first try at creating avatar

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/first try at creating avatar

bluatigro(Posted 2014) [#1]
i m trying to create a simple avatar
the blitz3d comands do not work as expected
Include ""

Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity camera,0,0,-200

RotateEntity light,90,0,0

;body pivots
body = CreatePivot( 0 )
setbox( 0,0,0 , 20,30,10 )
lijf = createbox()
EntityParent lijf , body

sholder_l = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity sholder_l , 30,30,0
setbox( 0,-10,0 , 5,10,5 )
arm = createbox()
EntityParent arm , sholder_l

elbow_l = CreatePivot( sholder_l )
PositionEntity elbow_l , 0,-20,0
uarm = createbox()
EntityParent uarm , elbow_l

wrist_l = CreatePivot( elbow_l )
PositionEntity wrist_l , 0,0,-20
setbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
hand = createbox()
EntityParent hand , wrist_l

neck = CreatePivot( body )
bekken_l = CreatePivot( body )
knee_l = CreatePivot( bekken_l )
enkle_l = CreatePivot( knee_l )

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

  TurnEntity body , 0 , 1 , 0

  RotateEntity sholder_l , 30 , 0 , 0



Wend :
Type tbox
  Field mx#
  Field my#
  Field mz#
  Field dx#
  Field dy#
  Field dz#
End Type

Global box.tbox = New tbox

Function setbox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  box\mx = mx
  box\my = my
  box\mz = mz
  box\dx = dx
  box\dy = dy
  box\dz = dz
End Function

Function CreateBox()
  mesh = CreateCube()
  PositionEntity mesh , box\mx , box\my , box\mz
  ScaleEntity mesh , box\dx , box\dy , box\dz
  Return mesh
End Function

RemiD(Posted 2014) [#2]
All the functions that you have used work properly so it is your code which has errors.

Try to use scalemesh(), positionmesh(), rotatemesh(), when building your meshes, because if you use scaleentity(), the childs (pivot or mesh) can be affected by the scale of the parent.

bluatigro(Posted 2014) [#3]
i solved the error :
- i switched positionmesh and scalemesh in createbox()

update :
- try at a torus

new error :
- j is not a function [ in createtorus ]
- [ look at REMed code ]

question :
- how do i create a avatar-function out of this
- so i can create more avatars

main :
Include ""

Graphics3D 640,480,16,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity camera,0,0,-200

RotateEntity light,90,0,0

;body pivots + parts
body = CreatePivot( 0 )
lijf = createbox( 0,0,0 , 20,30,5 )
EntityParent lijf , body

sholder_l = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity sholder_l , 30,30,0
arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent arm , sholder_l , False

elbow_l = CreatePivot( sholder_l )
PositionEntity elbow_l , 0,-30,0
uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent uarm , elbow_l , False

wrist_l = CreatePivot( elbow_l )
PositionEntity wrist_l , 0,-30,0
hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
EntityParent hand , wrist_l , False

sholder_r = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity sholder_r , -30,30,0
arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent arm , sholder_r , False

elbow_r = CreatePivot( sholder_r )
PositionEntity elbow_r , 0,-30,0
uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent uarm , elbow_r , False

wrist_r = CreatePivot( elbow_r )
PositionEntity wrist_r , 0,-30,0
hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
EntityParent hand , wrist_r , False

neck = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity neck , 0,50,0
;setbox( 0,0,0 , 10,10,10 )
;head = createtorus()
head = createbox( 0,0,0 , 10,10,10 )
EntityParent head , neck , False

bekken_l = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity bekken_l , 15,-30,0
leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent leg , bekken_l , False

knee_l = CreatePivot( bekken_l )
PositionEntity knee_l , 0,-30,0
uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent uleg , knee_l , False

enkle_l = CreatePivot( knee_l )
PositionEntity enkle_l , 0,-30,0
foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
EntityParent foot , enkle_l , False

bekken_r = CreatePivot( body )
PositionEntity bekken_r, -15,-30,0
leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent leg , bekken_r, False

knee_r= CreatePivot( bekken_r)
PositionEntity knee_r , 0,-30,0
uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
EntityParent uleg , knee_r, False

enkle_r = CreatePivot( knee_r)
PositionEntity enkle_r, 0,-30,0
foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
EntityParent foot , enkle_r, False

angle = 0

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

  TurnEntity body , 0 , 1 , 0

  RotateEntity sholder_l , pend( angle , 30 ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity elbow_l , 30 , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity bekken_l , pend( angle + 180 , 30 ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity knee_l , pend( angle + 90 , 30 ) - 30 , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity sholder_r , pend( angle + 180 , 30 ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity elbow_r , 30 , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity bekken_r , pend( angle , 30 ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity knee_r , pend( angle - 90 , 30 ) - 30 , 0 , 0
  angle = angle + 5



