EntityParent? Something I don't know?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/EntityParent? Something I don't know?

Lordon(Posted 2007) [#1]
Ok, this is a bit hard to explain, and the code is a bit messy, but I'm going to do my best...

The game is networked with BlitzPlay, but the entire problem happens on the server side so it's not really relevant.

The basic idea with the following code is that it's invoked when the client fires the Bow weapon. it then creates and Arrow object which has it's own pivot point. the pivot is placed halfway between the place it was shot(p\arr) and the target the bow was aimed at (temp), below the ground.

Then the arrow is parented to the pivot and the pivot is gradually turned along its x-axis, thus creating an arc effect.

fyi, several lines in this code are excess, and are for other parts of the program I haven't gotten to yet.


arr.Arrow = New Arrow
p = find_pdata(msg\msgFrom);the person who fired the bow
arr\archer = p
p\fireMeter = BP_StrToFloat(Mid(msg\msgData,13,4))
arr\id = arrowCounter
arrowCounter = arrowCounter + 1
temp = CreatePivot() ;the target
PositionEntity temp,BP_StrToFloat(Mid(msg\msgData,1,4)),BP_StrToFloat(Mid(msg\msgData,5,4)),BP_StrToFloat(Mid(msg\msgData,9,4))
PointEntity temp,p\mesh
TurnEntity temp,0,180,0

arr\piv = CreatePivot()
PositionEntity arr\piv,EntityX(p\arr,True),EntityY(p\arr,True),EntityZ(p\arr,True)
PointEntity arr\piv,temp

dist# = EntityDistance(arr\piv,temp)
If dist# > p\fireMeter/5 dist# = p\fireMeter/5
MoveEntity arr\piv,0,-1*dist/2,dist/2

arr\mesh = LoadMesh("Models\Arrow.3ds")
TurnEntity arr\mesh,-30,EntityYaw(temp),0
PositionEntity arr\mesh,EntityX(p\arr,True),EntityY(p\arr,True),EntityZ(p\arr,True)
EntityType arr\mesh,3
ScaleEntity arr\mesh,.02,.02,.02
EntityRadius arr\mesh,.075
EntityParent arr\mesh,arr\piv
arr\flying = True
If p\fireMeter < 50 p\fireMeter = 50
arr\force# = (50) / (dist# + 1)
arr\dmg = p\fireMeter / 3


FreeEntity temp


The above code places all the entities in the right spot, and parents the arrow to the pivot.

However, after the EntityParent arr\mesh,arr\piv is called, arr\mesh is REpositioned close to the origin(0,0,0) of the map.

What's more is the exact coordinates of the arrow after repositioning are 0,-1*dist/2,dist/2. In fact, changing the:
MoveEntity arr\piv,0,-1*dist/2,dist/2
MoveEntity arr\piv,1,2,3
changes the reposition location to (1,2,3).

I really hope I feel dumb after this, because I'm so sick of this bug :(

Lordon(Posted 2007) [#2]
Sorry to bother you guys, figured it out. For those interested it had nothing to do with the code i posted, it worked fine.

While I used the global option on EntityX/Y/Z() on creation, when i was transferring the packets I had it disabled, which is why it jumped to the origin, it was giving the client the location of the arrow relative to the pivot.

To make matters worse i did the same for displaying the information for debugging purposes, which is why i got the "jump" glitch after parenting. I knew better, but alas.