Meshes are not drawn correctly (invisible walls)

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Meshes are not drawn correctly (invisible walls)

DerRichie1984(Posted 2016) [#1]
Hey out there,
I have a little problem importing meshes to Blitz 3D.
I have a simple mesh created and textured in blender and exported it as *.x-file. Its just a ground plane and a wall beside. In blender everything looks alright, but if I let this mesh draw by B3D, it looks kind of weird. It seems like the top faces of the mesh have been deleted or were not shown.

Can somebody help me out?

the code looks like:

Graphics3D 1920,1200,32,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Level laden, drehen, skalieren und positionieren
PositionEntity bunker,0,0,0
TurnEntity bunker,70,0,0
ScaleEntity bunker,30,30,30
EntityAlpha bunker,1

;Kamera erstellen, positionieren und auf die Insel zeigen lassen
CameraClsColor camera,50,50,50
PositionEntity camera,0,55,0
PointEntity camera,bunker
RotateEntity camera,70,0,0

; ----- Hauptschleife
While Not KeyHit(1)

; Steuerung
If KeyDown(17) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1 ; W gedrückt = vorwärts
If KeyDown(30) Then TurnEntity camera,0,2,0 ; A gedrückt = links drehen
If KeyDown(31) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 ; S gedrückt = rückwärts
If KeyDown(32) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-2,0 ; D gedrückt = rechts drehen
If KeyDown(16) Then MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0 ; Q gedrückt = Strafe links
If KeyDown(18) Then MoveEntity camera,1,0,0 ; E gedrückt = Strafe rechts
If KeyDown(201) Then TranslateEntity camera,0,1,0 ; PGUP = hoch
If KeyDown(209) Then TranslateEntity camera,0,-1,0 ; PGDWN = runter



RustyKristi(Posted 2016) [#2]
Hey DerRichie1984, it would also help if you can upload the x file that you are having problems with.

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#3]
@DerRichie1984>>Here is a code to check if your mesh/entity is the same in your modeling tool than in Blitz3d :
It works well here, let me know if you find an error or have a problem with it.

DerRichie1984(Posted 2016) [#4]
Problem solved, thank you all
EntityFX bunker,16
Backface culling was not turned off *shame on me*