Loading From File

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Loading From File

boomboom(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi, This is my Saving Function
Function FNT_Save()
	SaveFile = WriteFile("Level.txt")
	For Level.LevelAssets = Each LevelAssets 
		Level\xpos = EntityX(Level\BlockHandle)
		Level\zpos = EntityZ(Level\BlockHandle)
		Level\Rotation = EntityRoll(Level\BlockHandle)
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\xpos ) 
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\zpos ) 
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\Rotation) 

End Function 

And seems to work (well it generates a file)

What would be the loading equivalent of this? how could I load the Type information back into an empty Type collection, and how does blitz know how many types are in the type collection?

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#2]
Blitz keeps track of 'how many' instances there are behind the scenes so you don't have to worry.

Every time NEW is called, another is created.

To Load in I would suggest 'something similar to'

SoggyP(Posted 2004) [#3]
Hi Folks,

Before saving count how many instances of the type you have and write that in as a leading value, so something like:

Function FNT_Save()
        count = 0
        for level.levelassets = each levelassets
          count = count + 1
	SaveFile = WriteFile("Level.txt")
        WriteInt(Savefile, count)

	For Level.LevelAssets = Each LevelAssets 
		Level\xpos = EntityX(Level\BlockHandle)
		Level\zpos = EntityZ(Level\BlockHandle)
		Level\Rotation = EntityRoll(Level\BlockHandle)
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\xpos ) 
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\zpos ) 
		WriteInt( SaveFile, Level\Rotation) 

End Function

This will make reading it back in again nice and simple, so something like: ( pseudo code alert ;0) )

Function LoadLevel()
  levelfile = openfile("level.txt")
  count = readint(levelfile)
  for assets = 0 to count
    level.levelasset = new levelasset
    level\x = readint()
end function

Hope that makes some sense.



RetroBooster(Posted 2004) [#4]
Here ya go:

Function FNT_Load()
	LoadFile = ReadFile("Level.txt")

	While not eof(LoadFile)
		Level.LevelAssets = new LevelAssets
		Level\xpos = ReadInt(LoadFile)
		Level\zpos = ReadInt(LoadFile)
		Level\Rotation = ReadInt(LoadFile)

End Function 

Edit: LOL, it's sure flooding help here.

SoggyP(Posted 2004) [#5]
Hi Folks,

...or you could do like Malice suggested ;0)



boomboom(Posted 2004) [#6]
lol thanks all, i put malice's in and got a massive memory drain (900 meg of ram in 3 seconds, more memory loss than a night out with £50 in the back pocket and some fake id)

turns out i needed

While Not Eof(loadFile)

as retrobooster said :)

that little loadfile at the end saved the moment. thanks dudes yay, it works.

boomboom(Posted 2004) [#7]
ok snag number 2

Function FNT_LoadFile()
	LoadFile = ReadFile("Level.txt")
	While Not Eof(loadfile)
		Level.LevelAssets = New LevelAssets
		Level\AssetType$=ReadString$( loadfile )  ; loads back Type of Mesh
			Level\xpos = ReadInt(loadfile)	;Loads back xpos data
			Level\zpos = ReadInt(loadfile)	;Loads back zpos data
			Level\Rotation = ReadInt(loadfile) ;loads back Rotational Data

			Level\BlockHandle = CopyMesh (Level\AssetType$) ;Inserts Mesh <---doesn't work
			EntityPickMode Level\BlockHandle,2 ; Changed pickmode to polygon
			PositionEntity Level\BlockHandle,Level\xpos,0,Level\zpos	;Applys position data
			RotateEntity Level\BlockHandle,0,0,Level\Rotation	;applys rotation data
	CloseFile(LoadFile) ;Closes file
End Function

it will not copy the mesh into the level\blockandle based on the ifno in the level\assettype$ string.

I have traced the string and it has the correct string in it, and if i put a mesh name in directy it works. i think its trying to copy a mesh in the actual string rather than using the name in the string to find the mesh. the mesh handles are global.

any ideas?

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#8]

Level\AssetType$=ReadString$( loadfile ) ; loads back Type of Mesh
Level\BlockHandle = CopyMesh (Level\AssetType$) ;Inserts Mesh <---doesn't work

I think you're confusing handle names with string$ here.
Handles are really just numerical integer variables,
like in the following

b$ has absolutely no connection with the variable 'apple'

You could try having a field that contains a string related to the mesh you need, but will need another lot of code to actually copy the mesh.



Select True
Case Level\Meshtype$="Chair"

Whilst it would be nice to just have

Level\BlockHandle=CopyMesh(Mesh) regardless of the mesh type, but handles' values will change depending on memory resources etc.

I dunno if the undocumented commands of Handle and Object are any good with this, but I don't recommend their use.