Wend :
Type tbox
  Field mx#
  Field my#
  Field mz#
  Field dx#
  Field dy#
  Field dz#
End Type

Global box.tbox = New tbox

Function setbox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  box\mx = mx
  box\my = my
  box\mz = mz
  box\dx = dx
  box\dy = dy
  box\dz = dz
End Function

Function CreateBox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  mesh = CreateCube()
  ScaleMesh mesh , dx , dy , dz
  PositionMesh mesh , mx , my , mz
  Return mesh
End Function

Function createtorus()
  mesh = CreateMesh()
  surface = CreateSurface( mesh )
  mx = box\mx
  my = box\my
  mz = box\mz
  dx = box\dx
  dy = box\dy
  dz = box\dz
;  For i = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
;    i2 = i + 360 / 12
;    For j = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
;      j2 = j + 360 / 12
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      v0 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j2 )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j2 )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      v1 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j2 )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j2 )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      v2 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      v3 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      AddTriangle( suface , v0 , v1 , v2 )
;      AddTriangle( suface , v0 , v2 , v3 )
;    Next j
;  Next i
  Return mesh
End Function

Function pend#( fase# , amp# )
  Return Sin( fase ) * amp
End Function

Bobysait(Posted 2014) [#4]
you've got some errors in the syntax
"next" is the end of the "For/Next" statement. You can't iterate the variable after
take care of your variable names : Surface is mispelled on the Addtriangle (suface)

And I don't know how you intend to get a torus with this, but anyway, here is a valid function.

by the way : nice job on the procedural animation :)

bluatigro(Posted 2014) [#5]
update :
- avatar function
[ now i can create lots of avatars ]
- animation function

main :
Include ""

Graphics3D 640,480,16,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity camera,0,0,-200

RotateEntity light,90,0,0

human1.human = New human
createhuman( human1 )
PositionEntity human1\body , -50,0,0
human2.human = New human
createhuman( human2 )
PositionEntity human2\body , 50,0,0

angle = 0

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

  TurnEntity human1\body , 0 , 1 , 0

  human_walk( human1 , angle * 4 , 30 )
  human_walk( human2 , angle * 5 , 30 )

  angle = ( angle + 1 ) Mod 360



Type tbox
  Field mx#
  Field my#
  Field mz#
  Field dx#
  Field dy#
  Field dz#
End Type

Global box.tbox = New tbox

Function setbox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  box\mx = mx
  box\my = my
  box\mz = mz
  box\dx = dx
  box\dy = dy
  box\dz = dz
End Function

Function CreateBox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  mesh = CreateCube()
  ScaleMesh mesh , dx , dy , dz
  PositionMesh mesh , mx , my , mz
  Return mesh
End Function

Function createtorus()
  local mesh = CreateMesh()
  local surface = CreateSurface( mesh )
  local mx# = box\mx
  local my# = box\my
  local mz# = box\mz
  local dx# = box\dx
  local dy# = box\dy
  local dz# = box\dz
;  For i = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
;    local i2 = i + 360 / 12
;    For j = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
;      local j2 = j + 360 / 12
;      local x# = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j )
;      local y# = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j )
;      local z# = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      local v0 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j2 )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j2 )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      local v1 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j2 )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j2 )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      local v2 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j )
;      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j )
;      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
;      local v3 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
;      AddTriangle( surface , v0 , v1 , v2 )
;      AddTriangle( surface , v0 , v2 , v3 )
;    Next ; j
;  Next ; i
  Return mesh
End Function

Function pend#( fase# , amp# )
  Return Sin( fase ) * amp
End Function

Type human
  Field body
  Field sholder_l , sholder_r
  Field elbow_l , elbow_r
  Field wrist_l , wrist_r
  Field neck
  Field bekken_l , bekken_r
  Field knee_l , knee_r
  Field enkle_l , enkle_r
End Type

