Issues with the great purple googler.

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Issues with the great purple googler.

zortzblatz(Posted 2005) [#1]
I can't figure out why the googler/bullet bullet/googler collisions aren't working also boom doesn't work correctly but my biggest question is is there any way to cause something to happen on collisions like a decrease in health ect and how do you do it? here is the source to what I've been making::
;basically pointless
Graphics3D 800,600
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global health = 100
Global googlerpower = 25
Global fired = False
Global speed = 5
Global light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,90,0,0
LightColor light,0,0,0
;collision stuff
Global door = 3
Global player = 2
Global scene = 1
Global enemy = 4
Global projectile = 5
;pivot stuff
Global pivot = CreatePivot()
EntityRadius pivot,1.5
Global camera = CreateCamera(pivot)
CameraRange camera,1,1000
CameraFogMode camera,1
CameraFogRange camera,60,200
EntityType pivot,player
	;left barrel
Global barrel1= CreateCylinder(32)
RotateEntity barrel1,90,0,0
EntityColor barrel1,128,128,128
PositionEntity barrel1,1.5,-1,2.5
EntityParent barrel1,pivot
ScaleEntity barrel1,0.2,2,0.2
EntityType barrel1,scene
EntityOrder barrel1,-2
	;right barrel
Global barrel2 = CreateCylinder(32)
RotateEntity barrel2,90,0,0
EntityColor barrel2,128,128,128
PositionEntity barrel2,2,-1,2.5
EntityParent barrel2,pivot
ScaleEntity barrel2,0.2,2,0.2
EntityType barrel2,scene
EntityOrder barrel2,-1
;the sky
Global sky = CreateSphere(16,pivot)
FlipMesh sky
ScaleEntity sky,100,100,100
PositionEntity sky,0,50,0
EntityColor sky,0,0,255
Global terrain = CreatePlane()
ScaleEntity terrain,3,15,3
PositionEntity terrain,0,0,-530
EntityRadius terrain,0.2
EntityColor terrain,0,255,0
EntityType terrain,scene
PositionEntity pivot,0,5,0
stump = CreateCylinder() 
ScaleEntity stump,1,7,1
PositionEntity stump,0,-1,30
EntityColor stump,128,64,0
EntityRadius stump,1
tree = CreateSphere(32)
EntityColor tree,0,100,0
ScaleEntity tree,3,4,3
PositionEntity tree,0,8,30
EntityType tree,scene
EntityRadius tree,3
stump2 = CreateCylinder() 
ScaleEntity stump2,1,7,1
PositionEntity stump2,10,-1,30
EntityColor stump2,128,64,0
EntityRadius stump2,1
tree2 = CreateSphere(32)
EntityColor tree2,0,100,0
ScaleEntity tree2,3,4,3
PositionEntity tree2,10,8,30
EntityType tree2,scene
EntityRadius tree2,3
stump3 = CreateCylinder() 
ScaleEntity stump3,1,7,1
PositionEntity stump3,-10,-1,30
EntityColor stump3,128,64,0
EntityRadius stump3,1
tree3 = CreateSphere(32)
EntityColor tree3,0,100,0
ScaleEntity tree3,3,4,3
PositionEntity tree3,-10,8,30
EntityType tree3,scene
EntityRadius tree3,3
bricks = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity bricks,19,9,9
PositionEntity bricks,0,9,50
EntityColor bricks,255,0,0
EntityType bricks,scene
eve = CreateCylinder(3)
RotateEntity eve,30,0,90
ScaleEntity eve,13,20,13
PositionEntity eve,0,23,50
EntityColor eve,145,72,0 
door = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity door,3,5,3
PositionEntity door,-6.5,5,43,7
EntityColor door,170,85,0
	;knob of door
knob = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity knob,0.8,0.8,0.8
PositionEntity knob,-5,5,40
EntityColor knob,255,255,0
;the great purple googler!
googler = CreateSphere(32)
ScaleEntity googler,4,4,4
PositionEntity googler,30,5,10
EntityColor googler,128,0,255
EntityType googler,enemy
EntityRadius googler,4
EntityAlpha googler,0.7
bullet = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity bullet,0.2,0.2,0.2
PositionEntity bullet,7,5,2
RotateEntity bullet,EntityPitch(pivot),EntityYaw(pivot),EntityRoll(pivot)
HideEntity bullet
EntityRadius bullet,1
EntityType bullet,projectile
boom = CreateSphere()
EntityColor boom,255,0,0
EntityAlpha boom,0.5
HideEntity boom
Collisions player,scene,2,1
Collisions enemy,scene,2,1
Collisions enemy,projectile,2,2
Collisions projectile,enemy,2,2
Collisions enemy,player,1,1
Collisions player,enemy,2,1
Collisions projectile,scene,5,1
While Not KeyHit(1)
If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity pivot,0,0,1
If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity pivot,0,0,-1
If KeyDown(203) TurnEntity pivot,0,2,0
If KeyDown(205) TurnEntity pivot,0,-2,0
If EntityCollided(pivot,googler)
health = health - 10
;shooting now!
If KeyDown(57)
If Not fired
fired = True
PositionEntity bullet,EntityX(pivot) ,EntityY(pivot)-.5 ,EntityZ(pivot) 
RotateEntity bullet,EntityPitch(pivot),EntityYaw(pivot),EntityRoll(pivot) 
ShowEntity bullet
End If 
End If 
If fired
MoveEntity bullet,0,0,speed
boomx# = EntityX(bullet,1)
boomy# = EntityY(bullet,1)
boomz# = EntityZ(bullet,1)
HideEntity boom
ShowEntity bullet
PositionEntity boom,boomx,boomy,boomz
End If 
If EntityDistance(bullet,pivot) >100
HideEntity bullet
fired = False
End If
;googler movement
MoveEntity googler,0,0,0.8
TurnEntity googler,0,3.2,0
If health = 0 Then lose
Print "your health is " + health

Function lose()
Print "YOU LOSE"
End Function

RiK(Posted 2005) [#2]
O.O Try sticking that in a code box!

zortzblatz(Posted 2005) [#3]
how do you make a code box?

Rubiks14(Posted 2005) [#4]
put code in [] at beggining and /code in [] at end

yes there is a way to make health decrease. like this

this is just an example i'm sure you can make it work into your code
Global health = 100 doesnt have to be 100

if entitycollided(bullet,player)
health = health - 5 or whatever number you want

now what this does is create a variable for the health and then it checks if the player is hit and then decreases health by 5

hope that helps

zortzblatz(Posted 2005) [#5]
I just updated the code and the life value still doesnt work

Rubiks14(Posted 2005) [#6]
ok i c your problem change
 If EntityCollided(barrel1,googler) 

to this
 if entitycollided(pivot,enemy) 

also you need to put that if statement inside your loop not before it

EDIT: i also found that you need to make a check for if the health is lower than or equal to 0 and then call your lose function. one more thing how in the crap can you stand to play that with it jumping all around like that

zortzblatz(Posted 2005) [#7]
I made the corrections you pointed out but they didn't work (does it jump on your computer? It doesn't on mine and I've never had that complaint before.)