keyboard controls for a gun ship

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/keyboard controls for a gun ship

Kozmi(Posted 2006) [#1]

I was just wondering if anybody can give any advice or
perhaps maybe a small fragment of code showing how
to setup the keybord arrow keys to control a gunship that moves up & down and yet allow you to shoot at the same time that you're moving your gunship up & down.


; ------------------
;  Frenzy Game
; ------------------

Graphics3D 640,480 : SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global x#=0, y#=0, z#=14, fx#=0, fy#=0, cn#=0.0, fire_on_off=0, fire_left=0, fire_right=0
Global gun, green_jewel, blue_jewel, red_jewel, background

camera = CreateCamera() : light = CreateLight()

gun = LoadMesh ("media\gun2.x")
RotateEntity gun, -90, 0, 0
PositionEntity gun, 0,-14,12
ScaleEntity gun, 1.5,.2,02.2

green_jewel = LoadMesh ("media\gg.x")
RotateEntity green_jewel, -180, 0, 0
PositionEntity green_jewel, 11.0,8.4,12.0
ScaleEntity green_jewel, .7,.7,1

blue_jewel = LoadMesh ("media\bg.x")
RotateEntity blue_jewel, -180, 0, 0
PositionEntity blue_jewel, -.1,4,12
ScaleEntity blue_jewel, 1.5,1.5,1

red_jewel = LoadMesh ("media\rg.x")
RotateEntity red_jewel, -180, 0, 0
PositionEntity red_jewel, -.1,2,12
ScaleEntity red_jewel, .7,.7,1

background = CreateCube()
PositionEntity background, 0,0,20
ScaleEntity background, 20,15,.01
background_tex = LoadTexture("media\bg1.bmp")
EntityTexture background,background_tex

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

		;Copy gun positions into 'Fire' Coordinates
		fx# = x# : fy# = y#

	Controls() : Move_Gun() : Render_Screen()


; =====================
; ==	Functions    ==
; =====================

Function Controls()

		If KeyDown(200)=True And y#<9.0 Then y#=y#+0.2
		If KeyDown(208)=True And y#>-9.0 Then y#=y#-0.2
		If KeyDown(203)=True Then Fire_Jewel_Left()
		If KeyDown(205)=True Then Fire_Jewel_Right()
End Function

Function Fire_Jewel_Left()
	For i=0 To -13 Step -1
		PositionEntity blue_jewel, i, y#, z#
		Text 0,60, "fx Position: "+i : Flip
		For t=0 To 10000000 : Next
End Function

Function Fire_Jewel_Right()

	For i=0 To 13
		PositionEntity blue_jewel, i, y#, z#
		Text 0,60, "fx Position: "+i : Flip
		For t=0 To 10000000 : Next

End Function

Function Move_Gun()

	PositionEntity gun, x#, y#, z#
	PositionEntity blue_jewel, x#, y#, z#
End Function

Function Render_Screen()

	Text 0,20, "Y Position: "+y#
	Text 0,40, "X Position: "+x#
End Function

Any Help would be very much appreciated, Thank's guys!


Baystep Productions(Posted 2006) [#2]
Personaly I don't use idividual IF statements for all my keys I do this instead...

  If KeyDown(200)=True And y#<9.0
  Else If KeyDown(208)=True And y#>-9.0
  End If			
  If KeyDown(203)=True 
  Else If KeyDown(205)=True
  End IF

octothorpe(Posted 2006) [#3]
Doesn't make much of a difference. Since these conditionals will only run once per frame, it's merely a question of style.

Common wisdom suggests that you should move all "magic numbers" out of your code and name them. Basically, this means that you should use constants.

Here's how I'd do it:

Const GUNSHIP_SPEED#   = 0.2
Const GUNSHIP_Y_RANGE# = 9.0

Const KEY_UP    = 200
Const KEY_LEFT  = 203
Const KEY_RIGHT = 205
Const KEY_DOWN  = 208


	; let the player move the gunship
	y = y + (KeyDown(KEY_UP) - KeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) * GUNSHIP_SPEED
	; restrict the gunship to reasonable bounds
	; let the player fire the jewels
	If KeyDown(KEY_LEFT)  Then Fire_Jewel_Left()
	If KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) Then Fire_Jewel_Right()

P.S. Don't forget to remove your debug code:
		Text 0,60, "fx Position: "+i : Flip
		For t=0 To 10000000 : Next

octothorpe(Posted 2006) [#4]
Oh! Is your problem that you don't know how to get the jewels moving without hijacking execution from the rest of your code?

Keep track of whether or not your jewels are active. If they are, move them forward each frame. Add an Update_Jewels() function call to your main game loop. The Fire_Jewel_*() functions should set the appropriate jewel to be "active" (so that the update function will move it) and position the jewel at beginning of its flight path.

If this is your problem and you want an example, just ask. Right now I'm off to drink as much vodka as possible.

Here's something I wrote four years ago which is somewhat similar. There's an easier way to do the trig too.

Kozmi(Posted 2006) [#5]
Hey thanks guys for all your help.. I believe this last code fragment will due after some modification to it.. Thanks alot! ;)
