My first REAL project a 2D Adventure game

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/My first REAL project a 2D Adventure game

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#1]
Ok, i know i'm missing somthing... I'm gonna atempt to make my first game, for those who have helped me with my first ever project, a Breakout clone. That showed me the basics of programming operators (+,-,>,<,=>,=, Ect..) functions, some types... and the "IF THEN" and stuff like that... now i want to make somthing everyone can enjoy, (stupid me for making a game that can only fit my huge screen).

I want to use this thread if i get stuck and cant get out.

now, i have 2 things i'v been pondering:

How to make a room, i'm sure you guys have played SNES games like zelda ect, now my guess is the map is a backround image, and you some how set collisions up with parts of the map.

lets say i have a map that looks like this:


the odd signs are walls, the "-"'s are the walking space this whole thing is a image, how would i make it so i cant go through areas?

second of all... Real time rotation... lets say i have a image i want it to face DOWN,UP,LEFT, and RIGHT when the right keys are pressed.

E.G: If you press the right arrowkey [->] the image faces right, and goes right then when you let off it stays in the right possition until a nother key is pressed...


i tried a few things... no avail...

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2007) [#2]
When a key is pressed, use imagescollide function between your bloke at the position he would move to and the background image. You may have two images for the background- one with all the screen images, including background and platforms, and one with just the platforms and collidable stuff that you use only for collision test.

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#3]
Ok... what about the directing of the image or bloke..? i guess i could make 4 images and rotate them differently then pick what one to draw based on the key press, but is there a easer way to make 4 images? could i do a loop that creates 4 images? but then how would i name them differently... its all so confusing...

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#4]
Ok, i'm having a problem with a "Toggle switch" basicly if you hit R then run mode is on... and if its on and you hit it, run mode is off... heres the code:

If KeyHit(R) And runmode=1 Then
Else If KeyHit(R) And runmode=2 Then
End If

sounds right.. what am i doing wrong... feel free to laugh ... but then tell me what i'm doing wrong...

edit, and i did make a veriable called R=19, it works because i can turn it on, but not off..

kragoth74(Posted 2007) [#5]
You should use a boolean for your runmode var, it would be more logical, and much easier.

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#6]
This would work but the way i have it set up now, the runmode is how many pixels the image moves...

If keydownblahblah

Sledge(Posted 2007) [#7]
If KeyHit(R) And runmode=1 Then
Else If KeyHit(R) And runmode=2 Then
End If

it works because i can turn it on, but not off..

EDITED FOR CLARITY: It fails because the second Keyhit(), if it happens, is asking "Has R been hit since the last check?". The player would have to press R twice EXCEEDINGLY quickly for that to ever be true. Truncate it to one check:

If KeyHit(R)
    if runmode=1
End If

Which can be further reduced to...
If KeyHit(R) then runmode=3-runmode

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#8]
Ok, that works perfectly, thanks. now back to a bigger problem...

i made a image called playeru that is a sqaure with a line poking out of it (for seeing the direction) now i did copy image 4 times naming the other 3 images playerd,playerr,playerl and rotated them accordingly, and made them draw depending on what key is pressed, how do i make it remember what the last key was pressed and keep drawing that image untill a nother key is pressed in that case draw the new image?

Edit mabye some code may help:
AppTitle "2D project","Your leaving? not so fast..."

Graphics 800,600,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global playerx=380,playery=280,runmode=1
Global playeru,playerr,playerd,playerl

Const UPARR=200, DOWNARR=208, LEFTARR=203, RIGHTARR=205, R=19


SetBuffer ImageBuffer(playeru)
Rect 0,20,20,20,1
Line 10,20,10,0
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

RotateImage playerd,180
RotateImage playerl,270
RotateImage playerr,90

While Not KeyHit(1)


If runmode=2
Text 0,0,"RunMode = ON"
Text 0,0,"RunMode = OFF"
End If

Delay 5

Include ""
Function keycontrols()
If KeyHit(R)
    if runmode=1
End If
If KeyDown(UPARR) And playery>0 Then
DrawImage playeru,playerx,playery
End If
If KeyDown(DOWNARR) And playery<560 Then
DrawImage playerd,playerx+20,playery+60
End If
If KeyDown(RIGHTARR) And playerx<780 Then
DrawImage playerr,playerx+40,playery+20
End If
If KeyDown(LEFTARR) And playerx>0 Then
DrawImage playerl,playerx-19,playery+40
End If
End Function

Excuse the messy code, didnt have time to comment it or tab it..

Sledge(Posted 2007) [#9]
Simply designate a variable for keeping track of the player's direction then draw the player based on that rather than only drawing 'im when a key is pressed. You really need to think about separating your logic from your rendering/drawing.

Yahfree(Posted 2007) [#10]
Awsome, i'm gonna do a bit of code cleaning (Tabbing comenting and reducing the need of lines)

I'll let you know if i run into a brick wall again.

Thanks for all your help guys