plot 3d to 2d

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/plot 3d to 2d

smitty(Posted 2004) [#1]
hello all,.
i have an array of 3d points(xyz) that i want to plot to the screen(xy) and then rotate the plotted object like those old amiga demos..can anyone help me out with some source to get it working..Thanks.

Andy(Posted 2004) [#2]
You might have samles in your /samples/Blitz 2D samples/ directory called and They can be easilly modified to get you started...


smitty(Posted 2004) [#3]
gahh..didnt even think to look..thanks

smitty(Posted 2004) [#4]
had a look but cant find those files..dont seem to be in the code archives either.any ideas where i can get them.

Stevie G(Posted 2004) [#5]
This is the dot ball one ..

; *****************************
; *****************************
; * CODING BY TRACER          *
; *****************************

dots_in_ball = 1440											; How many dots are in the ball?

; Globals for the 3d.
Global numpoints = dots_in_ball								; Number of points in the point table.
Global distance  = 400										; Needed for perspective.
Global vx#													; X location.
Global vy#													; Y location.
Global vz#													; Z location.

; Arrays used by 3d code.
Dim points(numpoints, 3)									; Holds the point locations of the game over 3d.

Graphics 640,480

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; make points on the surface of a sphere
; calculation to make a sphere:
; x = cos(theta) * cos(phi)
; y = cos(theta) * sin(phi)
; z = sin(theta)
; where theta = -90 to 90
; and phi = 0 to 360
For t= 1 To dots_in_ball
	xd = Rnd(-90,90)
	x0 = (Cos(xd) * 10) * (Cos(t) * 10)
	y0 = (Cos(xd) * 10) * (Sin(t) * 10)
	z0 = Sin(xd) * 100
	points(t,1) = x0
	points(t,2) = y0
	points(t,3) = z0

; Loop till esc is pressed.
While Not KeyDown(1)
	threed()												; Call the threed thing.
	Color 255,255,255
	Text 0,0,"Depth Colored Real 3D Dot Ball"
	dummy = MouseX()										; Removes the mouse from fullscreen.
	Flip													; Flip the screen.
	Cls														; Clear the screen.

Function threed()
	vx# = vx# + 0.5											; X rotation speed of ball.
	vy# = vy# + 0.5											; Y rotation speed of ball.
	vz# = vz# + 0.5											; Z rotation speed of ball.

	For n = 1 To numpoints
		x3d = points(n, 1)
		y3d = points(n, 2)
		z3d = points(n, 3)
		ty# = ((y3d * Cos(vx#)) - (z3d * Sin(vx#)))
		tz# = ((y3d * Sin(vx#)) + (z3d * Cos(vx#)))
		tx# = ((x3d * Cos(vy#)) - (tz# * Sin(vy#)))
		tz# = ((x3d * Sin(vy#)) + (tz# * Cos(vy#)))
		ox# = tx#
		tx# = ((tx# * Cos(vz#)) - (ty# * Sin(vz#)))
		ty# = ((ox# * Sin(vz#)) + (ty# * Cos(vz#)))
		nx  = Int(512 * (tx#) / (distance - (tz#))) + 320
		ny  = Int(240 - (512 * ty#) / (distance - (tz#)))
		Rect nx,ny,1,1
End Function

; This function looks at the z-value of the pixel
; and sets the color accoordingly.
Function setcolor(t#)
	If t# <= 100 And t# >= 75
		Color 250,250,250
	If t# <= 75 And t# >= 50
		Color 225,225,225
	If t# <= 50 And t# >= 25
		Color 200,200,200
	If t# <= 25 And t# >= 0
		Color 175,175,175
	If t# <= 0 And t# >= -25
		Color 150,150,150
	If t# <= -25 And t# >= -50
		Color 125,125,125
	If t# <= -50 And t# >= -75
		Color 100,100,100
	If t# <= -75 And t# >= -100
		Color 50,50,50
End Function

smitty(Posted 2004) [#6]
thats nice.should be able to work it out from here.thanks

smitty(Posted 2004) [#7]
another question.
vx# = vx# + 0.5 ; X rotation speed of ball.
vy# = vy# + 0.5 ; Y rotation speed of ball.
vz# = vz# + 0.5 ; z rotation speed of ball.

i cant seem to make the ball rotate on the y axis.
if i rem vy,vz the ball spins on x.
if i rem out vx,vy ball spins on z.
but if i rem vx,vz ball is stationary.
I really need to be able to rotate independently on all 3 axes. Is this possible?

