
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Skydome

Jamie(Posted 2005) [#1]

I am looking to add a skydome to a flight sim that I am writing and wondered if anyone had a tutorial out there. I have purchased a few VERY hi res skydome textures and I am now getting excited to add them to my app. I have played around with texturing a flipped sphere, but when I am close to the bottom of the sphere, everything is at an angle (becuase it follows the spheres surface). Any help would be appreciated.


Raitsun(Posted 2005) [#2]
Skydome = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity Skydome, 2, 2, 2 ;it's no problem you make it that small... but making it bigger won't be a problem, though...
FlipMesh Skydome

skytex = Loadtexture("skydome.jpg")
EntityTexture Skydome, skytex

Entityorder Skydome, 100 ;anything above 0, makes it being rendered at first

PositionEntity Skydome, Entityx(camera), entityy(camera), entityz(camera)