Archives Forums/Blitz3D SDK Programming/MAXGUI and BLITZ3DSDK

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#1]
How can I use MaxGui and Blitz3D SDK?
How can I code for example a gadget in order to display the Blitz3D output.
A sample piece of code will be useful.

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#2]
The bbSetBlitz3DEventCallback example in the documentation just not work. I get a Compile Error: "Unable to convert from Int(Int,Int,Int,Int) to Int

Edit: from the BlitzMax compiler

Avon(Posted 2007) [#3]
Check out the "panel3d" example, in "Blitz3DSDK_V100/BlitzMax/blitz3d.mod/blitz3dsdk.mod/doc/samples/axe/panel3d"

From the top of the source:

' panel3d.bmx

' demonstrates running a Blitz3D runtime inside a MaxGUI application

Import brl.win32maxgui
Import blitz3d.blitz3dsdk

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#4]
Thanks Avon