Problem with alpha blending..

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Problem with alpha blending..

Azaratur(Posted 2008) [#1]
I have some problem with vertex alpha:
I copy the surface (vertex position , normal, color and alpha too)
I paint one surface with a texture, and bring the vertex alpha to 0.3 of the first texture.

When i use entityfx 32 (force alpha blending) my mesh become in some part "invisible".. Did i wrong something? Now i don't have the code maybe tomorrow i can show you if need it.

And after the alpha declaration i reset all the vertex of the original mesh at aplha 1.
Need i to get a little bit down the surface i created?
I just copy in the same position..
Sorry is the first time i do it!


Stevie G(Posted 2008) [#2]
You should use fx 32+2 ( alpha + vertex colours ).

Azaratur(Posted 2008) [#3]
Thanks i did it, but i still have a problem.

In my editor the surface i copy is always the same but in the game, just starting a few time (without any change) i see sometime the surfaces i normally copy are different..
I'll post my code i hope you can find error.

Function demo()
EntityParent cielo,cam_piv
EntityFX cielo,8
EntityAlpha nuv,0.6

;Creo mappa
terrademo = LoadMesh(".\meshes\mappa1.b3d")
PositionEntity terrademo,-500,-1500,200

EntityAlpha terrademo,1
EntityType terrademo,STRUTTURA1
EntityRadius terrademo,0.01

meshtemp=CreateMesh (terrademo)
EntityFX meshtemp,32+2


surfatemp=CreateSurface (meshtemp)

For i=0 To CountTriangles (surftemp)-1
ver0 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 0)
ver1 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 1)
ver2 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 2)

v0x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver0)
v0y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver0)
v0z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver0)
v0v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver0)
v0w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver0)
v0nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver0)
v0ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver0)
v0nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver0)

v1x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver1)
v1y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver1)
v1z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver1)
v1v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver1)
v1w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver1)
v1nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver1)
v1ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver1)
v1nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver1)

v2x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver2)
v2y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver2)
v2z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver2)
v2v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver2)
v2w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver2)
v2nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver2)
v2ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver2)
v2nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver2)

ver0 = AddVertex(surfatemp, v0x, v0y, v0z, v0u, v0v, v0w)
ver1 = AddVertex(surfatemp, v1x, v1y, v1z, v1u, v1v, v1w)
ver2 = AddVertex(surfatemp, v2x, v2y, v2z, v2u, v2v, v2w)
VertexNormal surfatemp, v0, v0nx, v0ny, v0nz
VertexNormal surfatemp, v1, v1nx, v1ny, v1nz
VertexNormal surfatemp, v2, v2nx, v2ny, v2nz
VertexColor surfatemp, ver0, v0red, v0green, v0blue, v0alpha
VertexColor surfatemp, ver1, v1red, v1green, v1blue, v1alpha
VertexColor surfatemp, ver2, v2red, v2green, v2blue, v2alpha
AddTriangle surfatemp, ver0, ver1, ver2
surfatemp=GetSurface (meshtemp,1)

For i=0 To CountVertices (surfatemp)-1
vre#=VertexRed(surfatemp, i)
vgre#=VertexGreen(surfatemp, i)
vbl#=VertexBlue(surfatemp, i)
VertexColor surfatemp,i,vre#,vgre#,vbl#,0.4
brushtemp=CreateBrush ()
BrushTexture brushtemp,texttemp1
PaintSurface surfatemp,brushtemp
surftemp=GetSurface (terrademo,1)

surfatemp3=CreateSurface (meshtemp)
For i=0 To CountTriangles (surftemp)-1
ver0 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 0)
ver1 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 1)
ver2 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 2)

v0x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver0)
v0y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver0)
v0z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver0)
v0v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver0)
v0w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver0)
v0nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver0)
v0ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver0)
v0nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver0)

v1x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver1)
v1y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver1)
v1z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver1)
v1v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver1)
v1w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver1)
v1nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver1)
v1ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver1)
v1nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver1)

v2x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver2)
v2y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver2)
v2z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver2)
v2v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver2)
v2w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver2)
v2nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver2)
v2ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver2)
v2nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver2)

ver0 = AddVertex(surfatemp3, v0x, v0y, v0z, v0u, v0v, v0w)
ver1 = AddVertex(surfatemp3, v1x, v1y, v1z, v1u, v1v, v1w)
ver2 = AddVertex(surfatemp3, v2x, v2y, v2z, v2u, v2v, v2w)
VertexNormal surfatemp3, v0, v0nx, v0ny, v0nz
VertexNormal surfatemp3, v1, v1nx, v1ny, v1nz
VertexNormal surfatemp3, v2, v2nx, v2ny, v2nz
VertexColor surfatemp3, ver0, v0red, v0green, v0blue, v0alpha
VertexColor surfatemp3, ver1, v1red, v1green, v1blue, v1alpha
VertexColor surfatemp3, ver2, v2red, v2green, v2blue, v2alpha
AddTriangle surfatemp3, ver0, ver1, ver2
surfatemp3=GetSurface (meshtemp,2)

