problem with my practice program

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/problem with my practice program

andycraig(Posted 2005) [#1]
i try to run it and it says one of my entities doesnt exist but i have checked it and i dont think anything's wrong can u see whats wrong?
Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Const player_col= 1
Const level_col = 2
Const enemy_col = 3
Const bullet_col= 4

Type bullettype
Field entityhandle
End Type

Type badguytype
Field entityhandle
Field state
End Type

light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light, 30, 30, 0
camera_pivot= CreatePivot()
camera= CreateCamera(camera_pivot)

CameraRange camera,1,1000

level = CreateCube():ScaleEntity level,50,50,50:FlipMesh level:MoveEntity level,0,50,0:EntityColor level,20,20,200
levelfloor=CreatePlane():MoveEntity levelfloor,0,.002,0:EntityColor levelfloor,0,100,0

If KeyDown(2) Then weapon1= LoadMesh("SWORD.3ds", camera)
If KeyDown(3) Then weapon2= LoadMesh("pdpistol.3dd", camera)

bulletmesh= CreateCone() : RotateMesh bulletmesh,90,0,0 : ScaleEntity bulletmesh,.1,.1,.1
EntityType bulletmesh, bullet_col
EntityRadius bulletmesh,.01

enemymesh = LoadMesh("F15E.3ds")
EntityType enemymesh, enemy_col
HideEntity bulletmesh
HideEntity enemymesh

For iter= 1 To 10
badguy.badguyType = New badguyType
badguy\entityhandle= CopyEntity(enemymesh)
badguy\state = Rnd(1, 2)

MoveEntity camera,0,.9,0
MoveEntity weapon1 Or weapon2, .1,-.15,.1
MoveEntity player, 20, 1, -20

For badguy = Each badguyType
PositionEntity badguy\entityhandle, Rnd(100)-50,.95, Rnd(100)-50

EntityType camera_pivot, player_col
EntityRadius camera_pivot,.3,.95
EntityType level, level_col
Collisions player_col, level_col,5, 5
Collisions player_col, enemy_col, 1,2
Collisions enemy_col, level_col,10, 5
Collisions bullet_col, level_col, 100, 1

While Not KeyHit(1)

wkey = KeyDown(17) ;collect user input
skey = KeyDown(31) ;It's a good practice to collect these inputs only once
akey = KeyDown(30) ;per loop. This will prevent odd behaviors from happening,
dkey = KeyDown(32) ;for instance if the state of a key changes between multiple
mouse1 = MouseHit(1) ;checks of that key while still in the same loop.

If wkey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, 0, 0, .1 ;Forward - w key
If skey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, 0, 0, -.1 ;Back - s key
If akey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, -.1, 0, 0 ;Left - a key
If dkey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, .1, 0, 0 ;Right - d key

TurnEntity camera_pivot, 0, -MouseXSpeed()/5.0, 0 ;rotate player Pivot according to mouse X movement
TurnEntity camera, MouseYSpeed()/5.0, 0, 0 ;rotate camera up/down according to mouse Y movement
If EntityPitch(camera) < -45 ;don't allow camera to look below -45 degrees
RotateEntity camera, -45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)
If EntityPitch(camera) > 45 ;don't allow camera to look above 45 degrees
RotateEntity camera, 45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2 ;reset mouse position to middle of screen

TranslateEntity camera_pivot, 0, -.1, 0 ;simple gravity

If mouse1 ;check if left mouse button was pressed
bullet.bullettype = New bullettype ;create a bullet
bullet\entityhandle = CopyEntity(bulletmesh) ;create the bullet mesh
PositionEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityX(weapon1, 1), EntityY(weapon1, 1), EntityZ(weapon1, 1) ;place the bullet at the guns position
RotateEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityPitch(weapon1, 1), EntityYaw(weapon1, 1), EntityRoll(weapon1, 1);orientate the bullet with the gun
ResetEntity bullet\entityhandle ;otherwise bullet could hit enemy while moving from 0,0,0 to current position

For thisbullet.bullettype = Each bullettype ;iterate through all of the bullets
MoveEntity thisbullet\entityhandle, 0, 0, 2 ;move the bullet forward along the bullets Z axis
If Abs(EntityX(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet
ElseIf Abs(EntityY(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet
ElseIf Abs(EntityZ(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
Delete thisbullet

UpdateWorld ;figures out collisions

For thisbullet = Each bullettype ;iterate through all of the bullets
If CountCollisions(thisbullet\entityhandle) > 0 ;check if bullet collided with something
enemyhit = EntityCollided(thisbullet\entityhandle, 3) ;note which enemy bullet collided with (if any)
If enemyhit > 0 ;enemyhit contains entity handle of enemy that was hit
For thisbadguy.badguytype = Each badguytype ;iterate through all of the badguys
If enemyhit = thisbadguy\entityhandle ;check if the enemy hit = this badguy
If thisbadguy\state <> 5 ;check if badguy is alive
thisbadguy\state = 5 ;dead ;make him dead
RotateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 90, 0, 0 ;make him horizontal
EntityType thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0 ;turn off collisions for this badguy
TranslateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0, -.9, 0;set him on the ground
Exit ;exits the badguy For-Next loop (no need to check rest of badguys)
FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet

