Loading Bar?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Loading Bar?

po(Posted 2004) [#1]
How do you make those loading bar things that show how much is loaded? How do I make it so the bar increases a bit everytime something has finished loading(an image or a music file)?


TomToad(Posted 2004) [#2]
graphics 640,480
size = filesize("filename.dat") ;total length of the file.

infile = readfile("filename.dat")

while not eof(infile)
 readdata() ;read some data from the file.
 p = filepos(infile)
 rect 0,0,(640*p)/size,40,1 

Just off the top of my head, but something like that should work

Grisu(Posted 2004) [#3]
For the theory part:
1. You have to know how many files you have to load
2. load file by file
3. After each file has been loaded you calculate the percentage of files loaded in comparison to maximum
4. You draw some kind of output

Another examplecode (only checking for complete files loaded):

Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

total = 100

Dim files(total)

For i = 1 To total
	files(i) = CreateImage(320,320) ; Create or Load files/media
	Text 320, 240, "Loading...", True, True
	Rect 240, 280, Float(i) / Float(total) * 160, 20, True

wizzlefish(Posted 2004) [#4]
Store each frame of the loading bar in a separate image (or use anim image). Here is how I did it, though it isn't as good as Grisu's code.
DrawImage loading1, 100,100
img1 = LoadImage("img1.bmp")
img2 = LoadImage("img2.bmp")
DrawImage loading2, 100, 100
img3 = LoadImage("img3.bmp")
img4 = LoadImage("img4.bmp")
DrawImage loading3, 100,100

Though Grisu's code is so much more practicle.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#5]
Or try something like this:

function load_progress(percent#)
 setbuffer frontbuffer()
 rect 0,(graphicsheight()/2.0)-(10.0*yrel) ,6.4*xrel#*percent, 20.0*yrel, 1
 setbuffer backbuffer()
end function

now you can insert some calls to this function between the loading steps, eg:

;load meshes...
; load sounds etc.
; initialize network
; initialize player
; start main game loop