For i=0 To CountVertices (surfatemp3)-1
vre#=VertexRed(surfatemp3, i)
vgre#=VertexGreen(surfatemp3, i)
vbl#=VertexBlue(surfatemp3, i)
VertexColor surfatemp3,i,vre#,vgre#,vbl#,0.5
BrushTexture brushtemp,texttemp2
PaintSurface surfatemp3,brushtemp

surftemp=GetSurface (terrademo,3)
surfatemp2=CreateSurface (meshtemp)
For i=0 To CountTriangles (surftemp)-1
ver0 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 0)
ver1 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 1)
ver2 = TriangleVertex(surftemp, i, 2)

v0x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver0)
v0y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver0)
v0z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver0)
v0v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver0)
v0w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver0)
v0nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver0)
v0ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver0)
v0nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver0)
v0red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver0)
v0alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver0)

v1x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver1)
v1y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver1)
v1z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver1)
v1v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver1)
v1w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver1)
v1nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver1)
v1ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver1)
v1nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver1)
v1red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver1)
v1alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver1)

v2x# = VertexX(surftemp, ver2)
v2y# = VertexY(surftemp, ver2)
v2z# = VertexZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2u# = VertexU(surftemp, ver2)
v2v# = VertexV(surftemp, ver2)
v2w# = VertexW(surftemp, ver2)
v2nx# = VertexNX(surftemp, ver2)
v2ny# = VertexNY(surftemp, ver2)
v2nz# = VertexNZ(surftemp, ver2)
v2red# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2green# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2blue# = VertexRed(surftemp, ver2)
v2alpha# = VertexAlpha(surftemp, ver2)

ver0 = AddVertex(surfatemp2, v0x, v0y, v0z, v0u, v0v, v0w)
ver1 = AddVertex(surfatemp2, v1x, v1y, v1z, v1u, v1v, v1w)
ver2 = AddVertex(surfatemp2, v2x, v2y, v2z, v2u, v2v, v2w)
VertexNormal surfatemp2, v0, v0nx, v0ny, v0nz
VertexNormal surfatemp2, v1, v1nx, v1ny, v1nz
VertexNormal surfatemp2, v2, v2nx, v2ny, v2nz
VertexColor surfatemp2, ver0, v0red, v0green, v0blue, v0alpha
VertexColor surfatemp2, ver1, v1red, v1green, v1blue, v1alpha
VertexColor surfatemp2, ver2, v2red, v2green, v2blue, v2alpha
AddTriangle surfatemp2, ver0, ver1, ver2
surfatemp2=GetSurface (meshtemp,3)

For i=0 To CountVertices (surfatemp2)-1
vre#=VertexRed(surfatemp2, i)
vgre#=VertexGreen(surfatemp2, i)
vbl#=VertexBlue(surfatemp2, i)
VertexColor surfatemp2,i,vre#,vgre#,vbl#,0.5
BrushTexture brushtemp,texttemp2
PaintSurface surfatemp2,brushtemp

terrademo1 = LoadMesh(".\meshes\componenti.b3d")
PositionEntity terrademo1,-500,-1500,200
EntityType terrademo1,STRUTTURA1
EntityRadius terrademo1,0.01

terrademo2 = LoadMesh(".\meshes\fiume.b3d")
PositionEntity terrademo2,-500,-1500,200

acqua= LoadMesh(".\meshes\acqua.b3d")
EntityColor acqua,0,51,75
PositionEntity acqua,-500,-1500,200
EntityAlpha acqua,0.6
pietra = LoadMesh(".\meshes\pietra.b3d")
PositionEntity terrademo2,-500,-1500,200

Water3 = LoadTexture("texture\WaterFoam0011_S.jpg")
ScaleTexture Water3, .1, 1
EntityTexture terrademo2,water3,0,0

EntityAlpha terrademo2,0.9

PositionEntity cascata,-500,-1500,200
Water1 = LoadTexture("texture\WaterFoam0011_S.jpg")
EntityTexture cascata,water1
PositionTexture water1,0,1
EntityFX cascata,48
EntityAlpha cascata,0.6

EntityFX terrademo2,48

PositionEntity cascata1,-500,-1500,200
Water2 = LoadTexture("texture\WaterFoam0011_S.jpg")
EntityTexture cascata1,water2
EntityFX cascata1,48
EntityAlpha cascata1,0.5

End Function