New comers to Blitz read please:

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/New comers to Blitz read please:

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#1]
Me and Agamer are thinking of starting up a >small< project and would like any new-comers to Blitz to participate. I think it would be a nice idea to help everyone learn about the language and build a game at the same time.

The game we have settled on will be a simple shooter to begin with, because i think it is one the easiest ideas to implement. I don't claim to be a master Blitzer, but i think i could help out others in learning blitz.

So any who is interested, please post.

Thanks :)

RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#2]
Where do we start?

scribbla(Posted 2004) [#3]
excellent...would love to get involved...Ross will it be a 3d or i need to learn about 3rd person platform stuff....

ive been working on i could probaly work on the main character...but i need to learn about collisions

RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#4]
Indoor? Outdoor? Iv'e bin making some pretty good outdoor
maps...not tiled or anything and some decent textures.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#5]
I was thinking to start of, something pretty simple. Like a 2s shooter or something. Maybe there can be a couple of projects though.

I was thinking, start of simple, then build up. Getting each project finished is the main thing really.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#6]
Yeh I thought I woud say some thing.

See he wrote my name.

The reson we decided to do it in 2d is so both blitz3d and blitz+ users can particpate!

Shane(Posted 2004) [#7]
How would it be decided who was doing what? Would one of you be "in charge"? And what would be done with the project afterwards (put on here as public domain, sold, used as a tutorial/article etc.)

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#8]
Well, i think that the group should maybe decide on a project. Something obtainable though. Not a MMORPG or something. Just a small game that can be completed. The project afterwards can be public domain. I don't want anything out of it :)

RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#9]
How about a top down scroller like the original warcaft, but plays like diablo (player locked in the middle of the
screen and a simple point and click interface)?
I can see it perfictly! We could use a random maze generator from the archives to make comletely different levals every time you play. Populate it with ever increasinly stonger enimies. Keep track of the number of maps played and when the player gets to a certan number of levals have some pre rendered big BOSS levals. And make it so that future blitz users could add there own boss levals.
Theme? How about cyborg!

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#10]
Was thinking a little simpler. But if everyone believes this can be done, go for it. I'll get Agamer to set up a forum for this, so we can converce away from the main forums :)

Zace(Posted 2004) [#11]
Sounds good to me.

Wouldnt it be an idea to start off with something VERY basic then add on to it...and show how with the correct INITIAL setup anything can be built upon.

Maybe start with a shoot 2d like space invaders....then upgrade it to something like phoenix/galaxians...then maybe upp it to spacewar.....

Just an idea.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#12]
That was what i was thinking Zace. Best to start simple and get something made. It's alot harder than it seems :)

Eric(Posted 2004) [#13]
Hey I'm pretty New, But Know a few things also, Count me in. I would love to work on a project with others.


RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#14]
This is a verry simple game I started a long time ago, kinda like space invaders but a... not.
It works but has some major bugs I could not work out before I lost interest. I think this was my first forom post ever and someone told me it was a promising simple game. So is this what you mean Ross C?

Gamemaker(Posted 2004) [#15]
ild like to help :)
my msn messenger is gamemaker234@...

po(Posted 2004) [#16]
I too, would like to help. I don't know much, but I know some...

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#17]
Perhaps you could get a sticky thread here (Beginners Area) just like the Tokomak and Plasma guys over in Blitz3D.

skidracer(Posted 2004) [#18]
I don't think it should be a group effort, to participate you should be prepared to code the entire project.

If someone could do a design doc that was a simple program that was broken into suitable size chunks we could tackle a chunk a week.

Ross, anymore info besides it's going to be a shooter?

How about a gameboy zelda scroller with guns?

*(Posted 2004) [#19]
im with skidracer on this, starting (let alone completing) a project of any size can seem a daunting task, broken into managable chunks/functions its much easier to code.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#20]
Remember you can ask me questions!

Ross and me are still talking about stuff and will decide the bits and bobs which need deciding before we can start.

I am setting up a forum now!

puki(Posted 2004) [#21]
What about a pac-man game that evolves into a glorified pac-man game.

Make a standard pacman game - just like original - nothing fancy.

Then turn it 3D pac-man (Make 1st-person/third person) - easy enougth to do

Then maybe advance the AI and make game more like FPS - put in doors - maybe weapons - nothing over the top - just to show how a basic 2D engine can still be used for 3D stuff.

Basically, evolve a well known, simple 2D, game into a 3D FPS - but nothing over the top - we are not talking 'Project Plasma'.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#22]
Skid, do you mean that each person participating should code the entire project themselves. But each week, a different part of the game is done each week?

Interesting idea. Suppose it's better because everyone is doing the same amount of work, and everyone is learning the same stuff.

