I have a question

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/I have a question

Blitz3dCoder(Posted 2007) [#1]
Ok probably going to make a major idiot out of myself but, lets say i have a tree, and it has x amount of wood in it, how would i make it so that if an entity like an axe collides with it, x=x-1, and y=y+1(y being playerinventory)and display x above the tree

Matty(Posted 2007) [#2]
You would loop through the collisions that the player's entity has made since the last updateworld command like this:

a really basic method is as follows:
type TreeObject

field EntityHandle
field Wood
end type

for ColIndex=1 to CountCollisions(PlayerEntity)
     For Tree.TreeObject=each TreeObject
          If Tree\EntityHandle=ColEntity then FoundTree=true:exit 
     If FoundTree=true then Tree\Wood=Tree\Wood-1:PlayerWood=PlayerWood+1

Then after your renderworld but before your flip you might do something like this:

For Tree.TreeObject=each TreeObject
    CameraProject Camera,EntityX(Tree\EntityHandle),EntityY(Tree\EntityHandle)+OffsetY#+EntityZ(Tree\EntityHandle)
   Text Projectedx(),Projectedy(),"Wood:"+Str(Tree\Wood)

The code posted there should give you ideas hopefully. There are 1001 ways of doing this and that is just one of them.

Blitz3dCoder(Posted 2007) [#3]
What is entity handle, sorry for being an idiot

Ross C(Posted 2007) [#4]
entityhandle, in that example, is the variable you assign to the mesh.


mesh = loadmesh("mesh.b3d")

mesh would be the handle.

Blitz3dCoder(Posted 2007) [#5]
i am stupid
i should have known
where it says 'tree object' insert loadmesh and load a tree and that projected text will b above it? i am having trouble w/ dis whole thing

Matty(Posted 2007) [#6]
I'm not sure what your programming background/experience is like, but I would guess that maybe you are fairly new to programming? If so then you may want to try playing around with the samples that come with blitz, a large number of the commands are demonstrated in them.

Here is some sample code, like the one earlier, showing one possible way of coding it:

Graphics3D 800,600,0,2

EntityColor playerentity,255,100,100
MoveEntity camera,0,20,-20
PointEntity camera,playerentity
EntityParent camera,playerentity  ;very very basic 3rd person camera with no smooth movement
EntityType PlayerEntity,COLLISIONTYPE_PLAYER ;assign the player an entitytype for purposes of collision
Type treeobject

Field entityhandle
Field wood

End Type 

For i=1 To 10
tree.treeobject=New treeobject
tree\entityhandle=CreateCube() ;replace with loadobject("tree.b3d") or similar
EntityColor tree\entityhandle,100,255,100
PositionEntity tree\entityhandle,Rand(-50,50),0,Rand(-50,50)
EntityType tree\entityhandle,COLLISIONTYPE_TREES




If MilliSecs()>GameTime Then ;very basic frame limiting

If KeyDown(203) Then TranslateEntity playerentity,-0.5,0,0
If KeyDown(205) Then TranslateEntity playerentity,0.5,0,0
If KeyDown(200) Then TranslateEntity playerentity,0,0,0.5
If KeyDown(208) Then TranslateEntity playerentity,0,0,-0.5


;check collisions as they are updated each time we call updateworld
For ColIndex=1 To CountCollisions(PlayerEntity)
	For Tree.TreeObject=Each TreeObject
		If Tree\EntityHandle=CollisionEntity(PlayerEntity,ColIndex) Then Tree\Wood=Tree\Wood-1

;all 2d commands are usually placed after renderworld and before flip
For Tree.TreeObject=Each TreeObject
	CameraProject Camera,EntityX(Tree\EntityHandle),EntityY(Tree\EntityHandle)+3.0,EntityZ(Tree\EntityHandle)
	If ProjectedX()>0 And ProjectedY()>0 And ProjectedX()<GraphicsWidth() And ProjectedY()<GraphicsHeight() Then Text ProjectedX(),ProjectedY(),"Wood:"+Tree\Wood


Until KeyDown(1)

FreeEntity camera
FreeEntity playerentity
For tree.treeobject=Each treeobject
	FreeEntity tree\entityhandle
	Delete tree

Hope that helps a bit better.

Blitz3dCoder(Posted 2007) [#7]
it does, thanks
& sorry

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2007) [#8]
a) Stop apologising and saying you're stupid. No one knows what's what to start with.

b) What matty says - ask questions here by all means, but studying some of the simple examples that come with blitz, reading up on the commands they use and playing with the code is definitely the best way to learn the language IMO.

c)Good luck!