Problem with alpha blendet modells

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Problem with alpha blendet modells

Lui(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi i got a big problem. I made some 3d models. I made them with milkshape an ppmodeller. I gave them a texture(png) with alpha information. but when i open them with with blitz3d, terra ed,ted 4 or others there are the areas which should be `hidden`black even when the alpha blending is on. What can i do? Or isnt this possible when i make them with milkshape? I it isnt which programm should i use? Thx for any help

Baystep Productions(Posted 2006) [#2]
Milkshape doesn't support alpha channels in PNG or any other format. You need to use an alpha map. But of course this makes everything more difficult in blitz. So your best bet is to adjust your UV maps in milkshape and then in blitz load the model with out the texture and add the alpha channeled one to it.

Ross C(Posted 2006) [#3]
You might need to apply a filter to the texture the model is using. Look at the texturefilter() command. You will probably need to load the model, then the texture seperate. Then apply the texture to the model.

Lui(Posted 2006) [#4]
Thanx alot. That could help me. Do you know a prog. which supports alpha channels, because i made alot of modells(145) and that would take alot of time to load them one after the other into blitz an assign the texture.

Lui(Posted 2006) [#5]
Sorry but can please you exlpain me how to load the modells into blitz3d an assign the texture. And after this how can i save the modell? Sorry for the question i´m very new.