2d stuff

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/2d stuff

David819(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi i am making a 2d thing and i'm trying to get it so when i click on one image another will apear till i click on it again or if i click off it but i dont know how plese help me.
please reply soon

rdodson41(Posted 2004) [#2]
First of all, please write with good grammer so that people can understand you.

Check out the documentation, and look at things like RectsOverlap() or ImagesOverlap(). These are probably the commands you will need.

David819(Posted 2004) [#3]
i use those commands, what i have got is basically when i click a image another one appears but if i let go of the mouse button it goes, and if i use the mousehit command it still dont work i need it so that the image stay displayed on screen till i click it again or click off of it.

Craig Watson(Posted 2004) [#4]
It sounds like you are just doing DrawImage when the mouse button is down.

What you need to do is set a variable to hold the state of the mousebutton. If that's set, draw the image.

When you click the button you can check the status of that variable, if it's set, or unset, change it to the opposite.

If that's not it, you'll need to post some source code.

Agamer(Posted 2004) [#5]
Goober @ Yeh if you don't whatch your grammer you'll turn intp me

(tu) sinu(Posted 2004) [#6]
@Rich05 , may not be language may not be his first, english, and his english gram'mar maybe poor :)

David819(Posted 2004) [#7]
Ok here is my source code:

Graphics 1024,740,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

pointer=LoadImage("Mouse pointer.bmp")

While Not KeyHit(1)

Color 0,0,0
DrawImage button,0,711

If ImagesOverlap (pointer,MouseX(),MouseY(),button,0,711) And MouseDown(1) Then
DrawImage popup,0,417

DrawImage pointer,MouseX(),MouseY()


I'm just not sure how to get it to stay down like doing a state sort of thing, please help. also sorry if my english seems bad i'm 14 and i aint that good at english, lol.

semar(Posted 2004) [#8]
1) put the Flip command just after the latest Drawimage, and before the Wend statement

2) choose a standard screen resolution. More, if you want that your game ran on other pcs, choose a smaller resolution:
Graphics 640,480,0,1 ;(2 for windowed)
Graphics 800,600,0,1 ;(2 for windowed)

should be fine.

3) I would change the If statement, checking first the mousedown(), because it happens less frequently, so it would make the process slight faster:
If Mousedown(1) then
   If ImagesOverlap (pointer,MouseX(),MouseY(),button,0,711) then

4) do not use fixed numbers to indicate where to display your image. If you write in your code 100 times:
drawimage popup,700,14
and then you want to change the coordinates, you have to edit it 100 times. Instead, declare two variables like, for example, buttonx and buttony, and use them when you draw the image on the screen:
drawimage button,buttonx,buttony

About the status thingy. Basically, you may do in this way:

if the left button mouse has been pressed then
if it has been pressed on an image then
change status to the image flag

And, in the main loop:

if the image status is 1 then display it

The image status does not exist really, but you can create a flag (or use a type structure, but perhaps right now is too complicated if you are a beginner).

So, for example:
my_img = LoadImage("popup.png")
my_img_status = 0
my_imgx = 100
my_imgy = 100
if mousehit(1) then ;left mouse click ?
flushmouse() ;reset mouse
if imagesoverlap(mouse_img,mousex(),mousey(),button,buttonx,buttony) then
my_img_status = 1 - my_img_status ;this will toggle between 0 and 1

if my_img_status = 1 then
drawimage my_img,my_imgx,my_imgy


In the example above, the image my_img will be displayed when you left click on it, and will disappear if you left click again on it.

Hope this has sense for you,

David819(Posted 2004) [#9]
it's not working i got it so it stays up but i cant get it to go away again here is my updated code:

Graphics 1024,740,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()


pointer=LoadImage("Mouse pointer.bmp")

While Not KeyHit(1)

Color 0,0,0
DrawImage button,0,711

If MouseHit(1) Then
If ImagesOverlap (pointer,MouseX(),MouseY(),button,0,711)

If popupstat=1 Then
DrawImage popup,0,417

If popupstat=1 Then
If MouseHit(1) Then
If ImagesOverlap (pointer,MouseX(),MouseY(),button,0,711)=0 Then

DrawImage pointer,MouseX(),MouseY()


what is wrong with it now.

Ross C(Posted 2004) [#10]
Well, as far as i know, if you check for a mouse hit(), any further references to mousehit() will return false.

if mousehit(1) then ;left mouse click ?
flushmouse() ;reset mouse
if imagesoverlap(mouse_img,mousex(),mousey(),button,buttonx,buttony) then
my_img_status = 1 - my_img_status ;this will toggle between 0 and 1

You should have kept the code the same as semar done it. It will work that way :)

David819(Posted 2004) [#11]
can you please give a working example for me please cause bits of coding dont really help me much cause i get all comfused in all kinda ways, please please pelase working code please please please

David819(Posted 2004) [#12]
please help me i need your knowledge.

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#13]
how hard is that?

[CODE]Graphics 1024,768,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

button = LoadImage("Button.bmp")
buttonx = 0
buttony = 711
my_img = LoadImage("popup.png")
my_img_status = 0
my_imgx = 100
my_imgy = 100
pointer = LoadImage("Mouse pointer.bmp")

While Not KeyHit(1)
mx = mousex()
my = mousey()

DrawImage button, buttonx, buttony

if mousehit(1) then ;left mouse click ?
flushmouse() ;reset mouse
if imagesoverlap(pointer,mx,my,button,buttonx,buttony) then
my_img_status = 1 - my_img_status ;this will toggle between 0 and 1

if my_img_status = 1 then
drawimage my_img,my_imgx,my_imgy

DrawImage pointer, mx, my


David819(Posted 2004) [#14]
Thanks for the help, sorry about that just that when i comes to putting pieces of code together i'm not use but programing from scratch i'm quite good at. thanks again.

BobR(Posted 2004) [#15]
One thing everyone's been missing is that there is nothing in the sample code to blank out the picture when STATUS=0, which is Goober's problem currently.

He needs something like:

if my_img_status = 0 then
drawimage blankimage,my_imgx,my_imgy

just before the drawimage pointer statement at the end.

That should give him what he wants- toggling the image on and off.

Goober: put the handle of your original image in the above IF statement in place of the "blankimage" handle so it will draw the original image back when you click the mouse the second time over the picture (when STATUS=0).

Clyde(Posted 2004) [#16]
Hows it looking Goober?