RenderWorld ;draws the 3d scene
Flip ;displays the scene to the screen

lo-tekk(Posted 2005) [#2]
enemymesh = LoadMesh("F15E.3ds")
Check your modelpath.
weapon2= LoadMesh("pdpistol.3dd", camera)
Have You mistyped the file ending .3dd ?

tonyg(Posted 2005) [#3]
Is this right?
If KeyDown(3) Then weapon2= LoadMesh("pdpistol.3dd", camera)

andycraig(Posted 2005) [#4]
thats right aswell but the part entitytype enemymesh, enemy_col

it says the entity does not exist

lo-tekk(Posted 2005) [#5]
I looked some further and found you haven't created a player entity at all. Your player (cam ) falls trough the ground. For a first test you could just create some cubes instead of the real models.

WolRon(Posted 2005) [#6]
FYI, What are the forum codes?

Here's your problem:
If KeyDown(2) Then weapon1= LoadMesh("SWORD.3ds", camera)
If KeyDown(3) Then weapon2= LoadMesh("pdpistol.3dd", camera)
This is a bad coding technique.

Your weapons should be loaded at the beginning of your program, NOT if you happen to be pressing the 1 or 2 key.

Remember, this code is only executed at the time your program starts, it is never executed again, so unless you happened to be holding down the 1 or 2 key at the time the program started, neither weapon would have loaded.

Your weapons should be loaded like in my example:
weapon1 = LoadMesh("sword.3ds", camera)
weapon2 = LoadMesh("bdpistol.3ds", camera)
Then, IN THE GAME LOOP (inside of the While Not KeyHit(1)-Wend loop), add your code for switching weapons like so:
If KeyDown(2)
  ShowEntity weapon1
  HideEntity weapon2
If KeyDown(3)
  ShowEntity weapon2
  HideEntity weapon1

andycraig(Posted 2005) [#7]
thnx ron, how do i make like a sword slash if u press a key?

by the way im quite new.

Ross C(Posted 2005) [#8]
Making the sword slash can be done in a couple of ways. You could animate the sword slashing in a modelling program, then play that back in blitz, or, rotate the sword when a key is pressed. Not exactly an easy one. You should get some more of the basics done before you venture into that i think. Like structuring your code for starters.

It helps alot when searching for errors and seeing how the code is executed.

andycraig(Posted 2005) [#9]
ross can u advise me on what i can do to get better cos im only 15

Ross C(Posted 2005) [#10]
Sure thing :o)

Firstly, say you have a loop. with some IF statements in there.

While Not KeyHit(1)
If KeyDown(203) then
End If
If KeyDown(205) then
End If

It doesn't look very good. Just looks like a big chunk of code. But if you tab in everytime there's an IF or the beginning of a loop, and tab back again at the end, you can see easier the start and end of loops, and if statements, and generally bits of code that do a specific function.

While Not KeyHit(1)

	If KeyDown(203) Then
	End If
	If KeyDown(205) Then
	End If



That looks alot neater and you can see what happens if the IF statement is true.

Try and group things together as well. Like, set up everything before entering the main loop of your program. Try not to load in meshes, sounds etc, in the middle of the main game loop.

I'll take your code you posted at the top. See how much clearer it looks when tabbed, and spaced out?

Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Const player_col= 1
Const level_col = 2
Const enemy_col = 3
Const bullet_col= 4

Type bullettype
Field entityhandle
End Type

Type badguytype
Field entityhandle
Field state
End Type

light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light, 30, 30, 0
camera_pivot= CreatePivot()
camera= CreateCamera(camera_pivot)

CameraRange camera,1,1000

level = CreateCube():ScaleEntity level,50,50,50:FlipMesh level:MoveEntity level,0,50,0:EntityColor level,20,20,200
levelfloor=CreatePlane():MoveEntity levelfloor,0,.002,0:EntityColor levelfloor,0,100,0

If KeyDown(2) Then weapon1= LoadMesh("SWORD.3ds", camera)
If KeyDown(3) Then weapon2= LoadMesh("pdpistol.3dd", camera)

bulletmesh= CreateCone() : RotateMesh bulletmesh,90,0,0 : ScaleEntity bulletmesh,.1,.1,.1
EntityType bulletmesh, bullet_col
EntityRadius bulletmesh,.01

enemymesh = LoadMesh("F15E.3ds")
EntityType enemymesh, enemy_col
HideEntity bulletmesh
HideEntity enemymesh

For iter= 1 To 10
	badguy.badguyType = New badguyType
	badguy\entityhandle= CopyEntity(enemymesh)
	badguy\state = Rnd(1, 2)