Andy(Posted 2004) [#8]
This is the other example, which is much better to learn from if you wish to make wireframe graphics...

I actually modified this into a flight sim complete with an aircraft carrier you could land on and buildings, while learning B2D...

I had only heard of Blitz on the darkbasic forum, so when a friend of mine bought it, I went over to have a look. I started playing around with Tracers 3D demos and then I just had to go buy Blitz...

EDIT: In reference to your problem, it works perfectly here!

; *********************************
; *********************************
; * Coding by: Tracer             *
; *********************************
; * Coded as an example program   *
; * for the Blitz CD.             *

Graphics 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global numpoints = 27										; Number of points in the point table.
Global numconn   = 26										; Number of connections in the connect table.
Global distance  = 400										; Needed for perspective.
Global vx#													; X location.
Global vy#													; Y location.
Global vz#													; Z location.

; Arrays used by 3d code.
Dim points(numpoints, 3)									; Holds the point locations of the game over 3d.
Dim rotated(numpoints, 2)									; Holds rotated points for the 3d.
Dim connect(numconn, 2)										; Holds the connections of the 3d.

; Read data for 3d.
Restore points
For n = 1 To numpoints
	Read x3d, y3d, z3d
	points(n, 1) = x3d
	points(n, 2) = y3d
	points(n, 3) = z3d
Restore conns
For n = 1 To numconn
	Read a3d, b3d
	connect(n, 1) = a3d
	connect(n, 2) = b3d

While Not KeyDown(1)

; 3D calculations mayhem.
; Basically it calculates the points in 3d
; and connects these points using the
; connections table.
Function threed()
	vx# = vx# + 0.5
	vy# = vy# + 0.5
	vz# = vz# + 0.5

	For n = 1 To numpoints
		x3d = points(n, 1)
		y3d = points(n, 2)
		z3d = points(n, 3)
		ty# = ((y3d * Cos(vx#)) - (z3d * Sin(vx#)))
		tz# = ((y3d * Sin(vx#)) + (z3d * Cos(vx#)))
		tx# = ((x3d * Cos(vy#)) - (tz# * Sin(vy#)))
		tz# = ((x3d * Sin(vy#)) + (tz# * Cos(vy#)))
		ox# = tx#
		tx# = ((tx# * Cos(vz#)) - (ty# * Sin(vz#)))
		ty# = ((ox# * Sin(vz#)) + (ty# * Cos(vz#)))
		nx  = Int(512 * (tx#) / (distance - (tz#))) + 320
		ny  = Int(240 - (512 * ty#) / (distance - (tz#)))
		rotated(n, 1) = nx
		rotated(n, 2) = ny

	For n = 1 To numconn
		Color 255,255,255
		Line rotated(connect(n, 1), 1), rotated(connect(n, 1), 2),rotated(connect(n, 2), 1), rotated(connect(n, 2), 2)
End Function

; All the data for the 3d game over.. lots of work to make :)

; Points table
;      X,  Y,  Z
Data -100, 50, 50
Data  100, 50, 50
Data  100,-50, 50
Data -100,-50, 50

Data -100, 50,-50
Data  100, 50,-50
Data  100,-50,-50
Data -100,-50,-50

Data   0,-25, 0
Data   0, 25, 0

Data -35,-25, 0
Data -35, 25, 0
Data  -5,-25, 0

Data   5, 25, 0
Data  35, 25, 0
Data  20, 25, 0
Data  20,-25, 0

Data -70, 25, 0
Data -70,-25, 0
Data -50, 25, 0
Data -50,  0, 0
Data -40,  0, 0
Data -40,-25, 0

Data  40, 25, 0
Data  70, 25, 0
Data  40,-25, 0
Data  70,-25, 0

; Connections  (From,To, From,To, ..)

Data 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1
Data 5,6,6,7,7,8,8,5

Data 1,5,2,6,3,7,4,8

Data 9,10
Data 11,12,11,13
Data 14,15,16,17
Data 18,19,18,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,19
Data 24,25,26,27,25,26