inteligent cameras

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/inteligent cameras

scribbla(Posted 2004) [#1]
if i may...another question

does any one know of any easy to understand code on camera movement, i tried just parenting it to the character..but it looks ..well crap for want of a better word, i want it to move with like a pause so when the kid turns you get to see him side on then it slowly goes behind, i have tried to understand the castle demo but it lost me,damn i wish they had put some documentation in that code..its about all i have for reference

quick and dirty test needs major tweaking (temp graphics)
real raw stuff...but i learnt a lot

eBusiness(Posted 2004) [#2]
Hmmm, set up a variable:
for storing how much the camera is turned relative to being behind the kid, so if you turn the kid:
then you turn cameradelay in the opposite direction:
Once every loop you adjust it to go slightly closer to behind the kid:
If cameradelay#<1 and cameradelay#>-1 Then
Else if cameradelay#>0 Then
End If
Then there is the positioning of the camera:
PositionEntity camera,EntityX(kid)-Sin(kidrotation#+cameradelay#)*10,EntityY(kid)+4,EntityZ(kid)-Cos(kidrotation#+cameradelay#)*10
RotateEntity camera,kidrotation#+cameradelay#,-20,0
I havn't tested the last piece, but it should work, you probably need to alter some of the factors to make it just like you want it.

scribbla(Posted 2004) [#3]
cheers eBusiness..i will give it a go (first i will try and usderstand it)

eBusiness(Posted 2004) [#4]
Ehrm, wait a little with trying to understand it, I'll bring an update.

Edit: Dude it looked funny with the castle demo, I wasn't quite able to remember what pitch, yaw and roll meant. Anyway, here you go:

If cameradelay#<.3 And cameradelay#>-.3 Then
Else If cameradelay#>0 Then
End If

PositionEntity camera,EntityX(kid)+Sin(EntityYaw(kid)+cameradelay#)*10,EntityY(kid)+8,EntityZ(kid)-Cos(EntityYaw(kid)+cameradelay#)*10
RotateEntity camera,40,EntityYaw(kid)+cameradelay#,0

If you want the camera to be more "unbound" then I think I have a solution for it.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#5]
Yo, tiler. Try this out. Arrow keys to move the guy. Most of the code sets up the scene :)

Graphics3D 800,600
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global camera=CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,0,-10

Global light=CreateLight()

Global camera_distance=10; set distance camera will be
Global camera_speed#=30; speed the camera moves at. Lower values will move the camera faster!

Global player=CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity player,0.5,0.5,1

Global player_pivot=CreatePivot(player); pivot the camera uses for smooth moving
PositionEntity player_pivot,0,5,-camera_distance ; position the point you want the camera to be at

; create some cube to base movement on
Dim cube(10)
For loop=0 To 10
	PositionEntity cube(loop),Rnd(-10,10),0,Rnd(-10,10)
	EntityColor cube(loop),Rnd(10,110),Rnd(10,110),210

While Not KeyHit(1)

	If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity player,0,0,0.1
	If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity player,0,0,-0.1
	If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity player,0,1,0
	If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity player,0,-1,0

	update_camera(camera,player_pivot,player,camera_speed) ; update the camera

Function update_camera(cam,pivot,player,speed)

	PointEntity cam,pivot
	If EntityDistance#(cam,pivot) >0.5 Then
		MoveEntity cam,0,0,EntityDistance(cam,pivot)/speed
	End If
	PointEntity cam,player
End Function

scribbla(Posted 2004) [#6]
cheers guys...much appreciated