MoveEntity camera,0,.9,0
MoveEntity weapon1 Or weapon2, .1,-.15,.1
MoveEntity player, 20, 1, -20

For badguy = Each badguyType
	PositionEntity badguy\entityhandle, Rnd(100)-50,.95, Rnd(100)-50

EntityType camera_pivot, player_col
EntityRadius camera_pivot,.3,.95
EntityType level, level_col
Collisions player_col, level_col,5, 5
Collisions player_col, enemy_col, 1,2
Collisions enemy_col, level_col,10, 5
Collisions bullet_col, level_col, 100, 1

While Not KeyHit(1)

	wkey = KeyDown(17) ;collect user input
	skey = KeyDown(31) ;It's a good practice to collect these inputs only once
	akey = KeyDown(30) ;per loop. This will prevent odd behaviors from happening,
	dkey = KeyDown(32) ;for instance if the state of a key changes between multiple
	mouse1 = MouseHit(1) ;checks of that key while still in the same loop.
	If wkey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, 0, 0, .1 ;Forward - w key
	If skey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, 0, 0, -.1 ;Back - s key
	If akey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, -.1, 0, 0 ;Left - a key
	If dkey Then MoveEntity camera_pivot, .1, 0, 0 ;Right - d key
	TurnEntity camera_pivot, 0, -MouseXSpeed()/5.0, 0 ;rotate player Pivot according to mouse X movement
	TurnEntity camera, MouseYSpeed()/5.0, 0, 0 ;rotate camera up/down according to mouse Y movement

	If EntityPitch(camera) < -45 ;don't allow camera to look below -45 degrees
		RotateEntity camera, -45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)
	If EntityPitch(camera) > 45 ;don't allow camera to look above 45 degrees
		RotateEntity camera, 45, EntityYaw(camera), EntityRoll(camera)

	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2 ;reset mouse position to middle of screen
	TranslateEntity camera_pivot, 0, -.1, 0 ;simple gravity
	If mouse1 ;check if left mouse button was pressed
		bullet.bullettype = New bullettype ;create a bullet
		bullet\entityhandle = CopyEntity(bulletmesh) ;create the bullet mesh
		PositionEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityX(weapon1, 1), EntityY(weapon1, 1), EntityZ(weapon1, 1) ;place the bullet at the guns position
		RotateEntity bullet\entityhandle, EntityPitch(weapon1, 1), EntityYaw(weapon1, 1), EntityRoll(weapon1, 1);orientate the bullet with the gun
		ResetEntity bullet\entityhandle ;otherwise bullet could hit enemy while moving from 0,0,0 to current position
	For thisbullet.bullettype = Each bullettype ;iterate through all of the bullets
		MoveEntity thisbullet\entityhandle, 0, 0, 2 ;move the bullet forward along the bullets Z axis
		If Abs(EntityX(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
			FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
			Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet
		ElseIf Abs(EntityY(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
			FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
			Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet
		ElseIf Abs(EntityZ(thisbullet\entityhandle, 1)) > 10000 ;check if the bullet is way out of bounds
			FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
			Delete thisbullet
	UpdateWorld ;figures out collisions
	For thisbullet = Each bullettype ;iterate through all of the bullets
		If CountCollisions(thisbullet\entityhandle) > 0 ;check if bullet collided with something
			enemyhit = EntityCollided(thisbullet\entityhandle, 3) ;note which enemy bullet collided with (if any)
			If enemyhit > 0 ;enemyhit contains entity handle of enemy that was hit
				For thisbadguy.badguytype = Each badguytype ;iterate through all of the badguys
					If enemyhit = thisbadguy\entityhandle ;check if the enemy hit = this badguy
						If thisbadguy\state <> 5 ;check if badguy is alive
							thisbadguy\state = 5 ;dead ;make him dead
							RotateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 90, 0, 0 ;make him horizontal
							EntityType thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0 ;turn off collisions for this badguy
							TranslateEntity thisbadguy\entityhandle, 0, -.9, 0;set him on the ground
							Exit ;exits the badguy For-Next loop (no need to check rest of badguys)
			FreeEntity thisbullet\entityhandle ;delete the bullet mesh
			Delete thisbullet ;delete the bullet
	RenderWorld ;draws the 3d scene
	Flip ;displays the scene to the screen

You can see where the loops start, the IF's start and what commands are executed if the IF statement is true. Also, try and use functions. You have code to check the collisions with the bullets, but it's in your main loop. You main loop really should consist of function calls, nothing to major, mainly to keep it clean and modular. If something goes wrong in your code, you can narrow it down to a specific function producing an error, rather than searching thru your main loop.

You should try and start off with something a little simlier. No offense here, but the code looks as if it was pasted together with different code samples, with a bit of coding done by yourself. I'm not too sure what to suggest really for starting simple, as i dived in a bit when i first started :o) Simple things like moving the camera around. Learning how to structure your code though does help alot. Oh, and if your going to use function and you have variables in your main loop then make them GLOBAL, or else you risk losing them when you enter a function :o)