Rotating entity continuously

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Rotating entity continuously

Chad(Posted 2007) [#1]
hey, new question involving the rotating of an entity. What I want, is to push a button and my entity to get moving and rotate with a push of a button, and not have to hold the button down while it's moving or turning. I've created 2 functions for this, however neither of them work, could you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?

should I put the keydowns in the main loop with the rest of my keyhits and keydowns? Should i move somethings around or not use functions at all?


; Vehicle controlls 
Function StearSub() 

;Turn sub 
If KeyDown(27) 
ty#=ty#+2.1 ; Turn right 
Else If KeyDown(26) 
ty#=ty#-2.1 ; Turn left 
Else If KeyDown(40) 
ty#=0 ; Rudder midship 
End If 


RotateEntity conn,tx,ty,tz 
TurnEntity conn,tx,1,tz ;

End Function 

; Function to move the vehicle 

Function MoveSub() 

MoveEntity conn,mx,my,mz 
TurnEntity conn,tx,ty,tz 

End Function 

Matty(Posted 2007) [#2]
Do you mean something like this:


if keyhit(key used to turn left) then TurnLeftFlag=1-TurnLeftFlag:TurnRightFlag=0

if keyhit(key used to turn right) then TurnRightFlag=1-TurnRightFlag:TurnLeftFlag=0

if TurnLeftFlag<>0 then 
turnentity myentity,0,1,0
if TurnRightFlag<>0 then 
turnentity myentity,0,-1,0


until keydown(1)

Sledge(Posted 2007) [#3]

What I want, is to push a button and my entity to get moving and rotate with a push of a button, and not have to hold the button down while it's moving or turning.

Then you need to initiate a variable to keep track of whether the object is supposed to be in motion/turning or not.

EDIT: Here, I would be thinking along these lines...

Cursor keys + space (to center rudder).

Chad(Posted 2007) [#4]
Ok, I liked where Matty was going with his, and I changed some things around and I like the way it goes. But his was for the rudder only. I took a look at your code Sledge and kinda got confused when looking at the velocities and stuff. I've been trying for about an hour now to get my sub to move, I've tried moveentity and translateentity to no avail. I could be missing something pretty obvious, it's 3:05am in the morning here and pretty brain dead, so if I am just smack me in the back of the head and tell me nicely.

I've commented out a lot thinking maybe I missed something somewhere later, so I left the two commands the same. I tried, keyhit, keydown, translateentity, moveentity, and yet my sub stays stationary. Please take a look and could you tell me why it isn't moving?

If KeyDown(num1) Then Aheadslow=1-Aheadslow:Aheadtwothirds=0;:AheadStandard=0:AheadFull=0:AheadFlank=0
If KeyDown(num2) Then Aheadtwothirds=1-Aheadtwothirds:AheadSlow=0;:AheadStandard=0:AheadFull=0:AheadFlank=0
;If KeyDown(num3) Then Aheadstandard=1-Aheadstandard:AheadSlow=0:Aheadtwothirds=0:AheadFull=0:AheadFlank=0
;If KeyDown(num4) Then AheadFull=1-aheadFull:Aheadslow=0:Aheadtwothirds=0:AheadStandard=0:AheadFlank=0
;If KeyDown(num5) Then aheadFlank=1-aheadFlank:Aheadslow=0:Aheadtwothirds=0:AheadStandard=0:AheadFull=0

If Aheadslow<>0 Then
MoveEntity conn,.4,0,0
If Aheadtwothirds<>0 Then
MoveEntity conn,2.0,0,0
;If Aheadstandard<>0 Then
;TranslateEntity conn,7,0,0
;If AheadFull<>0 Then
;TranslateEntity conn,12,0,0
;If AheadFlank<>0 Then
;TranslateEntity conn,16,0,0

IPete2(Posted 2007) [#5]
How are you moving your camera? It isn't parented to the sub or anything silly is it?

Make sure your variables are global especially if you are using floating point numbers.


text 0,0, entityx(conn)
text 0,20,entityy(conn)
text 0,40,entityz(conn)

after renderworld to display sub co ordinates to make sure they are changing.


Chad(Posted 2007) [#6]
I found out what I did wrong.. Just a stupid mistake you make when your tired!

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2007) [#7]
Also, looks like you should be using Keyhit(0 instead of Keydown() :)

Chad(Posted 2007) [#8]
Yeah, one of the things I changed.. I tell you, I was out of it =)

Sleepiness can tear a project in half in an hour, and when your better it takes you 2 hours to fix what you did in the 1 hour.

Mattizzle(Posted 2007) [#9]
I totally agree with that. Never work on something after 12... unless you've had some red bull. :-P

H&K(Posted 2007) [#10]
I totally agree with that. Never work on something after 12... unless you've had some red bull.
Or didnt getup until Lunch