Blitz 3d LoadImage Problem

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Blitz 3d LoadImage Problem

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#1]

I have strange problem with LoadImage function in Blitz 3d.
I must preload 10 800x600 Images in pics array like:

For t=1 To 10
imgs(t) = LoadImage ("image.jpg")

This give me strange result. When I run it from blitz basic it loads about 1 sec. which should be normal.
But after making .exe (not in debug mode) it runs about 8 seconds ?!?!?

How is possible that image loading run 8 times slower from exe than running from blitz, and how can I fix that?


Perturbatio(Posted 2004) [#2]
The following took about 100 more millisecs to run as an exe (presumably because my virus scanner is checking it first).
Graphics 800,600,0,2

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Dim imgs(10)

start = MilliSecs()

For t=1 To 10
imgs(t) = LoadImage ("test"+t+".jpg")

Print MilliSecs()-start


You could try temporarily disabling your virus scanner and see if that resolves it.

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#3]
I tried with virus scanner and result is absolutely the same.. :(

What could be the reason you get only 100 millisecs more in exe.. My results are worse in seconds!!

GfK(Posted 2004) [#4]
Post some code. You're doing something wrong.

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#5]
Here is the example :

Global bufPic, izbPic, br
izbPic = CreateImage (2000, 150)
Setbuffer ImageBuffer (izbPic)
For t=1 to 10
nam$ = "Pic"+t+"_100.jpg"
bufPic = LoadImage (nam$)
ResizeImage bufPic,200,150
DrawBlockRect bufPic,br,0,0,0,200,150
br = br + 200
Setbuffer backbuffer()
DrawBlock izbPic,0,0
FreeImage bufPic : FreeImage izbPic

I tried to comment
ResizeImage bufPic,200,150
DrawBlockRect bufPic,br,0,0,0,200,150
to see if that's the problem and the speed is the same, so it should be loading.

From blits 1 sec, from exe 8 seconds.
Som I still don't understand. If I do something wrong it should run slower always, not only like .exe!! Or.. ?

GfK(Posted 2004) [#6]
No idea about the slow-down problem but you may want to read up on LoadAnimImage. It lets you load a sequence of same-size frames from the same image. That'll avoid the need to do any of the above anyway.

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#7]
Yes, that would probably solve the problem, but I can't use it.
Code should make thumbnail previews of some images real time. So must load all that pictures. LoadAnimImage is not usable for that.

But it bother me why it's slower copiled to exe.. It's strange :-o

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#8]
LoadAnimImage does load the entire image at once. Why can't you use it?

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#9]
Because i don't have 1 image. It's 10 images which must be saved on HDD separately.

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#10]
Perhaps try loading them in as seperate images instead of loading them all into one huge image?

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#11]
I'm not loading in one huge image.
I have etc. 20 images 800x600 which i load with simple code like:

Graphics 1024,768,16,1

Global t, ni$
Dim pics(20)

For t=1 to 20
pics(t) = loadimage ("s"+t+".jpg")

The problem is that when I run from Blitz it last 1 second. When I make .exe same code needs about 16 seconds to load this images.

Is possible that there is bug in Blitz compiler or something. Anybody had similar problem??

If it would load slow in both tries I wouldn't be worried. But why slow only in exe ?

Jay Kyburz(Posted 2004) [#12]
I'm a total new to Blitz, but perhaps the images are being cached. What happens when you run the exe twice is a row without doing anything else?

Just interested..

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#13]
It's always the same. Doesn't matter when and where I run.
Tried on different machines, and always slow.

TomToad(Posted 2004) [#14]
I'm wondering if Blitz IDE is setting aside some memory for whatever use, and when you execute a program from the IDE, the memory is already allocated, but when run from an exe, the memory needs to be allocated at runtime, therefore a lag. 20 800x600 images are about 18 megs if the images are 16 bit. Quite a lot of memory to be shoving around.
try maybe loading the images, then freeing the images, then reloading them and see how much time it takes to load the second time around.

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#15]
Don't think it's memory allocation, cause:

Graphics 1024,768,16,1

Global t, pics

For t=1 to 20
pics = loadimage ("s"+t+".jpg")

works exactly same.. fast in blitz, same slow in exe.
And in that example it's not allocated 18Mb. it's only for 1 pic, cause it's loaded in same handle

Yan(Posted 2004) [#16]
And in that example it's not allocated 18Mb. it's only for 1 pic, cause it's loaded in same handle
Erm...No!...You're creating twenty images.
Just overwriting the pointer each time doesn't make them disappear.

TomToad(Posted 2004) [#17]
What OS are you using? I'm using WinXP SP1. I tried a test program loading 20 pics and get ~1 second to load regardless of whether I use IDE debug, IDE release, or exe versions. However, when the program is finished, it takes around 8 seconds from when I press ESC til the program actually finishes, same regardless whether I'm in the IDE or not.

Jarvis(Posted 2004) [#18]
I use WinXP Sp2.
I get exactly same results if I freeimage every time.. so, it not creating 20 images then, and doesn't slow down cause of freeimage every time. It's absolutely the same.

Closing all non crucial services and virus killer produce exactly same result too, so they are not a problem.