Function createhuman( h.human )

  h\body = CreatePivot( 0 )
  lijf = createbox( 0,0,0 , 20,30,5 )
  EntityParent lijf , h\body

  h\sholder_l = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\sholder_l , 30,30,0
  arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent arm , h\sholder_l , False

  h\elbow_l = CreatePivot( h\sholder_l )
  PositionEntity h\elbow_l , 0,-30,0
  uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uarm , h\elbow_l , False

  h\wrist_l = CreatePivot( h\elbow_l )
  PositionEntity h\wrist_l , 0,-30,0
  hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
  EntityParent hand , h\wrist_l , False

  h\sholder_r = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\sholder_r , -30,30,0
  arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent arm , h\sholder_r , False

  h\elbow_r = CreatePivot( h\sholder_r )
  PositionEntity h\elbow_r , 0,-30,0
  uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uarm , h\elbow_r , False

  h\wrist_r = CreatePivot( h\elbow_r )
  PositionEntity h\wrist_r , 0,-30,0
  hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
  EntityParent hand , h\wrist_r , False

  h\neck = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\neck , 0,50,0
  ;setbox( 0,0,0 , 10,10,10 )
  ;head = createtorus()
  head = createbox( 0,0,0 , 10,10,10 )
  EntityParent head , h\neck , False

  h\bekken_l = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\bekken_l , 15,-30,0
  leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent leg , h\bekken_l , False

  h\knee_l = CreatePivot( h\bekken_l )
  PositionEntity h\knee_l , 0,-30,0
  uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uleg , h\knee_l , False

  h\enkle_l = CreatePivot( h\knee_l )
  PositionEntity h\enkle_l , 0,-30,0
  foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
  EntityParent foot , h\enkle_l , False

  h\bekken_r = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\bekken_r, -15,-30,0
  leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent leg , h\bekken_r, False

  h\knee_r= CreatePivot( h\bekken_r)
  PositionEntity h\knee_r , 0,-30,0
  uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uleg , h\knee_r, False

  h\enkle_r = CreatePivot( h\knee_r)
  PositionEntity h\enkle_r, 0,-30,0
  foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
  EntityParent foot , h\enkle_r, False

End Function

Function human_walk( h.human , angle# , a# )

  RotateEntity h\sholder_l , pend( angle , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\elbow_l , a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\bekken_l , pend( angle + 180 , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\knee_l , pend( angle + 90 , a ) - a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\sholder_r , pend( angle + 180 , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\elbow_r , a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\bekken_r , pend( angle , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\knee_r , pend( angle - 90 , a ) - a , 0 , 0

End Function

bluatigro(Posted 2014) [#6]
update :
- now whit torus function

error :
- where are my normals ?

main :
Include ""

Graphics3D 640,480,16,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity camera,0,0,-200

RotateEntity light,90,0,0

human1.human = New human
createhuman( human1 )
PositionEntity human1\body , -70,0,0
human2.human = New human
createhuman( human2 )
PositionEntity human2\body , 70,0,0

setbox( 0,0,0 , 15,5,5 )
torus = createtorus()

angle = 0

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

  TurnEntity human1\body , 0 , 1 , 0

  human_walk( human1 , angle * 4 , 30 )
  human_walk( human2 , angle * 5 , 30 )

  angle = ( angle + 1 ) Mod 360

  TurnEntity torus , 1 , 0 , 0



Wend :
Type tbox
  Field mx#
  Field my#
  Field mz#
  Field dx#
  Field dy#
  Field dz#
End Type

Global box.tbox = New tbox

Function setbox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  box\mx = mx
  box\my = my
  box\mz = mz
  box\dx = dx
  box\dy = dy
  box\dz = dz
End Function

Function CreateBox( mx# , my# , mz# , dx# , dy# , dz# )
  mesh = CreateCube()
  ScaleMesh mesh , dx , dy , dz
  PositionMesh mesh , mx , my , mz
  Return mesh
End Function

Function createtorus()
  Local mesh = CreateMesh()
  local surface = CreateSurface( mesh )
  local mx# = box\mx
  local my# = box\my
  local mz# = box\mz
  local dx# = box\dx
  local dy# = box\dy
  local dz# = box\dz
  For i = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
    Local i2 = i + 360 / 12
    For j = -180 To 180 Step 360 / 12
      Local j2 = j + 360 / 12
      Local x# = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j )
      Local y# = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j )
      Local z# = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
      Local v0 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Cos( j2 )
      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i ) ) * Sin( j2 )
      z = mz + Sin( i ) * dz
      Local v1 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j2 )
      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j2 )
      z = mz + Sin( i2 ) * dz
      Local v2 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
      x = mx + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Cos( j )
      y = my + ( dx + dy * Cos( i2 ) ) * Sin( j )
      z = mz + Sin( i2 ) * dz
      Local v3 = AddVertex( surface , x , y , z )
      AddTriangle( surface , v0 , v1 , v2 )
      AddTriangle( surface , v0 , v2 , v3 )
    Next ; j
  Next ; i
  Return mesh
End Function

Function pend#( fase# , amp# )
  Return Sin( fase ) * amp
End Function

Type human
  Field body
  Field sholder_l , sholder_r
  Field elbow_l , elbow_r
  Field wrist_l , wrist_r
  Field neck
  Field bekken_l , bekken_r
  Field knee_l , knee_r
  Field enkle_l , enkle_r
End Type

