File I/O

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/File I/O

Jaster(Posted 2004) [#1]
I was trying out some file I/O (such as OpenFile, WriteString, etc) but the compiler doesn't seem to understand me. Even the code examples from BlitzPlus (which I have) do not compile, I get the following error: Not enough parameters. Am I doing somthing wrong? thanks.

Warren(Posted 2004) [#2]
Can you post the offending code? It would help...

Jaster(Posted 2004) [#3]
Like I said, the code examples from the program don't work, but I guess I'll post them:; Changing part of a file using OpenFile, SeekFile and WriteInt

; Open/create a file to Write
fileout = WriteFile("mydata.dat")

; Write the information to the file
WriteInt( fileout, 1 )
WriteInt( fileout, 2 )
WriteInt( fileout, 3 )
WriteInt( fileout, 4 )
WriteInt( fileout, 5 )

; Close the file
CloseFile( fileout )

DisplayFile( "The file as originally written", "mydata.dat" )
; Open the file and change the Third Integer

file = OpenFile("mydata.dat")
SeekFile( file, 8 ) ; Move to the third integer in the file
WriteInt( file, 9999 ) ; Replace the original value with 9999
CloseFile( file )

DisplayFile( "The file after being midified", "mydata.dat" )
; **** Function Definitions follow ****

; Read the file and print it
Function DisplayFile( Tittle$, Filename$ )
Print tittle$
filein = ReadFile( Filename$ )
While Not Eof( filein )
Number = ReadInt( filein )
Print Number
CloseFile( filein )
End Function
; Reading and writing a file using ReadString$ and WriteString functions

; Initialise some variables for the example
String1$ = "A short string"
String2$ = "A longer string since these are variables lengths"
String3$ = "This is string3 "
String4$ = "joined to string4"

; Open a file to write to
fileout = WriteFile("mydata.dat")

; Write the information to the file
WriteString( fileout, String1 )
WriteString( fileout, String2 )
WriteString( fileout, String3 + String4)
WriteString( fileout, "Just to show you don't have to use variables" )

; Close the file
CloseFile( fileout )

; Open the file to Read
filein = ReadFile("mydata.dat")

Read1$ = ReadString$( filein )
Read2$ = ReadString$( filein )
Read3$ = ReadString$( filein )
Read4$ = ReadString$( filein )

; Close the file once reading is finished
CloseFile( filein )

Print "String Variables Read From File - mydata.dat "
Print Read1
Print Read2
Print Read3
Print Read4

Both of these give 'Not Enough Parameters' error during compile time. What exactly does this error mean? Then I could try to figure out what is wrong

Warren(Posted 2004) [#4]
You must either have a bad install of BlitzPlus, you have user libs installed that are conflicting with the base functions, or you have functions called the same thing in your code that are overriding the Blitz versions.

Those are the only things I can think of...

Floyd(Posted 2004) [#5]
It's the Print command which doesn't have enough parameters.

In Blitz3D you can use Print with no parameters, but BlitzPlus insists that you have one. So use

Print ""

to print a blank line. DebugLog is the same way.

Jaster(Posted 2004) [#6]
Thanks that solved it...why does blitz plus come with a help file that doesn't work on blitz plus? /boggle. Also there are some code examples missing double quote marks and such... /boggle