Complete collision, but how to 'walk'?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Complete collision, but how to 'walk'?

Obliteration(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hello, sorry for bothering you about the collision, I finally got it working.

Now I need to make the camera (player) have gravity effect, walking movement...
I've tried but seem no result... A little help?

There the whole code:

Graphics3D 1600,900
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

AppTitle "Trail - "

type_scene = 1
type_camera = 2
type_plant = 3

camera = CreateCamera()
CameraClsColor camera,0,0,55
PositionEntity camera,0,2.0,-7.0 
CameraFogRange camera,1,30
EntityType camera,type_camera
EntityRadius camera,2,1.25 

light = CreateLight()

scene = LoadMesh("Mesh/4th.b3d")
EntityType scene,type_scene
EntityRadius scene,1

plant = LoadMesh("Mesh/Plant01a.3ds")
ScaleMesh plant,0.04,0.04,0.04
PositionEntity plant,-5,0,2
EntityType plant,type_plant
EntityRadius plant,3

CCTV = LoadMesh("Mesh/cam01.3ds")
ScaleMesh CCTV,0.04,0.04,0.04
PositionEntity CCTV,-12,3.4,-23
RotateMesh CCTV,-10,-210,0

While Not KeyDown(1)

Collisions type_camera,type_scene,2,2
Collisions type_camera,type_splant,3,3

;if [condition] then [do something]
If KeyDown(30) Then MoveEntity camera,-0.025,0,0 ;right
If KeyDown(32) Then MoveEntity camera,0.025,0,0 ;left
If KeyDown(17) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1 ;forward
If KeyDown(31) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-0.07 ;backward
If KeyDown(57) Then TranslateEntity camera,0,0.1,0 ;up
If KeyDown(42) Then TranslateEntity camera,0,-0.1,0 ;down

mxs# = mxs# + MouseXSpeed()
mys# = mys# + MouseYSpeed()

If mxs# > 360 Then mxs# = 0
If mxs# < 0 Then mxs = 360

If mys# > 80 Then mys# = -80
If mys# < -80 Then mys = 80

RotateEntity camera,mys#,-mxs,0
MoveMouse 800,450

If MouseDown(3) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1 

If KeyDown(15)  




Thank you for your time reading this.