
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/help!!

blade007(Posted 2007) [#1]
can some 1 check my code! i cant work out the bugs . the particles wont freeze, and the text is at the top instead of the bottom of the screen :(
Graphics 1024,768,32,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Type bottle_rocket
	Field x,y
	Field vx,vy
	Field hp
End Type

Type stream
	Field x,y
	Field vx,vy
	Field gx,gy
End Type

Type dot
	Field x,y
	Field vx,vy
	Field gx,gy
	Field twitch
	Field r,g,b
	Field rlimit,glimit,blimit
	Field fade
	Field fade_rate
	Field default_color
	Field hp
End Type

Type liner
	Field x1,y1
	Field x2,y2
	Field r,g,b
End Type

truecls = True
froztxt$ = "no"
scrolly = 768
While Not KeyDown(1)	;MAIN LOOP;
		If KeyDown(3) Then create_sparkler()
		create_bottlerocket(); i didnt make this one yet
		If KeyDown(4) Then linemaker(prevmousex,prevmousey)
		prevmousex = MouseX()
		prevmousey = MouseY()
		If KeyHit(2) Then freeze_particles()
	If truecls = 1 Then Cls

Function makecursor() = New dot
		dot\x = MouseX()
		dot\y = MouseY()
		dot\r = Rand(230,255)
		dot\g = Rand(230,255)
		dot\b = Rand(230,255)
		dot\hp = 0
		dot\fade = 2
End Function

Function create_sparkler()
For number_of_particles = 1 To 3 = New dot
		dot\x = MouseX()
		dot\y = MouseY()
		dot\r = Rand(240,255)
		dot\g = Rand(240,255)
		dot\b = Rand(50,80)
		dot\blimit = 2
		dot\hp = 0
		dot\vx = Rand(-7,7)
		dot\vy = Rand(-6,6)
		dot\gy = 1
		dot\gx = MouseXSpeed/3
		dot\fade = 5
		dot\twitch = 1
number_of_particles = 0
End Function

Function create_bottlerocket()

End Function

Function updatedots()
	For = Each dot

			Select dot\default_color
				Case 0
					Color dot\r,dot\g,dot\b ;this draws the dot with its assigned color
				Case 1
					Color dot\r,dot\r,dot\r	;this draws the dot to the grey scale
				Case 2
			End Select
		Plot dot\x,dot\y
			dot\x = dot\x + dot\vx 
			dot\y = dot\y + dot\vy
			dot\vx = dot\vx + dot\gx
			dot\vy = dot\vy + dot\gy
			If dot\twitch > 0 Then
				dot\x = dot\x + Rand(-dot\twitch,dot\twitch)
				dot\y = dot\y + Rand(-dot\twitch,dot\twitch)
		If freeze = 0
			If dot\r > dot\rlimit Then dot\r=dot\r- Rand(dot\fade,dot\fade*1.2)
			If dot\g > dot\glimit Then dot\g=dot\g- Rand(dot\fade,dot\fade*1.2)
			If dot\b > dot\blimit Then dot\b=dot\b- Rand(dot\fade,dot\fade*1.2)
			If dot\r < 0 Or dot\g < 0 Or dot\b < 0 Then
			Delete dot
End Function

Function screenshot()
	If KeyHit(183)
		If FileType("images") <> 2 Then CreateDir("images")
		If FileType("screenshot"+screenshot_count+".bmp" <> 0 )Then
			Goto check_if_file_exist
End Function

Function displayinfo()
	If KeyHit(59) Then
		Select scrolldirection
			Case 0
				scrolldirection = 1
			Case 1
				scrolldirection = 0
		End Select
		Select scrolldirection
			Case 0
				If scrolly < GraphicsHeight()-20 Then scrolly = scrolly - 2				
			Case 1
				If scrolly > GraphicsHeight() Then scrolly = scrolly + 2
		End Select
		Color 255,255,255
	Text 512,scrolly,"frozen: "+froztxt$+" mouse corridnates: "+MouseX()+" , "+MouseY(),1,0
End Function

Function freeze_particles()
	Select freeze
		Case 0
			freeze = 1
			froztxt$ = "yes"
		Case 1
			freeze = 0
			froztxt$ = "no"
	End Select
	Return freeze
End Function

Function linemaker(prevmousex,prevmousey)
	liner.liner = New liner
		liner\x1 = MouseX()
		liner\y1 = MouseY()
		liner\x2 = prevmousex
		liner\y2 = prevmousey
		liner\r = Rand(245,255)
		liner\g = Rand(245,255)
		liner\b = Rand(60,70)
End Function

Function updateline()
	For liner.liner = Each liner
		Color liner\r,liner\g,liner\b
			liner\r = liner\r - Rand(1,2)
			liner\g = liner\g - Rand(2,3)
			If liner\b > 1 Then liner\b = liner\b - Rand(0,1)
		If liner\r < 0 Or liner\g < 0 Then
			Delete liner
End Function

H&K(Posted 2007) [#2]
global freeze =0

blade007(Posted 2007) [#3]
... ohhh .then what happened when i said return freeze?

H&K(Posted 2007) [#4]
then what happened when i said return freeze

Well, nothing.
What Return Freeze was trying to do, was to pass the value in the local Variable freeze to the then statement, which you were then not allocating to anything.
By putting a "Global Freeze" in the program, the local variable freeze, was now a global, so it kept its value.

And this local/global differance is the reason that the text isnt printing etc


This command is probably just here for compatibility with other BASIC languages. LOCAL will let you specify that the variable you are defining is available ONLY to the program or Function you are assigning it in. In order to get a variable to be accessible anywhere in your program, you need to make it GLOBAL. I say it is only here for compatibility because whenever you assign a variable that isn't Global, it is automatically assigned as a LOCAL variable. You can optionally assign a value to the variable at the time of declaration.