stuck to the floor

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/stuck to the floor

Nexus6(Posted 2004) [#1]
I have been paying about with this piece of code which came with Maplet. My problem is, that the camera is on the floor, if I move the camera up by 5 or 6 units then my head doesn't bump against the ceiling, if i increase the collision radius then i presume this increases it on the x axis as well, which will cause problems for narrow doorways etc. If I position the pivot (player) 5 or 6 units high then I presume I will not collide with small ledges and stairs any longer.

I hope this makes sense, any help appreciated.

Graphics3D 1024,768

Collisions 1,2,2,2

PositionEntity player,0,1,-1
EntityRadius player,.6
EntityType player,1

camera=CreateCamera( player )
CameraRange camera,.1,200

LightColor light,32,32,32
TurnEntity light,45,45,0

LightColor light,32,32,32
TurnEntity light,45,-45,0

mesh=LoadMesh( "test.b3d" )
EntityFX mesh,1
EntityType mesh,2


sky=LoadSkyBox( "sky" )
EntityParent sky,camera

While Not KeyHit(1)

If KeyHit(17)
WireFrame wire


If KeyHit(57) yv=.1

MoveEntity player,0,yv-.005,0

If KeyDown(30) TurnEntity camera,-2,0,0
If KeyDown(44) TurnEntity camera,+2,0,0

If KeyDown(203) TurnEntity player,0,2,0
If KeyDown(205) TurnEntity player,0,-2,0

If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity player,0,0,sp
If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity player,0,0,-sp

RotateEntity sky,0,0,0,True

;Text 0,0,TrisRendered()


;skybox code stolen from castle demo!
Function LoadSkyBox( file$ )
;front face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_FR.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,-1,+1,-1,0,0:AddVertex s,+1,+1,-1,1,0
AddVertex s,+1,-1,-1,1,1:AddVertex s,-1,-1,-1,0,1
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
FreeBrush b
;right face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_LF.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,+1,+1,-1,0,0:AddVertex s,+1,+1,+1,1,0
AddVertex s,+1,-1,+1,1,1:AddVertex s,+1,-1,-1,0,1
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
FreeBrush b
;back face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_BK.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,+1,+1,+1,0,0:AddVertex s,-1,+1,+1,1,0
AddVertex s,-1,-1,+1,1,1:AddVertex s,+1,-1,+1,0,1
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
FreeBrush b
;left face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_RT.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,-1,+1,+1,0,0:AddVertex s,-1,+1,-1,1,0
AddVertex s,-1,-1,-1,1,1:AddVertex s,-1,-1,+1,0,1
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
FreeBrush b
;top face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_UP.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,-1,+1,+1,0,1:AddVertex s,+1,+1,+1,0,0
AddVertex s,+1,+1,-1,1,0:AddVertex s,-1,+1,-1,1,1
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
FreeBrush b
;bottom face
b=LoadBrush( file$+"_DN.jpg",49 )
s=CreateSurface( m,b )
AddVertex s,-1,-1,-1,1,0:AddVertex s,+1,-1,-1,1,1
AddVertex s,+1,-1,+1,0,1:AddVertex s,-1,-1,+1,0,0
AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3

FreeBrush b
ScaleMesh m,100,100,100
FlipMesh m
EntityFX m,1
EntityOrder m,1
Return m
End Function

Ice9(Posted 2004) [#2]
Look at the EntityRadius command in the reference. There is an Y parameter which allows you to make your collision sphere oblong.