I think the side scolling idea might also be cool. A basic tilemap system would be handy, and could be programmed in the project also. Maybe something like the R-Type idea.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#23]
I think there is little point in all doing the same project each but I like the idea of breaking it down it to little blocks

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#24]
I have set up a forum now :)

It is hear

Here it is

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#25]
Yeh some ones signed up!

puki(Posted 2004) [#26]
Just a tip to people - I tried signing up to "Agamer's" forums a couple of times in the past six months or so. I never had any success - I have spotted the reason why - My ISP treats his email address as spammer.

I wonder if it is because "Agamer" is also a spammer? Hmmm?

puki(Posted 2004) [#27]
Hey "Agamer" does it work - first I log in with password - but it tells me I am a guest - Now It recognises me as member, but it thinks I am a guest.

Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: It isn't me - I put in the user name and the password you emailed - it successfully logs me in - then thinks I am a guest and won't let me do anything.

Edit: I bet it is because I am blocking cookies. Heh, heh.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#28]
Try and tick the box that says keep me logged in or something. We stopped the forum being posted on by guests (except one), because last time, spammers galore started posting all sorts of crap :/

puki(Posted 2004) [#29]
It was due to cookies. I have now landed.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#30]
Umm puki I don't handle new ssign up's it is not my e-mail,
IS it the one listed with this acount then?

puki(Posted 2004) [#31]
Yep, it is the same Email address in your account here - you little spammer you - f'nar.

RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#32]
All signed up.
Boy It's lonly over there.

puki(Posted 2004) [#33]
Yeh, where is that document "Ross"?

p.s. "Agamer" - the email I have sent is to the address that I received the one containing my password.

Rook Zimbabwe(Posted 2004) [#34]
If I can help making models or textures then count me in too!!!
-Rook Zimbabwe

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#35]
Well I am not a spammer oh well :)

Well if every one who says it is lonely well then post over their

RiverRatt(Posted 2004) [#36]
Ya I just posted. Mostly was waiting for design doc to get started.

Lets get the ball rollen. People who said there interested in this project need to post over there too.

And by the way the password does land in spam folder, don,t foget to click the "this is not spam" button.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#37]
I am not sure why is a spammer adress but will try sort that!

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#38]
I will post this later one tonight, the design doc that is ;)

I'm just getting everything ready :)

beady(Posted 2004) [#39]
Hi, just got my account here reactivated after a bundle of months inactivity and bout of fruitless password guessing. I think this is a great idea, one of the problems I found coming into blitz and not having any previous programming experience was being able to stick with any project. I've a fair idea in my head what I want to achieve but finding the willpower to force a structured way to learn the language so I have the building blocks to work on those projects I'd like to difficult.

With this approach I'm sure we can all have a good crack at learning the basics of Blitz building the foundations for any embryonic dream projects while having fun along the way. Count me in :D


Ross C(Posted 2004) [#40]
Information on the project is up on the forum board:

Reason for the creation of this board by Agamer, is to take the project away from the forums, so we don't annoy everyone else, and can work on the task at hand :)

Please goto the General Forum for information. Thanks again !

puki(Posted 2004) [#41]
*bump* (To avoid "Ross" and "Agamer" sitting there, twiddling their thumbs, waiting for someone to join the project)

Nike(Posted 2008) [#42]
um i know its been um 4 years since the last post but is this still going?

Stevie G(Posted 2008) [#43]
Take a wild guess!

big10p(Posted 2008) [#44]

puki(Posted 2008) [#45]
I sacked the pair of them.

It was like working with a pair of 4 year olds.

I'm too good for this dump.


Ginger Tea(Posted 2008) [#46]
i do like the pacman to pac3D to fps idea
i kinda meantioned that alot years ago
how wolfenstien was nothing more than a guantlet style top down shooter spun into a spsudo 3D realm

its all about the baby steps you take learning from the past to get to where you want to be in the future
you can learn alot from pong pacman and breakout (tatio did when the 'bricks' shot back forming space invaders) so coding your own gives you insight into the why's and how-tos of other elements of 'modern' gaming (i just wouldnt recomend 'releasing' them to the outside world we have enough of em breeding out there as it is ;) or if you do make it a 10 games in one exe kinda thing)

a more recent b+ thread on types for pac man had an old school method of solving something that dates back to the 8bit systems ... far more simple than the original poster was trying to achieve

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#47]
I actually still have the project on my computer. It was a decent learning process i thought.

We started with a turret and making it point towards the direction of the mouse pointer, making use of sin and cos to show what things they can practically do. Then added bullets firing from the turret, then added enemies, and some levels.

It never got properly finished, high score, front end, GUI etc though.

Moore(Posted 2008) [#48]
Well its been 4 years so is it time for a 3d MMORPG community project?

WolRon(Posted 2008) [#49]
Nike, my website (BASIC Prog. Tut.) is made just for beginners if you're looking for some projects to try.


Tobo(Posted 2008) [#50]
Ross C, is it possible to post the project at all?

I got all excited reading this thread ....then realised it was 4 years old!


Nate the Great(Posted 2008) [#51]
I got all excited reading this thread ....then realised it was 4 years old!

me to