX( s, v0 ) , VertexNY( s, v0 ) , VertexNZ( s, v0 )
		VertexNormal ns , Nv1 , VertexNX( s, v1 ) , VertexNY( s, v1 ) , VertexNZ( s, v1 )
		VertexNormal ns , Nv2 , VertexNX( s, v2 ) , VertexNY( s, v2 ) , VertexNZ( s, v2 )
		;add triangle
		AddTriangle ns, Nv0, Nv1, Nv2
	;free tmp mesh as we don't need it
	FreeEntity tmp

	;return new 2 surface mesh
	Return mesh
End Function