Function createhuman( h.human )

  h\body = CreatePivot( 0 )
  lijf = createbox( 0,0,0 , 20,30,5 )
  EntityParent lijf , h\body

  h\sholder_l = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\sholder_l , 30,30,0
  arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent arm , h\sholder_l , False

  h\elbow_l = CreatePivot( h\sholder_l )
  PositionEntity h\elbow_l , 0,-30,0
  uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uarm , h\elbow_l , False

  h\wrist_l = CreatePivot( h\elbow_l )
  PositionEntity h\wrist_l , 0,-30,0
  hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
  EntityParent hand , h\wrist_l , False

  h\sholder_r = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\sholder_r , -30,30,0
  arm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent arm , h\sholder_r , False

  h\elbow_r = CreatePivot( h\sholder_r )
  PositionEntity h\elbow_r , 0,-30,0
  uarm = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uarm , h\elbow_r , False

  h\wrist_r = CreatePivot( h\elbow_r )
  PositionEntity h\wrist_r , 0,-30,0
  hand = createbox( 0,-7,0 , 3,7,7 )
  EntityParent hand , h\wrist_r , False

  h\neck = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\neck , 0,50,0
  ;setbox( 0,0,0 , 10,5,5 )
  ;head = createtorus()
  head = createbox( 0,0,0 , 10,10,10 )
  EntityParent head , h\neck , False

  h\bekken_l = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\bekken_l , 15,-30,0
  leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent leg , h\bekken_l , False

  h\knee_l = CreatePivot( h\bekken_l )
  PositionEntity h\knee_l , 0,-30,0
  uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uleg , h\knee_l , False

  h\enkle_l = CreatePivot( h\knee_l )
  PositionEntity h\enkle_l , 0,-30,0
  foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
  EntityParent foot , h\enkle_l , False

  h\bekken_r = CreatePivot( h\body )
  PositionEntity h\bekken_r, -15,-30,0
  leg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent leg , h\bekken_r, False

  h\knee_r= CreatePivot( h\bekken_r)
  PositionEntity h\knee_r , 0,-30,0
  uleg = createbox( 0,-15,0 , 5,10,5 )
  EntityParent uleg , h\knee_r, False

  h\enkle_r = CreatePivot( h\knee_r)
  PositionEntity h\enkle_r, 0,-30,0
  foot = createbox( 0,-5,-7  , 5,5,10 )
  EntityParent foot , h\enkle_r, False

End Function

Function human_walk( h.human , angle# , a# )

  RotateEntity h\sholder_l , pend( angle , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\elbow_l , a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\bekken_l , pend( angle + 180 , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\knee_l , pend( angle + 90 , a ) - a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\sholder_r , pend( angle + 180 , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\elbow_r , a , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\bekken_r , pend( angle , a ) , 0 , 0
  RotateEntity h\knee_r , pend( angle - 90 , a ) - a , 0 , 0

End Function

Kryzon(Posted 2014) [#7]
You can use the [ codebox ] [ /codebox ] tags to create a scrollable text area that displays your code.
This way it's easier to follow the thread.

RemiD(Posted 2014) [#8]
There is another way to create rigged, skinned (only with a 100% influence of a joint over a mesh), animated, characters in code :
First step : create a skeleton with joints (pivots)
->There must be one root joint which will be parent of all others joints
->Each other joint must be a child of the root joint or of another joint
->each body part (mesh) will be child of the root joint or of another joint
->The root joint will then be used to turn/move the entity in the world and all others child joints and child meshes will turn/move with it.

Second step : create the different body parts (meshes) and set each body part as a child of a joint

Third step : create an animation :
->each animation is composed of several animation frames (poses)
->to prepare an animation frame, you can use rotateentity/positionentity to rotate/position each joint as you want
->to save the animation frame you can use SetAnimKey(RootJoint,FrameId)
->when you have finished to create all animation frames, you can use AddAnimSeq(RootJoint,FramesCount)

Fourth Step : extract an animation
->you can use AnimationX = extractanimseq(RootJoint,StartFrameId,EndFrameId)

Fifth step : play/stop the animation
->you can use Animate(RootJoint,Mode%,Speed#,AnimationX)

Then you can also use CharacterCopy = copyentity(RooJoint) to create many others characters.

I have an old example somewhere on a dvd-r i will try to find it.

Bobysait(Posted 2014) [#9]
Use UpdateNormals (torus), it will calculate them for you.
Else, manually use VertexNormal(surface, vertexIndex, nx,ny,nz) for each vertices to set the normals.

RemiD(Posted 2014) [#10]
Example of what i meant :