making an image face the mouse

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/making an image face the mouse

BLaBZ(Posted 2006) [#1]
in my game i have a little guy with a gun, it's a 2d overview. i want to know how i can have him always facing the crosshairs (my mouse) no matter where he is when i move the mouse around freely on the screen

b32(Posted 2006) [#2]
You should have an image for each direction that the guy looks at. Say, you are using 9 images, up-left up up-right left middle right down-left down-middle and down-right.
You can line them up into a big image and load them with LoadAnimImage. Suppose you have the Graphics mode set to 800x600, you can use this:
fr = (MouseX() / 266) + (MouseY() / 200) * 3
DrawImage image, 400, 300, fr

"fr" is the index number of the frame that should be drawn. The 800x600 screen is divided in 9 parts, 3 over the x-axis and 3 over the y-axis: 800/3=266 and 600/3=200.

octothorpe(Posted 2006) [#3]
EDIT: use ATan2() instead, it does all of this for you.

To get the angle from one point to another, subtract and use arctan:
	Local dir#
	Local dx# = p\x - MouseX()
	Local dy# = p\y - MouseY()
	If dy < 0 Then dir = ATan(dx/dy)
	If dy > 0 Then dir = ATan(dx/dy) + 180
	If dy = 0 Then ; don't divide by 0!
		If dx < 0 Then dir = 90 Else dir = 270

I snagged this from some of my code in an old discussion about Plobb. There may be a more elegant approach.

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#4]
Here .. set no of possible image directions by changing Segs .. You could probably simplify the imageNo calc but I can't really think atm.

Hope it helps.

Graphics 640,480,16,1

Global ImageNo
Global PlayerX# = 320 
Global PlayerY# = 240
Global Segs = 16
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyDown(1)

	;show angle range
	Color 128,128,128
	For l = 0 To Segs-1
		A# = ( Float(l) + .5 ) * ( 360.0 / Float( Segs ) )  
		Line 320 , 240 , 320 + 100 * Cos( A ) , 240 + 100 * Sin( A )
	;get angle from player to cursor
	Dx# = MouseX() - PlayerX
	Dy# = MouseY() - PlayerY 
	If Sqr( Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy ) > 5.0 
   		Angle# = ATan2 ( Dy , Dx )
		ImageNo = Floor( ( ( Angle + 360 ) Mod 360 + ( 180 / Segs ) ) / ( 360 / Segs ) ) Mod Segs
	Color 255,255,0
	Text 0,0,"Angle : "+Angle
	Text 0,10,"Image No : "+ImageNo
	;draw player
	Color 255,0,0
	Oval PlayerX - 5, PlayerY - 5 , 11, 11
	;draw cursor
	Color 255,255,255
	Line MouseX() - 5 , MouseY(), MouseX() +5, MouseY()
	Line MouseX(), MouseY()-5, MouseX(), MouseY()+5