forward/back speed increases infinatley :/

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/forward/back speed increases infinatley :/

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#1]
Graphics3D 800,600

light = CreateLight()
camera = CreateCamera()

cube = LoadMesh("cube1.3ds")
PositionEntity camera,0,0,EntityZ(cube)-600

Global cubez# = 0

While Not KeyHit(1)

	cubex = MouseX()
	cubey = MouseY()
	If KeyDown(200) = True
		cubez# = cubez# + .2
	ElseIf KeyDown(208) = True
		cubez# = cubez# - .2
	Else cubez# = 0
	PositionEntity cube,0,0,0
	MoveEntity camera,cubex,cubey,cubez#

When I push up key or down key the speed starts of slow and icreases till its warp drive.

cubez = cubez + .2 should move the cam slowly.

In 2d if you did dudex = dudex + (whatever) you would get a constant speed, not an increase in speed till its going to fast.

How do i fix?

thx :)

I like toast

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#2]
Here is the model for what Im doing.

When I walk forward I cant see the other side of the room. Its just black.

Dang shoulda stuk wime banjo


puki(Posted 2004) [#3]
What room?

I couldn't download the cube, but is it just a standard cube - is this meant to be the room?

eBusiness(Posted 2004) [#4]
cubez=.2 not cubez=cubez+.2

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#5]
thx eBusiness


Its a hollow cube. In 3DS Max I modelled it to be 50meters length/width & Height.

Is this to big for blitz? Is my scaling all wrong?

puki(Posted 2004) [#6]
I think you will find the cube is too small (well, within your program it is) - However, not to worry you can scale it up in Blitz.

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#7]
Well its just that I was told that if I set my Max units to meters then 1 Max Meter = 1 blitz Unit.

So a room 50 blitz units square cant be to small i dont think.

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#8]
but the camera starts 600'm' back from the cube's handle placement

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#9]
but the camera starts 600'm' back from the cube's handle placement

hmm yes it does. So that means the cube is way to big. way way to big.

Its this scaling stuff that confuses me, keeping it consistent.

Is the cube to big? Should I not start by placing the camera to far from the object as scaling is distorted?

I like cheese toasties

puki(Posted 2004) [#10]
No, it seems to small - depends on how big you want it though

puki(Posted 2004) [#11]
Edit: sorry about the spacing in the code - the site seems to do this on it's own.

; mini-mini-mini Sausage Dweller - puki - 2004

Graphics3D 800,600; change this to whatever you want

walkspeed#=.2; speed at which the camera/player moves at - originally set to .1 (just in case you changed it)
no_of_data=11; number of lines of data in mapdata

SeedRnd MilliSecs(); this is vital for random numbers (helps the bot choose more randomly)


;create the ground
EntityColor floor1,50,255,50
PositionEntity floor1,0,-2.3,0 
EntityType floor1,2

;create camera/player
Global player=CreatePivot()
Global camera=CreateCamera(player)
CameraRange camera,1,100
CameraClsColor camera,50,50,200; colour the sky
PositionEntity player,5,1,15
EntityType player,1

;create wall block
FlipMesh block
ScaleEntity block,25,25,25
EntityColor block,150,0,0
EntityAlpha block,.8
EntityType block,2

Collisions 1,2,2,3; stops you walking though the walls

; MAIN LOOP ***************************************************

While Not KeyHit(1)


Gosub MoveCamera



; I could have used functions - but gosubs will suffice (no need to use 'Global' variables)

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2

TurnEntity player,0,mx#,0,1
TurnEntity camera,my#,0,0,0

If KeyDown(200) Or KeyDown(17) Then MoveEntity player,0,0,walkspeed
If KeyDown(208) Or KeyDown(31) Then MoveEntity player,0,0,-walkspeed
If KeyDown(205) Or KeyDown(32) Then MoveEntity player,walkspeed,0,0
If KeyDown(203) Or KeyDown(30) Then MoveEntity player,-walkspeed,0,0

GameCoder(Posted 2004) [#12]
thx puki :)

puki(Posted 2004) [#13]
Play around with it - I just mashed it - there is some residue code in there that isn't needed like the SeedRnd MilliSecs().

Play around with the size of the cube and the positioning etc.

puki(Posted 2004) [#14]
Hey "Amon" - You may have 'Creating A Scene - In Five Easy Steps' in your '3D Samples directory' - 'RobHutchinson/Beginner Examples/Creating A Scene - In Five Easy Steps'

Take a look at it.

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#15]
Addressing your problem of the cube accelerating, re-read the documentation for the movement commands, especially MoveEntity. Adding to cubez would work if you were using PositionEntity since that command places an entity at the coordinates you define. MoveEntity however places an entity relative to its current position. In other words, when you write

PositionEntity object,0,0,1

you are saying to place the object at the coordinates 0,0,1. When you write

MoveEntity object,0,0,1

you are saying to move the object 0 units on the X axis, 0 units on the Y axis, and +1 unit on the Z axis.

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#16]
On the subject of Max settings, I find it best to have 3dsMax set to use "Generic Units". That way, 1 unit in Max is 1 unit in Blitz. I've heard people say that meters does the same thing, but not for me it doesn't. Meters makes my scale way off.

puki(Posted 2004) [#17]
Hey "Amon" - I'm a doughnut (again) - I just thought of something important here - I never looked at your cube - which is kind of important.

As I coudln't download it, I just did a 'CreateCube()' within your code (not knowing that your original code was meant to be a room).

My references are to my own cube that I created to replace yours, not yours - so ignore everything I said about the size of the cube.