Import help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Import help

cermit(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi! I have to import some files while the
main loop is running. Is there any command
for starting the import/load window, or is
there someway to code a new in Blitz3D?

Right now i write a string ( file directory )
to load the files i need, and that is kind
of a pain in the neck :(

Any help is appreciated

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#2]
What files do you need to import?
Is it just data you need to read?

or do you need to use
or Include?

cermit(Posted 2004) [#3]
I need 3d files *.3ds, *.b3d

Kev(Posted 2004) [#4]
could you not pr-load and hide them, then show them when there needed?

_PJ_(Posted 2004) [#5]
I'm not sure if Blitz3D can use .3ds (can it???)
but for the .b3d...


You need to load these during the main loop? unless you have a staggering number, can't they be loaded in prior to the loop, and then just select those that you need.

Sorry - I'm just not sure what you actually want to do. Can you be a bit more specific and explain what you actually want to achieve. Maybe even post some code?
If you need to use the same mesh many times, CopyEntity or CopyMesh is the best option.

big10p(Posted 2004) [#6]

I'm not sure if Blitz3D can use .3ds (can it???)

If it couldn't, I'd be screwed. ;)

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#7]
"Is there any command for starting the import/load window"

What import/load window? And what's such a hassle about writing the filenames of the files you're loading? As mentioned above, please be more specific about what you are trying to do.

Malice, loading files from within the main game loop is a standard task for most games (indeed, most software in general.) As with any other task you only want to do once, as opposed to over and over every frame, create a variable to keep track of that task. In your loop check that variable. If the variable is in one state (eg. True) skip that section of code. If the variable is false (or 0 or whatever) execute your loading function, within which files are loaded and the variable is set to true.

CodeD(Posted 2004) [#8]
Uh...Blitz3D supports .bsp, .3ds, .x, .b3d, and .md2 up front, no hassle. There is even a simple library you can download to support .md3's
Maybe you should read more over the docs, help and whatnot.
Make sure you've downloaded the help/docs pack.

cermit(Posted 2004) [#9]
For example if you want to load a 3D model
into Wings 3D you click File->Load then a
new window appears wich lets you search
your harddrive for 3D files. That import/load
window i mean.

Yes i could load all the files from the beginning
but that takes more video memory compared to load them
when they are needed.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#10]
This for an editor or something i assume?

With regards to the directory structure view, you need to build that your self, but blitz does have commands that easily allow you to do this :)

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#11]
Oh, what you want is a GUI system. This is not built into Blitz3D, but many GUI libraries are available. I use BBGui for my level editors, although I don't know where that is available from now. The Toolbox lists a few.

cermit(Posted 2004) [#12]
Okey thanks :) i'll try to find a GUI library that
suits my program. If i dont find it i'll try write
my own.

cermit(Posted 2004) [#13]
Jippi! i made this "C: Explorer thing" that i will use for importing stuff in my program. It works pretty good i think :)

; Title

AppTitle "Cermit Explorer"

Const screen_x = 640, screen_y = 480, bit = 16, mode = 2

; Graphics

Graphics screen_x, screen_y, bit, mode

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

; Import Type

Type import

Field import_nr, import_name$

End Type

; Globals

Global current_dir$ = "C:\";Games\";CurrentDir$

Global first_s = 3 ; First Slash In Current_Dir$ String
Global lasta_s = 3 ; Last Slash In Current_Dir$ String
Global list_y = 0 ; List Top In Current_Dir$
Global list_select = 5 ; Selected File In Current_Dir$
Global list_nr = 0 ; Number Of Files In Current_Dir$

Gosub get_file ; Read Current Dir

; The Code Is Obvious If You Understand What The Variables Are For :)

; Main Program

While KeyHit(1) = False

; Move List

If KeyHit(200) Then

list_select = list_select - 1

list_y = list_select - 5

If list_select < 0 Then list_select = 0

If list_y > list_nr - 10 Then list_y = list_nr - 10

If list_y < 0 Then list_y = 0


If KeyHit(208) Then

list_select = list_select + 1

list_y = list_select - 5

If list_select > list_nr - 1 Then list_select = list_nr - 1

If list_y > list_nr - 10 Then list_y = list_nr - 10

If list_y < 0 Then list_y = 0


; Sub Dir

If KeyHit(28) Then

For i.import = Each import

If i\import_nr = list_select Then

; If Dir

If FileType(current_dir$ + i\import_name$) = 2 Then

current_dir$ = current_dir$ + i\import_name$ + "\"

Gosub get_file

list_select = 2
list_y = 0



; If File

If FileType(current_dir$ + i\import_name$) = 1 Then

ExecFile(current_dir$ + i\import_name$)






; Above Dir

If KeyHit(14) Then

list_select = 2
list_y = 0

For x = 1 To Len(current_dir$)

If Mid$( current_dir$, x, 1 ) = "\" Then first_s = lasta_s : lasta_s = x


current_dir$ = Left$( current_dir$, first_s )

Gosub get_file


; Clear Screen


; Draw Import

For i.import = Each import

For y = 0 To 9

If i\import_nr => y + list_y And i\import_nr <= list_y + 9

If list_select = i\import_nr Then

Color 255, 0, 0

Rect (screen_x / 2) - ((Len( i\import_name) / 2 * 10)), 16 + (i\import_nr - list_y) * 12, Len( i\import_name$ ) * 10, 12, 1


Color 0, 255, 0

Text screen_x / 2, 16 + (i\import_nr - list_y) * 12, i\import_name$, 1




; Current Dir

Text screen_x / 2, screen_y / 2, current_dir$, 1

; Flip


; Program End



; Get Import List


For i.import = Each import : Delete i : Next

dir = ReadDir( current_dir$ )

list_nr = 0


file$ = NextFile$( dir )

If Len(file$) >  0 Then

i.import = New import
i\import_nr = list_nr
i\import_name$ = file$

list_nr = list_nr + 1

Goto read_again



Maybe not the best but it works :)

Press Enter To Open a Folder or File
Press Backspace To 'Go Back'
Scroll List By Pressing Up or Down Cursor