AI Help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/AI Help

Crazy4Code(Posted 2005) [#1]
I need the enemies in my little asteroids game (2D) to turn around and always be pointing at you. I have no clue how to do this, so could anyone help me with this? Thanks.

tonyg(Posted 2005) [#2]
It's homing missile code but without the homing.
This might be what you want...
; Initialize BB to run at 800x600
Graphics 800,600
Const iNumRotations=36                 ;how many rotations do we want?
Dim ShipFramesImage(iNumRotations)     ;Holds the rotated images
; tell BB to handle the centering of our images
AutoMidHandle True
;Load the player image And point To it with "TempImage"
TempImage = LoadImage("arrowr.png")
; See if the image was loaded successfully 
; (the "TempImage" will be 0 if not)
If TempImage = 0 Then
   Text 100,100,"Invalid Image!"       ; tell the user it was invalid if 0
	; now run through the loop and rotate the image
	For iLoop=0 To iNumRotations
	   ; first let's copy the original image into the current frame
	   ShipFramesImage(iLoop)=CopyImage( TempImage)
	   ; then rotate that frame the appropriate number of degrees
	   RotateImage ShipFramesImage(iLoop),iLoop*360/iNumRotations
rect_x=400 : rect_y=300
rect_xdir=4 : Rect_ydir=4
While Not KeyHit(1)
; clear the screen
  mx=MouseX() : my=MouseY()
;  If MouseHit(1)
       If my_angle<0 my_angle=my_angle+360
;  EndIf
;  Line rect_x,rect_y,mx,my
  Rect rect_x,rect_y,10,10,1
  rect_x = rect_x + rect_xdir
  rect_y = rect_y + rect_ydir
  If rect_x<0 Or rect_x>GraphicsWidth() rect_xdir=-Rect_xdir
  If rect_y<0 Or Rect_y> GraphicsHeight() rect_ydir=-rect_ydir

The image is drawn pointing to the right.
For your ship substitute the rect coordinates with your ship x,y
<edit> for slightly bouncier example.

Crazy4Code(Posted 2005) [#3]
Yep, that should work fine. Thanks!