Set a character within a string

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Set a character within a string

Farflame(Posted 2005) [#1]
Is it possible to change a character inside a string? I thought Mid$ would do this but it doesn't. Let's say I wanted to change the 2nd character but nothing else. So, Mid$(a$,2,1)="X" for example (though that doesn't work).

Matty(Posted 2005) [#2]
function ReplaceLetterAtXWithY$(OldString$,CharacterPos,NewCharacter$)
if len(OldString)=0 or CharacterPos<1 or CharacterPos>Len(OldString) then return ""
IF CharacterPos=1 then return NewCharacter+right(OldString,Len(OldString)-1)
If CharacterPos=Len(OldString) then return left(OldString,len(OldString)-1)+NewCharacter

return NewString$
end function

Farflame(Posted 2005) [#3]
I get a variable type mismatch from that. Ah, never mind, it's just the $ is missing off the Newstring just before the return.