Developing a timer

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Developing a timer

W(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hey guys I have a little delimma and I haven't made any timers in Blitz before.In my FPS I have an enemy who is going to attack the player once he gets soo close, obviously. But I want to add time between the players health drains. Soo I was thinking is it possible to make a timer, maybe one that uses the frame rate or something to put in the delay between health drains??

WolRon(Posted 2006) [#2]
Yes, you can do it several ways. I wouldn't use the framerate as a 'timer' though since everyones computers run at different frame rates.

Just use the MilliSecs() command.
draintimer = MilliSecs() + 1000	;1 second
If MilliSecs() > draintimer Then ;do your drain health thing again

Jams(Posted 2006) [#3]

Simple usage

DamageTimer.ticker = ticker_Create( 1000 )
If ticker_HasTicked( DamageTimer ) Then DrainHealth()

W(Posted 2006) [#4]
Jams your confusing me just a little, soo could you give me a little more indepth breakdown of the timer system??

-Also the enemy going twords the user is becoming a little frustrating to me as well here's some of my coding

insight = EntityVisible(enemy\model,user\model)

If insight = 1 And EntityDistance#(enemy\model,user\model) < 20 And crouch = 0
	PointEntity enemy\model,playerhead 

If enemy\health <= 0
	HideEntity enemy\model

Oh and the Follow function

Function Follow()
If EntityX#(user\model) > EntityX#(enemy\model)
	MoveEntity enemy\model,.03,0,0
ElseIf EntityZ#(user\model) > EntityZ#(enemy\model)
	MoveEntity enemy\model,0,0,.03
ElseIf EntityX#(user\model) < EntityX#(enemy\model) 
	MoveEntity enemy\model,-.03,0,0
ElseIf EntityZ#(user\model) < EntityZ#(enemy\model)	
	MoveEntity enemy\model,0,0,-.03

End Function

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

Wayne(Posted 2006) [#5]
Check the render loop, this may help: