bbModifyTerrain 0,0 modifies 4 vertices!

Archives Forums/Blitz3D SDK Programming/bbModifyTerrain 0,0 modifies 4 vertices!

Mahan(Posted 2008) [#1]
EDIT: Just read about this wrap-around "feature" in the Blitz3D Bug reports forum. Well ... kinda answered my question myself :)

A programming question about terrains:

I Create a simple terrain:
ter1 := bbCreateTerrain(64);

And then in the renderloop i make an option to modify the vertice @ x=0, z=0 to height 0.5:
    if buKeyDown(KEY_L) then
      bbModifyTerrain(ter1, 0, 0, 0.5, BBFALSE); 

This modifies all corners of the terrain to 0.5 height!

Also note that then i try to modify one of the other vertices that where (imho wrongly) modified by this, nothing happens:
    if buKeyDown(KEY_P) then
      bbModifyTerrain(ter1, 0, 63, 0, BBFALSE);  

Is this intended? I read all i could find in the docs about terrain and could not find 1 mention of this behaviour. Surely if this was correct behaviour the documentation would mention that it's impossible to modify two of the terrains edges?

(or I just fail to understand how this is supposed to work)